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1、农村商业银行视角下的中小企业信用评级研究-基于财务指标和非财务指标的研究摘 要企业的融资是生产经营活动中的关键环节之一,企业一旦缺少资金周转就会产生资金链断裂,进而产生财务危机。中小企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,中国中小企业占全国企业总数的99.7%,创造了60%的国内生产总值,中小企业在促进就业、推动市场发展和改革方面都起到了很重要的作用,其生产发展是至关重要的。但是由于我国独特的经济体制,在激励的市场竞争中,中小企业竞争优势微弱,资金的短缺限制了中小企业的发展,融资困难一直的中小企业面临的问题。特别是08年金融危机之后,许多中小企业由于融资难导致破产,温州等地区出现了许多民营企业家由于



4、信用评级的结果,从案例分析的结果来看,模糊综合评分法的结果是较为准确的,与国内的大型商业银行对客户的评分是基本一致的,能够较好的反应出客户的信用评级。同时,农业商业银行还有较大的提升空间,在评级时,只有对全行业的发展情况充分了解,才能够更好的对中小企业进行评级工作。本文通过通过实证来检验评级体系的稳定性与准确性,并最后分析实证过程及结果,得出了具体可行的政策建议,以供商业银行在评级时提供参考。AbstractCorporate financing is one of the key aspects of business activities, once the lack of cash fl

5、ow will cost to financial crisis. SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) are an important part of economy. SMEs of China are accounted for 99.7% of the total number of enterprises, creating 60% of GDP. SMEs played a very important Role in promoting employment, market development and reform. However, du

6、e to unique economic system of China, in the incentive market competition, the competitive advantage of SMEs is weak, the shortage of funds limits the development of SMEs, and financing difficulties have been the problems faced by SMEs. Especially after the financial crisis in 2008, many SMEs due to

7、 financing difficulties lead to bankruptcy, Wenzhou and other regions there have been bankruptcy.Therefore, the most important way for financing is to loan to commercial banks, commercial banks should support the mission of supporting SMEs. Commercial banks, especially rural commercial banks do not

8、have a good risk management. This may lead to rural commercial banks to generate credit risk. In the aspect of credit rating, the evaluation system needs to be improved. Most of the appraisal process is too subjective, and the evaluation system is mostly for large state-owned enterprises. Therefore,

9、 this paper combines the predecessors research to establish a credit rating system suitable for the characteristics of SMEs.This paper first summarizes the domestic and international research; learn from the United States, Japan and other developed countries institutional credit rating index system,

10、 to build a suitable for rural commercial banks in China. In the financial indicators, from the enterprise solvency, profitability and operational capacity of the three dimensions of the enterprises credit situation to evaluate. And selects 19 financial indexes including earnings per share and retur

11、n on net assets, and constructs the credit risk evaluation index system. We take the factor analysis of the selected indicators, and get the top six common factor variables. In the non-financial indicators, from the basic business quality, business growth, business risk ability to measure the three

12、dimensions, and give the indicators weight, adopted a fuzzy comprehensive score method, we established the credit rating model.In the case, we selected the A credit rating research, through the model established above, we obtained the results of credit rating. Through analysis, fuzzy comprehensive s

13、core method is more accurate. And the domestic large commercial banks on the customers score are basically reflecting the customers credit rating. At the same time, agricultural commercial banks have a larger room for improvement. In order to rating the work of SMEs, agricultural commercial banks ha

14、ve to understand industry. In this paper, through the empirical test to verify the stability and accuracy of the rating system, and finally analyze the empirical process and results, come to a specific policy recommendations for commercial banks.第1章 引言1.1 研究背景、研究目的与意义1.1.1研究背景我国是中小企业大国,根据新的中小企业划型标准和





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