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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。植树节小学英语作文In a forest there are many small animals dont take care of the trees they cut down a tree and not plant trees the trees had been cut out a long time. Animals dont care at all but in winter the chicken and red pandas a lot of animals to cut down a tre

2、e for warmth but they dont look around see a tree. Chicks theyre worried we how to spend the winter without trees for warmth. Everyone was worried so you go looking for forest managers - to find a way to the great king the king tiger tiger king the king said “because you dont care for the forest to

3、have todays end so everybody to want to take care of the forest and a variety of trees.” Small animals hear the word of the king tiger the small animals began to plant trees in spring. Just the people also came here to visit the forest.Plant trees people see small animals today is March 12 so each years Arbor Day March 12 people.1


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