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1、一个被遗弃的电影舞台道具建筑,在历史中怦然心动 /2/view-546371.htmHeart Palpitating with the Architectures Development若鱼Fish Beauty建筑与其他艺术相比而言是有其限制性的:时代、结构、材料、功能与空间。一件作品在繁忙的号子声中建成,用心而做的建筑充满灵性。当尘埃落定,阳光下洒出它的阴影,一座建筑物成为奉献给建筑艺术神灵的祭品。物质将光阴渐渐耗尽。如果有那么一座老的建筑,结构足够的坚固,历史足够的醇厚,时间的馈赠不曾吝啬,我们就有理由相信他灵魂蜕变的模样会给我们带来惊喜。就像那个被改建的旧剧院,我们享受历史款待的同时

2、,心灵的感受会在粗糙坦率的原始内景与观众席上那永恒短暂的对比中被唤醒业主/ Client::Het Ketelhuis建筑简介/ Brief:三个房间的剧院,休息室以“Het Ketelhuis”命名 /cinema with 3 rooms and foyer in realm monument “Het Ketelhuis”项目团队/ Project team:Ramin Visch,Mark Helder(建筑师),Peter van de Geer(akoestiek),Tobias Cassel,Femke Poppinga,Rick Abbenbroek状态/ Status:200

3、6年9月完工/ realized September 2006面积/ Area:645 m2更多信息/ Further information:- 新剧院与旧剧院在同一方位/ new cinema on same the location such as the old cinema-入选2007年荷兰最佳设计奖/ selected for Dutch Design Award 2007摄影师/ Phtographer:Jeroen Musch & Rene Mesman当你走过Ketelhuis 西岸的窗户时,你可能会不经意被那些木条制的东西吸引。 Ketelhuis是一个被改造过的汽锅房,

4、它的前身是阿姆斯特丹Westergasfabriek煤气工厂。它给人一种似曾相识的感觉。它的内部显得笨重,它在楼中矗立,四周都不靠墙。剧院的一楼是两个50座的电影席,2楼是一个143座的音乐厅,两层之间以独立的钢制楼梯相连。它安装在室外,仅由顶部与底部的枢架固定。二楼的楼梯没有固定,虽然那可以由紧绷底盘获得额外的支撑。外部的木结构材质是落叶松,表面经过电镀处理,使得这件巨大的“木家具”更平整。整个剧院中3个观众席简洁地组成一个整体,上方被拓宽,四周留有足够的空间。Ketelhuis的西面没有建筑。抱着这样的理念,Ramin Visch的意见是“我们最大的问题是没有空间留给预定的功能了”显得格外

5、讽刺,即使他是认真的。早期的内景是1999年完工的,作为一次临时的方案,它无异于被板材覆盖的盒子。考虑到Het Ketelhuis 剧院的成功,适时地做一次永久性的改造。这不仅意味着合并两个观众席和两间投影室,而且还要另外修建厕所,分配更多的空间给酒吧。取暖系统、通风系统和空气净化系统的铅管工程量将增加两倍。在剧院的上方,参观者看不到的屋顶里,有着8吨重的取暖与通风装置。它从东边的墙上的三扇铁栅抽取空气,通过座位下的开口把新鲜空气送给每位观众。这些栅栏同时也能排出不新鲜的空气。剧院的成功很大程度上是因为没有外来噪音,所有精力都可以集中在如何避免通风系统的嘶嘶声上。为了把通风速率减少到最低,需要

6、更宽的通道,占用更多的空间。观众席在声音上与外界完全隔绝,在上述设计中,Het Ketelhuis 一期,Ramin Visch 竭力使原有的蒸气房陈列在那,包括从1903年沿用至今的排列紧密的铁格支架和吊架的屋顶结构。他做到了这一点,把6m高的音乐厅倾斜地放在楼的中间。结果,Het Ketelhuis 二期不能依照原来的设计,因为有额外的观众席要放置。取而代之的是,观众席被移到一边,使得原有的屋顶结构能支撑两个紧绷底盘。一个底盘维持原样,隐藏在上方观众席的地板下。上方的观众席较之前有所变窄,正好适合屋顶支架。这次改造完整地保留了原Ketelhuis 的空间特征,使之尽可能可见。在Ramin

