新视野第三版第三册unit2 Section B

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《新视野第三版第三册unit2 Section B》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新视野第三版第三册unit2 Section B(64页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Section B,3,When courage triumphed over fear,Objectives,Beat your fear,Warming-up,Lead-in,Background information,Video Watching,Back,Nervous,Fearful,Terrified,To be continued,Preparing for flights safely Dress comfortably. Wear long pants, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and sturdy, comfortable, lace-up sho

2、es. Sit in the tail of the aircraft. Its best to get seats as close as possible to an exit, on the aisle, and in the back of the plane.,Bracing for impact Brace yourself against the seat in front of you. Try and remain calm. Put your oxygen mask on before assisting others.,To be continued,2. How to

3、survive an airline crash?,Surviving the Crash Protect yourself from smoke. Listen to the flight attendants post-crash instructions. Ditch your stuff. Get out of the airplane as quickly as possible.,Text study,Text comprehension,Language focus,Critical thinking,When the author says “only now can I sp

4、eak of it without tears filling my eyes at the memory”, his implication is that _. (Para. 1) When did the airplane begin to bump according to the text? (Para. 3) 3. When the pilot soon provided some grave news regarding the flight, the travelers were _. (Para. 7) 4. When hearing the grave news, the

5、woman mentioned in the text was _ . (Para. 8) 5. When hearing the grave news, how did the author respond? (Para.8) 6. The little girl was not panicked because _. (Para.11) 7. The tragedy the travelers feared didnt turn to be their destiny _. (Para.16) 8. What is the purpose of the story? (Para.18),Q

6、uestions previewing,he is calm and quiet now,When the author says “only now can I speak of it without tears filling my eyes at the memory”, his implication is that _. (Para. 1),Shortly after the plane took off.,Tips,原句: Immediately upon take-off, long before we had reached our cruising altitude, it

7、was clear that something was wrong. (Para.3, L9),解释: Just when the plane took off, and long before we could climb very high, there was, obviously, something wrong.,译文: 飞机刚一起飞,远未达到巡航高度时,我们就明 显感到有什么不对劲。,Sentence interpretation,A. still very calm B. angry C. frightened and panicked D. confident,Choose

8、the best answer to the question.,calm and peaceful,The author was initially terrified but later calmed down.,原句: Despite the circumstance, there was no angry emotion or tension, and this calm voice evoked a calm in me that quieted some of my initial fears. It became imperative that I find her. (Para

9、. 8, L35),解释: Although the surroundings were in disorder, there were no angry emotion or stressed feelings in this calm voice, which helped to produce a calm in me. I was not frightened any more.,尽管形势危急,这个平静的声音既没有愤怒之情 也没有紧张,唤醒了我内心的镇静,抚平了我最初的恐惧。,Sentence interpretation,A. she didnt hear the grave new

10、s B. she was blind and deaf C. she was fixed and intent on her mother D. she was too small to know anything,Choose the best answer to the question.,Sentence interpretation,原句: The mothers gaze held the child so fixed and intent that the child seemed untouched by the sounds of grief and fear all arou

11、nd her. (Para. 11, L47),解释: The childs total attention was calmly fixed on her mother, who was paying undivided and calmly fixed attention to her child. This made the child unaffected by the chaos around her and her mother.,译文: 母亲凝视的目光让孩子听得聚精会神,似乎一点 也不为周围人们哀伤和惊恐的声音所动。,不为所动,Sentence interpretation,be

12、cause their landing gear unbelievably held,Sentence interpretation,译文: 我们着地顺利、轻松;我们所恐惧的悲剧并没有成为我们的宿运。,着地顺利、轻松,原句: Our touchdown was smooth and easy; the tragedy we had feared was not our destiny. (Para. 16, L61),解释: The plane landed smoothly and without difficulty. The air crash we had all worried ab

13、out did not become our fate.,Sentence interpretation,To show the greatest courage out of a mothers greater love.,舒服地躺(坐)下,(settle back / burn the mid-night oil),After he burned the mid-night oil yesterday, now he settled back comfortably in his new chair.,settle back,短语逆译,短语应用,昨天晚上熬了一夜,现在他舒服地靠在新椅子上。

14、,意群提示,万一 ;假若,(call for/ in the event of sth.),Dont worry about me too much. I can call for help in the event of an emergency.,in the event of sth.,短语逆译,短语应用,不要太担心我,紧急情况下我可以打电话求助。,意群提示,毫无缘由 / 用处等,(no earthly reason/ powerful wind / spare our home ),There was no earthly reason why the powerful wind, w

15、hich destroyed almost the entire village, spared our home.,no earthly reason / use, etc.,短语逆译,短语应用,天知道为什么这次大风几乎把村里的一切都摧毁了,而唯独我家却得以幸免。,意群提示,少许;微量(细微的) 迹象,(speak about / the tragic events / hint of ),When she spoke about the tragic events, there was more than a hint of sadness in her voice.,hint of,短语

16、逆译,短语应用,她谈起那些悲剧事件的时候,声音中流露出深切的哀伤。,意群提示,逆译练习,It wasnt long before our relaxed attitudes began to evaporate. (Para. 4),句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“用不了多久就会发生某事”。,句型应用,(It wasnt long before/ persuade),It wasnt long before she had persuaded him to go with her to the theater.,典型例句,她没用多久就说服他一起去看电影了。,意群提示,逆译练习,It became imperative that I find her. (Para. 8),句型提炼,应用提示,用于强调某事的必要性和重要性。,句型应用,(Its essential that),Its essential that we put e


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