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1、高中英语必修四期末复习模块基础与提升训练(四)Module 4 Great Scientists模块测试与评价(满分 100分)第一部分语法和词汇知识(每题 1分,共 15分)1. It will make no difference whether our pay will be _ 5% this year.A. risen by B. raised by C. raised to D. risen to2. He slipped and had his leg broken. _, he will have to be away from school for two or three

2、months.A. In any case B. After allC. As a result D. In this way3. His success _ his hard work.A. results in B. results fromC. lies on D. roots in4. Scientists have made a major _ in cancer research.A. break-in B. breakthroughC. breakup D. breakdown5. An expert was _ to give a speech on how to learn

3、English well.A. brought in B. brought on C. brought out D. brought up 6. The old man was taking a walk, _ by his grandson.A. supporting B. supportedC. being supported D. having supported7. What about the price of petrol now? It has been _ 20 percent since the beginning of this year.A. increased to B

4、. risen by C. increased by D. risen to 8. Patience is an important _ of a happy and rewarding life. After all, some things are worth waiting for. A. lesson B. experience C. purpose D. quality9. Mr. Green, who is a member of Labor Party, has _ Mr Brown as President.A. taken place B. taken the place C

5、. in place of D. replaced10. How beautifully she sang! I have never heard _ song.A. the better B. a better C. the best D. a best11. He is known _ his being on time, so we dont know the reason _ his being late this time.A. for; of B. as; for C. for; for D. of; of12. The heros story _ differently in t

6、he newspapers.A. was reported B. was reporting C. reports D. reported13. George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding? No. I _. Did they have a big wedding?A. was not invited B. have not been invited C. hadnt been invited D. didnt invite14. The mayor of Beijing says that all co

7、nstruction work for the Beijing Olympics _ by 2006. (2004北京)A. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed15. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to ear more fruit and vitamins.A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persu

8、ade D. are persuaded 第二部分能力培养(共 50分)第一节完形填空(每空 1分,共 20分)Why dont birds get lost on their long migratory (迁移的) flights? Scientists tried their best to find the 1 to this question for many years. The reasons have been discovered only lately.2 ago experiments showed that birds depend on the sun to guid

9、e them 3 . But what about birds that fly mainly by night? 4 with man-made stars have 5 that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the 6 in their long distance flights.One such 7 , a warbler (鸣禽), had spent its lifetime in a 8 and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet is showed its 9 by bi

10、rth to use the stars for guidance. The birds cage was put under a man-made star-filled sky at migration 10 . The bird tried to fly 11 the same direction as 12 taken by other birds in the building. Any 13 in the position of the make-believe (虚构的) stars 14 a change in the direction of its flight.Scien

11、tists think that warblers, 15 flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But stars are clearly their important 16 of navigation(导航). What do they do when the stars are 17 behind the clouds? Clearly, they find their way by such land 18 as mountains, coastlines and river courses. But when its too 1

12、9 to see these, the warblers circle 201 , unable to find out where they were.1. A. reply B. answer C. discovery D. replies2. A. Not long B. Long C. Centuries D. Years3. A. during the night B. during daylight hoursC. in winter D. in the dark4. A. Examinations B. Labs C. Tests D. In the dark5. A. been

13、 proved B. found C. been found D. proved6. A. stars B. moon C. route D. sun7. A. star B. scientist C. bird D. flight8. A. forest B. cage C. nest D. cave9. A. strength B. ability C. experience D. practice10. A. time B. place C. way D. season11. A. to B. towards C. in D. under12. A. that B. which C. o

14、ne D. it13. A. one B. change C. way D. bird14. A. caused B. gave C. resulted D. meant15. A. for B. when C. after D. they are16. A. ways B. means C. objects D. homes17. A. shown B. covered C. moved D. hidden18. A. areas B. surface C. marks D. signs19. A. far B. high C. dark D. bright20. A. helplessly B. quickly


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