Successful Businessman and Philanthropic Citizen.docx

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1、Successful Businessman and Philanthropic Citizen“晴湖似镜平,泼眼绿波明。鱼队行堪数,凫雏近不惊。”清人王?锩栊吹姆褐鄢萆泻?的一幕令人神往。然而,相比于宁静的尚湖,商海就多了几许波澜。波澜壮阔的商海,谁人勇立船头,踏浪弄潮,又可以气定神闲商海观澜? 连元章,元丰国际有限公司董事长,就是这样的弄潮儿。商海泛舟30余载,从勇闯海外白手起家,到如今公司的多元化国际化经营,一路走来,他栉风沐雨,也览尽风景。 “Lake under the sun shines like a mirror, with glistening waves of green.

2、 Fishes swim in rows, baby mallards not awakened by footsteps.” This is a poem written by Wang Shan of the Qing Dynasty depicting the tranquility of the Shang Lake in Changzhou City, East Chinas Jiangsu Province. Compared with the calmness of the Shang Lake, the business world is much more billowy.

3、In the sea of business, there are not many helmsmen who could steer the boats safely against growling billows with ease and confidence. Lien Yuanchang, Chairman of Commercial Best Mart S.R.L., is one of such helmsmen. Mr. Lien started his business overseas from scratch 30 years ago, and is now runni

4、ng an international company with diversified businesses. The past years have seen his great achievements despite countless hardships on the way. 勇闯海外 Starting overseas from scratch 忆往昔,峥嵘岁月稠。回忆起创业之处的往事,连元章以他平和的语调向中国对外贸易记者娓娓道来。 连元章的第一站是南美的巴拉圭。80年代初,从台湾文化大学新闻系毕业后,他动了去巴拉圭开店的想法。“机缘是这样的。当时,我阿姨先到巴拉圭开店,因资金

5、有限,她多是向香港商人半打、一打的拿货,因为量小不成规模,生意难做觉得难过,向我母亲哭诉,母亲就帮助她从台湾出货到巴拉圭。” 1982年,他创立了元丰国际有限公司(Commercial? Best?Mart?S.R.L.),妻子负责店里业务,他则负责寻找新的商品。开始是向别人拿货,后来自己寻找供货商,从香港、大陆、日本等地进货,并设法在美国设立发货仓库。 创业之初,进口的货品主要是雨伞、饰品,1982年改为经营商场后,开始扩大产品规模,进口玩具、礼品、文具、家用品等商品。因为觉得租赁商场周围环境较差,连元章决定自己建商场。如今,他已在巴拉圭拥有5座商场。 初来乍到,生意也并非一帆风顺。“当初由

6、于人生地不熟的原因,不可避免地遭受了一些损失。”连元章回忆道。首先是法律问题,由于对当地法律的不熟悉,吃了很多苦头。“当地的工会力量很强,特别注重保护工人。律师甚至寻找机会利用当地的劳工法对企业施压,比如说我们公司当时的午休制度允许工人在中午12点至1点之间在公司休息,本以为是善意行为,但这样也被告。因为当地法律认为这本应是工作时间。” In a peaceful tone, Mr. Lien shared his entrepreneurship and life experience with Chinas Foreign Trade. Paraguay in South America

7、is the place where Mr. Lien started to do business. He had this idea of opening a store in Paraguay in the beginning of the 1980s after graduation from the Department of Journalism of Chinese Culture University in Taiwan. “At that time, my aunt had a store in Paraguay. But with limited funding, she

8、had to buy only a dozen or half a dozen products at wholesale from Hong Kong businessmen. The small-sized business did not bring much profit. She wept out her difficulty to my mother, who then began to help her source products from Taiwan,” Lien told our reporters. Mr. Lien founded Commercial Best M

9、art S.R.L. in 1982. At that point, her wife ran the store and he kept looking for new products to sell. He started by buying commodities at wholesale, and later had his own suppliers in Hong Kong, mainland China, Japan and other regions. He managed to set up a shipping warehouse in the United States

10、. At the beginning, Lien mainly dealt in umbrella and ornament. He began to expand the scope of his business to include toys, gifts, stationary, household goods, etc., in 1982 when he leased a shopping mall. Not liking the bad environment surrounding the mall, he decided to build one of his own. Now

11、, he has five shopping malls in Paraguay. Things did not go smoothly for him as a new comer in Paraguay. “As a total stranger, I suffered some losses,” said Mr. Lien. He suffered losses due to unfamiliarity with local laws. “They have very powerful unions actively protecting the rights of workers. L

12、awyers would even go through lengths to use local labor law to put pressure on enterprises. For example, my company allowed workers to rest in the company from 12:00am to 1:00pm. But we were sued for this kind action, since local laws stipulate it as working time.” 然而吃一堑长一智,“我们并不认为这是对外来企业的歧视,我们要去适应当

13、地的社会环境与法律,这样才会进步。”他说。 当地治安环境欠佳,为了保护其公司以及台湾旅巴侨胞的安全,他不顾个人安危,挺身而出,多次奔波于当地政府部门,成立小组,保障了公司及侨胞的财产安全。 虽历经磨难,“我的背后有一个永远支持我的贤内助,她是我坚强的后盾。”连元章不无幸福地说道。 “A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.” “We did not consider that as discrimination against foreign enterprises. Instead, we tried to adapt to the local socie

14、ty and laws. Only by doing this can we develop,” Lien said. The public security environment in Paraguay was not very good. Mr. Lien risked his own safety to negotiate with the local government and set up teams, in order to protect the property and safety of his company and fellow Taiwanese. Despite

15、all the hardships, “Ive always had a good wife having my back. She has given me the strongest support,” Lien said pleasantly. 经营有道 Wise business management 连元章的生意在巴拉圭日渐红火,并开始向周边邻近国家巴西、美国等地铺设。而这些成绩的取得要依赖于他的经营有方。为此,他荣获了“海外华人第五届创业楷模”称号。 首先是独特的创意。“一点点想法就可以让我们区别于别人。”他对记者表示。他举例说,“刚来的时候,我们进行贝壳、戒指、雨伞等贸易。对贝壳

16、饰以金丝,开始是人工捆绑,后来改为机械操作。另外,早在30年前我们就对雨伞加上花边进行美化,并提供质量较好的伞套,而不是那种一次性的。” 除经营商场外,连元章也有意改变元丰国际的经营模式。以前拿货是向日本进口货品批发给别人,或向香港独家代理精品在当地销售。如今,为使商品更加多元化,他开始从大陆、印度尼西亚、越南等地进口商品。脚步站稳后,便与人合伙投资,与一些台商成立国泰银行。一方面经营商场,一方面开店,并在经营管理上立下基本原则:“我尽量将商场的店面出租,若是自己开店,店内销售的商品会尽量避免与商场的客户相同,我会站在客户的立场考虑,与他们建立长久关系。” With booming business in Paraguay, Mr. Lien began to expand into neighboring nations such as Brazil and the United States. He won the 5th Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurial Role Model Award for his wise busines



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