新概念2 Lesson32课后练习_小测验题

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1、Lesson32 Shopping Made Easyhonest (honesty), especially, detective, shop assistant temptation , article wrap, arrest once, simply1. 同义转换,填空:他曾经是一个学校的校长,但现在已经退休了。He used to be the _ of a school, but now he has _.He was _ the _ of a school, but now he has _.2. Susan在买下一个她自己的店铺以前,曾是另一家店铺的一个店员。(used to

2、be / of ones own)3. 小偷已经被侦探逮捕了。(被动/现在完成时)4. 她假装将几样物品放进包里,但是我知道她并没有。5. 几天前我收到一份用棕色纸包装的礼物。(定语从句/ 被动语态/ in brown paper)6. 我对绘画很感兴趣,尤其是现代画。但有时候,对我来说很难讲出一幅画是什么意思。我觉得它们仅仅就是一些 好看的图案而已(simply ad / it is +a. + for sb to do / 宾语从句.)。短语、句型1. as.as. / not as(so).as.2. on Monday mornings3. than usual / as usual4

3、. it is + a. + for sb. to do sth.5. after a little time / after a little while6. hand . to sb/ hand sb sth7. wrap up sth / wrap sth. up 8. without doing.9. as quickly as possible / as. as sb can10. find out that.1. 尽可能快来吧,电影马上就要开演了。(参考Lesson 19)2. 他一言不发地走出了房间。(without)3. 在他给书付过钱之后,店员就仔细地为他将书包好了。4. 为

4、了能赶上早班车,我比平常更早地起来了。5. 他划地和我一样快。6. 她切开(cut vt.)一块蛋糕并将它递给了我。尽管我在减肥中,但还是没能 抵制(resist vt.)这份诱惑。 (没能做成某事.fail to do;注意conj.)练习题l 单项选择1. This book is the most exciting _ the three. A. inB. of C. atD. for2. _ he lived in America, but now he lives in England. A. Before B. Ago C. Once D. Ever3. Many people f

5、ind it hard to resist (vt. 抵制) the temptation _ the computer games. A. playing B. playC. played D. to play4. We can jump _ on the moon than on the earth. A. more highB. so highC. as highD. much higher5. Computer can make learning _. A. easier and more interestingB. is easier and interesting C. being

6、 easier and interestingD. to be easier and interesting6. Nothing is _ that you make friends with him. A. dangerous than B. the most dangerous as C. more dangerous than D. as more dangerous as7. To my surprise, he walked past me without _. A. to speakB. speakC. spokenD. speaking8. Jane didnt do _ in

7、the exam, but her exam results are _ than last years. A. well; badB. well; betterC. good; badD. well; worse9. As I was setting out that afternoon, there was only _ thing to do. I had to send _ e-mail. A. a; anB. one; anC. the; oneD. a; thel Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words in bracket

8、s. You must use as.as and not so/as.as1. She is intelligent and her sister is intelligent. (She is as.) _.2. My brother studies hard and I study hard, too. (I study .) _.4. That stone head is uglier than this one. (This stone head isnt.) _.5. I speak English more clearly than the porter. (The porter

9、 doesnt .) _.l Complete the dialogue with questions. Situation: You are asking your uncle where he used to live and work when he was younger.You: _Uncle: We used to live in Shanghai.You: _.Uncle: In a big bicycle shop.You: _Uncle: I used to repair bicycle.You: _Uncle: Twelve hours a day!You: _Uncle:

10、 No, I didnt earn very much money, but I saved some. (earn: vt. 挣钱)You: _Uncle: I worked there for seven years and then I bought my own shop.You: _Uncle: At first I worked by myself, but later I employed two people.You: _Uncle: Now I employ twenty!l 用括号中所给形容词的正确形式填空。1. Tom is one of the _ (clever) b

11、oys in our class.2. Who is _ (strong), Li Lei or Wu Tong?3. It was very hot yesterday, but it is even _ (hot) today.4. Jone Smith is the _ (tall) one of the two young men.l Fill in the blanks with a or one.1. He promises that I will have _ better life _ day. (promise vt. 许诺/保证/发誓)2. Only _ cup of co

12、ffee will do. I don t want more.3. I saw _ purse lying on the ground _ day when I was taking a walk.4. We need more than _ piece of paper for the exam because we have got a lot to write.l 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯(每词限用一次)receive, minute, when, helpful, early, if, I, from, waste, three, year, butMichael Leung, a famous TV host (主持人) in Hong Kong, wrote a letter to his son. It is not only to children, but also good for all ages. The following are chosen his letter:1. Life is sho


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