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1、The mystery of Girl With A Pearl Earring,Done by Lily,imitative writing,1.Set against a dark and unspecified background ,our eyes are drawn to her pearl earring, the focal point of the paintings.,画面的背景一片漆黑,我们的视线被吸引到女子所佩戴 珍珠耳环上,那耳环也是整幅画的焦点,imitative writing,Our eyes,are drawn to,pearl earring,set aga

2、inst dark background,focal point of the paintings,imitative writing,1.Verb are used as attribute(动词作定语修饰主语交代背景) 2. appositive clause(名词短语做同位语补充说明),appositive clause,1. Drawn to the smell of flowers, I cant help walking into the garden , the most beautiful scenery around here.,2.Attracted by her beau

3、ty, I cant help falling love with her, the princess in our class.,3.Caught by rope ,the soldier fell down and lose his weapon ,his best buddy.,定语在前,同位语在后的句子格式使得句子变得紧凑简单,通俗易懂,模仿指数:,imitative writing,2.As far as the Girl with a Pearl Earring is concerned, it seems that it wasnt meant to be portrait ,b

4、ut a study of expressions ,facial characteristics.,戴珍珠耳环的少女这幅画似乎不是被当作肖像画来画的,而 是一幅表现人物表情、面部特征,以及其他一些特点的习作。,It seems,not portrait,but expressions,As far as concerned,imitative writing,1. parenthesis(as far as ones concerned)插入语承接上文,2.formal subject(it seems that)形式主语避免头重脚轻,3. conjunction(not only , bu

5、t also)连词表示意思的递进,appositive clause,1.As far as computer is concerned ,it now appears that it is not only a instrument , but also a kind of recreation.,2.As far as RV is concerned , it seems that it is not only a kind of leisure, but also a kind of fashion,3.As far as nourishing of life is concerned , it seems that it is not only a kind of knowledge, but also a kind of fashion.,插入语使得文本连接自然,形式主语使得句子结构完整顺畅,连词是句义更进一步。,模仿指数:,Thank you for listening, Welcome Sherlock -Lily,


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