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1、,第三课时,Read and Write & Story time,World Robot Exhibition,创设情境,Today well have some new friends. Lets have a look.,Where are they from?,启发思考,Where are you from?,Im from China.,I speak _.,Chinese,说某种语言 speak +语言,说英语_,speak English,说汉语_,speak Chinese,说日语_,speak Japanese,Where are you from?,Im from Japa

2、n.,寿司是日本传统美食之一,其主要材料是用寿司醋调味过的维持在人体体温的饭块,再加上鱼肉,海鲜,蔬菜或鸡蛋等作配料,其味道鲜美,很受民众的喜爱。,萝卜寿司,牛肉寿司,蔬菜寿司,carrot,beef,vegetable,_ sushi,_ sushi,_ sushi,He is playing football.,What is he doing?,自主或小组探究,They are playing music.,What are they doing?,He is cooking.,What is he doing?,He is swimming.,What is he doing?,Ans

3、wer the questions,The Canadian robot is ? A. drawing pictures B. listening to music Asoka is ? A. eating sushi B. making sushi The Spanish robot is ? A. playing music B. listening to music Robin is ? kungfu. Adoing B. learning,Answer the questions,The Canadian robot is A. A. drawing pictures B. list

4、ening to music Asoka is B. A. eating sushi B. making sushi The Spanish robot is A. A. playing music B. listening to music Robin is B kungfu. Adoing B. learning,Read and write,Spain,China,the USA,Japan,Canada,playing music,doing kung fu,talking with Robin,making sushi,drawing pictures,Read and write,

5、drawing,making,playing,doing,talking,say /se/ v说;讲三会,知识点,现在分词:saying 短语:say sorry to 对说对不起 say hello 打招呼; 问好,考向,例句:I have something to say. 我有话要说。,整体记忆法:,把字母组合“ay”作为一个整体,可以组成的单词有: say(说;讲),play(玩),day (天;日子),May(五月),way(道路;方法)。,Have a look. 看一看。三会,知识点,同义词组: take a look 看一看,考向,例句:Lets go and have a l

6、ook. 我们去看一看。,sure /(r)/ adv.(表示同意)当然三会,知识点,同义表达:of course当然 certainly当然可以,考向,例句:Will you go with us?你要跟我们去吗? Sure! 当然去了!,teach /tit/ v教三会,知识点,现在分词: teaching 短语: teach English 教英语 形近词: beach 海滩peach 桃 词形变化:teach(教)teacher(教师),考向,例句:He teaches us English. 他教我们英语。,Lets check,Lets check,Hes reading a bo

7、ok.,Shes listening to English music.,Lets wrap it up,are,eating,breakfast,am,cleaning,are,sleeping,比较一般现在时和现在进行时,知识点,Lets review,Keep to the right.,Work quietly.,Talk quietly.,Keep your desk clean.,golden eyes,Who are they in the story? They are Zoom and Zip.,What is Zoom doing in the cinema? He is

8、eating popcorn.,Where are they? They are in the cinema.,Story time,What does the tiger say to Zoom and Zip? Talk quietly.,本节课我们学习了Zip和Zoom在电影院看电影时不注意公共场所行为规范所引发的故事,要求同学们能理解故事内容;能朗读故事;能表演故事,还能恰当运用故事中的语言。,总结提高,Homework,1. Listen and tell the story to your parents. Then, make a new dialogue according t

9、o this story. 2. Finish the relevant workbook exercises.,听力原文,Tom: Hi, I am new here. Is this the library? John: Yes, it is. Can I help you? Tom: Yes. Where are the English books? John: Oh. Over here! Teacher: Shh! Talk quietly!,听力原文,1Robin: Where is Grandpa, Yifan? Yifan: Hes in his room. Hes readi

10、ng a book. Robin: Oh, OK. 2John: Mike, can I use your pen, please? Mike: OK, John. Here you are! Miss White: Talk quietly! 3Chen Jie: Im listening to English music. Its cool. Zhang Peng: I like English music. Mike: I like it,too. Chen Jie:Here, listen!Take turns. Zhang Peng & Mike: Thanks.,听力原文,1Rob

11、in: Where is Grandpa, Yifan? Yifan: Hes in his room. Hes reading a book. Robin: Oh, OK. 2John: Mike, can I use your pen, please? Mike: OK, John. Here you are! Miss White: Talk quietly! 3Chen Jie: Im listening to English music. Its cool. Zhang Peng: I like English music. Mike: I like it,too. Chen Jie:Here, listen!Take turns. Zhang Peng & Mike: Thanks.,


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