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1、一、 选词常见问题准确而有效地用词依赖于平时的积累和准确理解。现将作文中经常出现的问题总结如下,希望能对大家有所帮助。(一) 误用口语词汇或俚语专业四级考试中的作文多为议论文,要求逻辑性强,结构紧凑,具有说服力,而口语体中多为简单句,结构松散,不适合表达这样的思想观点。请看下面这篇题为Why I Learn English的短文:I think learning English is very important, especially to me. Well, if you ask me why, Ill tell you some reasons. Lets look at somethi

2、ng in job market. Anyway if you cant speak English, you cant get a good job. Dont you believe? Then another is to communicate with foreigners. You know, if you cant speak English, how can you make your idea understood by them? You see, spoken English is getting more and more important. So why dont I

3、 learn English well?上文中的句式和用词都比较口语化,斜体部分都是典型的口语用词,在作文中应避免使用。我们将上文修改如下,作一比较:To learn English is very important for the following two reasons: for one thing, with the increasing competitiveness in job market, college graduates are not only expected to obtain some special knowledge and technique in a f

4、ield, but to have a good command of English to find a good job. For another, English is an international language which is necessary in communication with foreigners. In a word, I am determined to work hard at English to find a nice job and to communicate effectively with foreigners in English.修改后的短

5、文不但改掉了口语词汇,还使用了连接词和复合句,增强了文章的连贯性和逻辑性。俚语尤其要避免使用,因为俚语给人的感觉极其随便,与议论文文体不符。而且有的带有方言性,有的带有粗俗性,多出现在口语中和戏剧、电视、电影、小说的对白中,不适合书面文体使用。例如:y friend Li Yong got the sack yesterday and I called to express my sympathy.To get the sack是俚语,意为“被解雇”,有调侃之意,应将其改为was dismissed,使其与后面的to express my sympathy 保持风格一致。再如:y little

6、 son is bloody intelligent.Bloody是粗俗语,应改为very。(二)喜用抽象词抽象词往往偏长、大、难,如以configuration代替pattern,以counter-productive 代替ineffective。不少抽象动词以-ize, -ise后缀结尾,如casualize(雇用临时工)。过多且不适当地使用抽象词会使原本明白简单的句子变得隐晦含混,且给人以矫揉造作之感。请看例句:The desirability of attaining unanimity so far as the general construction of the body is

7、 concerned is of considerable importance from the production aspect.此句用词抽象,结构繁冗,The desirability of attaining unanimity其实就是agree之意,so far as the general construction of the body is concerned即on a standard body, from the production aspect可改为for increased production。如此,上句可改写为:To increase production, i

8、t is important to agree on a standard body.因此我们在写作文时,可以化抽象为具体,化艰深为通俗,从抽象的意思中引出具体地意义,以意义显豁的词语代替意义含混的词语。(三)词语的误用在我们的作文中,经常会见到用词不当的情况,影响意义的表达。其原因多是由于对词汇的意义和用法掌握不够准确而造成的,具体说来有如下几点:其一,误解词义。有些英语词汇看似汉语释义相同,但具体意义是有差异的。请看下列各句中的用词错误:1) * Both salt and sugar are easy to melt in hot water.2) * They persuaded th

9、eir son to try again, but he just turned a deaf ear to them.3) * It is uneasy for the children to do such a thing.在例)中,melt指物体受热熔化,而不是指溶质在溶剂中的溶解。例)中的persuade不仅指“劝说”,而且强调结果“说服某人做某事”,这与该句后半部分he just turned a deaf ear to them语义矛盾。例)的uneasy在古英语中有“不容易”之意,但在现代英语中已经没有这种用法了,而是表示“心神不安”之意。因此,以上句应改为:1) Both sa

10、lt and sugar are easy to dissolve in hot water.2) They advised their son to try again, but he just turned a deaf ear to them.3) It is difficult for the children to do such a thing.其二,用法错误。先看几个例子:1) *We hope him to get the first prize.2) *Who is responsible for this department?3) *She will probably b

11、e elected woman chairman.以上各例都是由于词语的用法错误而导致不符合英语的表达习惯。例)中,hope只能用于hope to do something或hope + that从句的结构中,不能说hope somebody to do something。例)中的responsible for表示对某事的后果负责,而不表示汉语中的负责某个部门的工作。例)中“女主席”以及类似的“女议员”“女诗人”等,不能用woman作定语。woman和man作定语区分男女时,只能用在一些表示职业的名词前。以上句正确的表达应为:1) We expect him to get the first

12、 prize.2) Who is in charge of this department?3) She will probably be elected chairwoman.有些动词,词义不易解释清楚,用法比较微妙使用时经常出错。如characterize一词的中文释义为“表示的特性、具有的特性”,但在使用时不能直接把汉语意思往里套。如要表达“某民族具有勤劳和勇敢的特点”,不能说:*The nation characterizes industry and courage.而要说:Industry and courage characterize the nation.或The natio

13、n is characterized by industry and courage.类似的词还有feature, star等,这些词在学习时一定要弄清楚它与主语和宾语的关系。其三,不区分词语的使用语境。用词不仅要考虑其语义,还要考虑其上下文情境。还是来看几个例子:1) *The conclusion that the scholar has come to is that kids should not have to suffer for the sins of their fathers.2) *Mrs. Brown was indignant with her son, because

14、 he hadnt done his homework.3) *While reading the tragedy, the girl cried over its pages.Kid是口语体词汇,而例)从整个句子来看应该是一项研究的结果,是比较正式的文体,kid在此处不合适。例)中的indignant是一个较严肃的词,意为“愤怒、愤慨”,常指由正义感而引起的愤怒情绪,不适合表示母亲对孩子的不满意。例)中,cry表示放声大哭,不适合表示句中因被书中情节感动而哭泣。以上句可修改如下:1) The conclusion that the scholar has come to is that ch

15、ildren should not have to suffer for the sins of their fathers.2) Mrs. Brown was angry with her son, because he hadnt done his homework.3) While reading the tragedy, the girl wept over its pages.其实上述三种情况是相互关联的,我们掌握一个英语单词除了要掌握其准确含义,还必须要了解它具体的用法和使用的情境,这样才能准确地表达自己的思想。除了以上我们提到的一些错误之外,拼写错误及误用词性导致的语法错误也都很

16、常见。要克服这些错误,一方面平时要勤于积累,另一方面,在考试时应尽量选用自己熟悉、有把握的词汇,避免出错。(四)汉语思维对用词的影响在我们平时记单词或在字典里查单词时,有些同学习惯于只看单词的汉语释义,而且将这个英语单词与它的汉语释义划上等号,而不去理会单词的具体用法和含义。比如,说到“身体好”不少同学会马上想到good body。汉语中的“身体”既可以指躯体,也可以指健康状况,而body只能指躯体。“身体好”可以用healthy来表示。实际上,在两种语言中,意义完全对等的词汇是非常少的。在上文的词汇搭配、词汇误用等部分举出的错误例子中,有不少都是由于汉语思维的影响而出错的。下面我们再看几个例子:1) *The traffic in Beijing is getting more a



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