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1、语法突破篇,第二部分,第一讲构词法,Be of great importance:,1,高考英语试卷都是在语篇中对词汇能力进行考查,根据研究,其中85%的词汇是基础词汇,但是很多同学仍不能正确理解文章和运用词汇? 2,语法填空的“词形转换”等题要求考生熟练掌握基本的构词法知识 3,通过构词法,举一反三背诵单词,栏,目,导,航,英语构词法主要有转化法、合成法和派生 (即词根加前缀或后缀构成的新词)种。 一、转化法:一个词从一种词性转化为另一种词性。 You can water the flowers with dirty water. Ship the products to China. Do

2、nt _ me. 别拍(照)我。,camera,转化法:不改变词形,Seats must be booked in advance. They took their seats at the small round table. He seated himself at his desk. =He was s_ at his desk. 4. The hall was so large that it could easily seat 6,000 people for dinner. 5. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated until th

3、e plane has come to a complete stop. 6. -Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me? -No problem.,eated,seated,二、合成法 两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词的构词方法称为合成法。,高速公路,地铁,爆发,日光浴,忽视;俯视,过敏的,杰出的,不礼貌的,片面的,有钢铁般意志的,1.(2016全国1卷阅读A) You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of t

4、he outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important women of the past 100 years? 2.(2016-8-15 中国日报双语新闻)Meet Chen Guanming, a 60-year-old Chinese farmer who pedaled his rickshaw(三轮车) all the way from China to Rio. He calls himself “Olympic madman,” and surely he deserves it :T

5、his is the third Olympic Games hes ridden to.,新加坡亚洲新闻台(Channel NewsAsia)是这么报道的: The 21-year-old swimmer sent shockwaves around the world when he won the 100m butterfly in stunning(惊人的) style last Saturday, leaving event mainstays Michael Phelps, Chad le Clos and Laszlo Cseh in the dust of his new Ol

6、ympic record of 50.39s. 这位21岁的游泳运动员在13日的男子100米蝶泳决赛中取得胜利,以惊人的表现震惊了全世界。他以50秒39的成绩刷新了奥运纪录,让泳坛名将菲尔普斯和勒克洛望尘莫及。,1形容词加ly变为副词的规律,really,carefully,angrily,probably,truly,一般情况加ly,“辅音字母y”结尾的词,将y改为ily,以ble结尾的词,应将ble改为bly,个别单词,去掉e再加y,以ic结尾的词,加ally,副词,副词定义: 类别:地点副词here、时间副词finally、方式副词hard,slowly、程度副词very,fairly,

7、、频率副词frequently,seldom、疑问副词how、连接副词how、关系副词 when 构成:不仅ly结尾的词 位置:very good /good enough,主要修饰动词、形容词、副词或其他结构,,高考热点:形容词/副词的辨析 正确拼写,We are growing _(wonderful/wonderfully )tomatoes at no cost! The teachers here are friendly and _(kind/kindly).They are not only our teachers but also our friends. We used t

8、o see each other _(regular/regularly), but I havent heard from him since last year. On the left-hand side of the class , I could _(容易)see the football field. A young boy fell into the river. _(很幸运), some passers-by saved him in time. All present thought the biscuits were really well.(单句改错),wonderful

9、,kind,regularly,easily,Luckily/Fortunately,2.动词/名词变形容词的常见后缀,central,natural,时髦的,最初的,musical,The correct version of Chinese n_ flag was raised at the medal ceremony for the womens epee team on Thursday. 在当地时间11日举行的女子重剑团体赛颁奖仪式上升起了正确版本的中国国旗。 在当地时间6日进行的女子射击10米气步枪决赛(the womens 10m air rifle final)中,中国选手杜

10、丽、易思玲分获银牌和铜牌。有眼尖的网友(eagle-eyed Internet/web users)发现,在赛后举行的颁奖仪式(medal/awarding ceremony)上,里约奥组委所使用的中国国旗图案有误,四颗小星竟然是平行排列的,而不是环拱指向大星(the four smaller stars all positioned horizontally rather than circling around and pointing to the larger one)。 五星红旗(Five-star Red Flag),事后,中国驻里约总领馆第一时间要求里约奥组委立刻纠正中国国旗上的

11、错误(ask the organizing committee of the Rio Olympics to immediately correct the mistakes on the Chinese national flags)。里约奥组委为错误国旗(incorrect national flags)问题表达了深深的歉意,并表示已联系生产国旗的厂商(contact the manufacturer who produces the flags),令其赶制正确的国旗(correct flags)。据悉,负责制作本次颁奖国旗的是来自巴西圣保罗州(San Paulo)的第三方公司(a thi

12、rd-party company)(非中国公司),经过30个小时加班加点(put in extra hours),该厂商将原本需要四五个工作日(working days)才能完成的任务提前完成,并火速运抵里约。,中医 _ Chinese Medicine, TCM,中国特色(Chinese characteristics)拔火罐也大放异彩,美国队运动健儿对该疗法颇为热衷,包括男子体操队队员、游泳运动员迈克尔菲尔普斯(swimmer Michael Phelps)在内的很多奥运参赛者被拍到后背、肩部有圆形印记(circular marks on the backs and shoulders)。

13、这种疗法需要使用加热过的圆形玻璃吸杯(round glass suction cups that are warmed),把其扣在身体疼痛的部位(have them placed on sore parts of the body)。这种放置方法会形成部分真空(the placement of the glass cup creates a partial vacuum),据信这样能舒展肌肉,促进血液流通(stimulate muscles and blood flow),从而缓解疼痛(relieve pain)。,Traditional,去年年底开始,寨卡病毒(Zika virus)在巴西肆

14、虐。作为寨卡病毒的主要传播者(as the primary transmitters of the Zika virus),蚊子成为令里约奥组委头疼的一大问题(mosquitoes have been a serious cause of concern to the Rio Olympics Committee)。各个代表团都在想方设法防蚊,例如驱蚊手环(anti-mosquito wrist straps)、驱蚊运动服(mosquito-repellant sportswear)。而中国代表团带去的蚊帐最让奥运村震惊(astonish the Olympic village most of

15、 all),很多外媒都把蚊帐称为一种防蚊神器(a kind of magic anti-mosquito weapon)。体操运动员冯喆更在微博上表示,有老外想要购买他的蚊帐。 部分奥运场馆的空调(air conditioners used in some Rio Olympic venues)来自于中国家电品牌格力。此外,中国运动服装公司361是里约奥运会的官方制服供应商(the official uniform supplier for the Games)。,harm,harmful,forgetful,下画线的,satisfying,令人信服的,satisfied,terrible,i

16、mpressive,不断的;持续的,curious,curiosity,孩子气的,health,healthy,tiretiresome令人厌倦的 troubletroublesome麻烦的,sciencescientific科学的 optimistic 乐观的 economyeconomic经济的 Olympic Games historyhistoric历史上著名的,confident;excellent;independent;present; silent; violent;,形容词,形容词定义: 句法功能:作定语、表语、状语、宾补 形容词的级,修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征的词,一、选择 1.Not all parts of the interior(腹地) of Australia are easily _, because it is very


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