7、Visch的作品中,他对现有建筑明显空间问题的设计证明了他处理的理念。完整的分析这个项目促使他把需要的功能整合在一起。他的方法是把空间效果与建筑质量同时展现,他的理念还体现在修复阿姆斯特丹的Michel de Klerk邮局,设计由Neutelings 和Van Riedijk改造过的自行车厂内的Ogilvy广告代理商,以及现在的Het Ketelhuis二期。他的设计既朴实又大胆。一方面,他为了尊重建筑原有的起源和空间布置,对设计总是小心谨慎。空间的整合使得阳光可以从各个方向照入。铁格窗仍然暴露在外,建筑的年龄从剥落的墙上可见一斑。另一个方面,附加的物体毫不掩饰地展示了它现代的痕迹。木质外表

8、也许体现了它朴实的一面,但整体外型才是主导。包层使得外表完整,从入口看来,它呈现出巨大的高耸形象,令人印象深刻。垂直的物体使之在喷泉中更清晰。东面尽头,酒吧后面的蓝色厨房空间也形成鲜明对比。这些对比使旧的与新的显得分明。当附加的元素紧密、独立地放置时,这种效果就最大化了。例如:楼梯的各个部件,二段楼梯,梯底平台,扶手是由一整块钢铁打造的,至于观众席,设计者着力于内外强烈的对比。倾斜的墙,地板和天花板与温暖的红地毯能达到这样的效果,这样做还能产生一种亲密的气氛,即使观众稀少。电影院设计者通常使观众感觉,当他们走进剧院就像走进另一个世界,就像前奏对于电影本身那样。然而在Het Ketelhuis,

9、真实世界的经验在一定程度上保留着:慷慨照射的阳光随着天气的变化而变化,我们享受着历史的款待,而不是幻觉。这种感觉在庄严的岁月,粗糙、坦率的原始内景,和附加观众席位那永恒短暂的对比中被唤醒。如果有人再拿走东西的话就太可惜了。As you pass the windows on the western side of the Ketelhuis, a converted boiler house on the site of the former Westergasfabriek gas works in Amsterdam, you may catch a glimpse of thing ma

10、de of wooden strips. It gives the impression of some object casually left behind. Inside the building, it turns out to be bulky structure which rises through the interior space and stands free from the surrounding walls. The inner volume contains two 50-seat film auditoria at ground-floor level with

11、 a larger, 143-seat auditorium above them. The connection between these two levels is provided by a freestanding steel staircase that climbs outside of the volume. It is secured by only mountings at top and bottom, apart from the first landing which receives additional support from a tension rod. Th

12、e strips of wood visible from outside are of larch, and form a cladding that smoothly envelopes the bulging form of this huge piece of furniture. Wrapping the three film auditoria into a compact volume, widening upwards, left ample space all around and the whole western end of the Ketelhuis building

13、 empty. Bearing this in mind, Ramin Vischs remark that“Our biggest problem was that we had no room for the scheduled functions”sounds rather ironic, although he meant it seriously. The earlier interior, finished in 1999 and intended as a temporary solution, was actually no more than a box clad in pe

14、rforated panels. It was ripe for replacement by something more permanent considering the popular success of the Het Ketelhuis cinema. This meant incorporating not only two additional auditoria and hence two additional projection rooms, but also extra toilets and more room for the bar - all in the sa

15、me space. The quantity of plumbing for the heating, fresh air supply and air extraction also tripled. Above the film theatres, hidden from the view of visitors, the roof supports an 8-ton heating and ventilation apparatus. It draws in fresh air through three large grilles in the east wall and delive

16、rs it through openings under the cinema seats. The grilles also serve for the expulsion of stale air. The success of a cinema auditorium depends heavily on an absence of extraneous noise, so every effort had to be taken to avoid ventilation hiss. To reduce the air delivery velocity to a minimum, extra-width channels were needed, consuming yet more space. The auditoria are completely acoustically decoupled from the outer shel


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