我的职业选择 My Choice for Job

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《我的职业选择 My Choice for Job》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《我的职业选择 My Choice for Job(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。我的职业选择 My Choice for JobA recent survey shows that some people prefer the higher-paying job even though it requests a longer hours than those low-paying job, especially among the young. They consider that they should spare no effort to earn money and improve

2、their life standard when they are still young.However, others hold diverse view that they would rather choose lower-paying jobs and earn less money than do longer hours jobs. What they consider is that they should accompany their family and friends as much as possible even though they are busy. More

3、over, they think they need to enjoy their lives while they are making their living, in that life is limited and money is not everything.If I had a chance to choose my job, I would be inclined to choose the latter one. In my opinion, many things are more important than money even though money can sol

4、ve many problems, such as our family, affection and friendship. In addition, we also need to take our personal preference and conditions into consideration when choosing jobs. Only in this way can we real enjoy our jobs.最近一项调查显示,有人喜欢高薪水的工作,即使它工作的时间比那些低收入的工作时间更长,特别是在年轻人之间。他们认为在他们都还年轻的时候应该尽力去赚钱来提高他们的生活水平。然而,其他人则持不同观点,他们宁愿选择低报酬,挣的钱也比长时间工作少的工作。他们认为,即使他们很忙他们应该尽可能的陪自己的家人和朋友。此外,他们认为在他们谋生的同时也应该享受生活,因为生命是有限的,而钱不是万能的。如果我有机会选择我的工作,我会倾向于选择后者。在我看来,尽管钱可以解决很多问题,但是很多东西都比金钱更重要,如我们的家人,感情和友谊。而且,在选择工作的时候我们还需要把我们的个人爱好和情况考虑进去。只有这样我们才能真正享受我们的工作。2



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