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1、名词专项复习名词的数与格,名词:表示人.时间.地点.事物或 e.g .teacher . desk .Japanese .physics etc. 专有名词(表示人、地方、事物、机构、组织等专有名 称的名词) e.g. Lucy. the Great Wall. Chinese etc. 名词可数名词(能够以数计算的表示人或事物 的名词,包括个体词.e.g. pen. table 集体名词e.g. family police class) 不可数名词(不可以数计的事物名词,无 复数,包括物质名词和抽象 名词e.g. rice. water love danger),普通名词,复习一名词的复数形

2、式 一.可数名词的复数形式 (一)规则变化 .大多数名词在词尾加s . e.g. roomrooms studentstudents tree-trees 以s. sh. ch. x结尾的名词加 es e.g. watchwatches busbuses boxboxes classclasses brushbrushes 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词改y为 i 再加 es. e.g. familyfamilies babybabies citycities countrycountries 以f或fe结尾的名词把f . fe 改为v,再加 es, leafleaves shelfshelves

3、knifeknives lifelives half-halves 以字母o结尾的名词大多数加s. e.g. radio radios zoozoos kilokilos pianopianos photophotos video-videos 以字母o结尾加es的有: e.g. tomatotomatoes potatopotatoes hero-heroes,二不规则变化 1改变单数名词中的元音字母.e. g. man-men woman-women foot-feet toothteeth mouse-mice 改变单数名词的词尾.e.g. child-children 单复数同形.e,

4、g. Sheep deer fish(条数) Chinese Japanese 只有复数形式 e.g. trousers glasses clothes scissors 注意:people 作”人.人们”讲时,本身就是一个只具有复数意义的名词,作”民族、种族”讲时有单、复数之分. e.g. two people(两个人) two peoples( 两个民族) family ”家. 家庭”时为单数意义. family-families. 作”家庭成员”时本身是复数 、以man woman开关和结尾的复合名词将man woman变为复数. e.g. Englishman-Englishmen F

5、renchman-Frenchmen man teacher-men teachers woman doctor-women doctors,二、单项选择 -Can I help you, sir? -Yes, Id like five_ and some peas. A. potato B. tomatoes C. meat D. Banana 2、There are three _in my family. A. people B. person C. peoples D. child 3、Most of_ live in _. A. Germans German B. German Ge

6、rman C. Germens Germany D. Germans Germany 4、All his family_ going out for a picnic in spring. A. like B. likes C. will like D. is liking,复习二、不可数名词的数量表达 不可数名词的数量表达方式为: a /an表示数量的名词of nu. 基数词表示数量的名词of nu. e.g. a piece of paper two cups of coffee five bottles of water,单项选择 1、-Would you like_? -Thank y

7、ou, but Im not thirsty any sandwiches B. some bread C. any mooncakes D. some orange 2、Mrs Jenny gave us _on how to learn English well. A. some advices B. many advices C. Some advice D. an advice 3、This morning she had some _ and two _. bread; glasses of milk B. bread; glasses milk C. breads; glass o

8、f milks D. breads; glass of milk,复习三:既可用作可数又可用作不可数的名词 e.g.,复习四:名词所有格 名词中表示所有关系的语法形式叫名词所有格 、表示有生命的名词所有格的构成 .在单数名词的词尾加s e.g. Jacks bag the singers photo B. 以s结尾的 名词,则只需在词尾加 e.g. Teachers Day the twins bedroom C. 表示两者共同所有的人或事物时,只需将并列名词的 后一个名词变所有格,若表示 两者各自所有时,则每个名词后变所有格 e.g. Kate and Marys father is a doctor. Kates and Marys fathers are both doctors.,



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