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1、一、 大学英语三、四级语法归纳二、 时态和语态I、 时态 时态是表示动作发生的时间和表现方式的一种动词形式。每一种“时间方式”就构成一种时态。从时间上看,有现在、过去、将来和过去将来之分,从动作上看,有一般、进行、完成及完成进行之区别。(英语动词有16种时态)在实际应用中以及TOEFL等考试中出现最多的时态也只有4种,即一般现在时,现在完成时,一般过去时及过去完成时。1 用一般现在时表示将来的动作。B. 在由连词even if, unless, as soon as, if, when, in case, before, after, until, once, the moment, as l

2、ong as等引出状语从句中,谓语一般不用will或shall来表示将来的动作,仅用一般现在时。例如:C. eg. She will come to see you the moment she finishes her work. The boss wont give the workers pay unless they _their work today. (03/12, 43) D. A) finish B) finished C) will finish D) had finished Such crimes may be so complex that months or year

3、s go by before anyone_ them.E. A) discovered B) will discover (03/1,31, CET-4)F. C) would have discovered D) discoversG. B. 某些表示起始的动词,可用一般现在时表示按预定计划或时刻表在短时间内将发生的动作。这类动词有:be, go, come, start, leave, depart, arrive, begin, return等。例如: The train leaves at five sharp. H. 2. 现在完成时、过去完成时以及将来完成时之间的区别1) 现在完

4、成时:I. 构成:havehas + 过去分词J. 语法意义及要点:A. 表示一个过去开始的状态或动作持续到现在并可能继续持续下去,常同表示一段时间的状语连用。eg. so far,up to now,since,for a long time etc.K. eg. He has worked as a teacher for many yearsL. Up till now,nothing has gone wrong Dont disturb Father. He _ letters all morning and has written ten so far. (99/6, 42)M.

5、A) write B) has been writing C) has written D) was writingN. This is the worst time of the year. It _every day so far. (02/6, 42)O. A) is raining B) has rained C) rained D) rainsP. B表示一个过去发生的对现在仍有影响的动作或事件。常与不确定的过去时间状语连用(eg. yet,just,before,recently, etc.);也同表示频度时间状语连用 (eg. often,ever,never,sometimes

6、,several times, etc).;还可同包括现在时间在内的时间状语连用 (eg. now,today,this morning, etc). 但不能同特定的过去时间状语连用 (last year,inl997 etc.)Q. eg. I have never learned Japanese beforeR. We have been quite busy lately /recentlyS. I am meeting Ivan tonight; I _a Russian before. (01/1,49)T. A) didnt ever meet B) have ever met

7、C) had never met D) have never metU. C在时间或条件状语从句中,当表示将来完成时的意义时,要用现在完成时来代替将来完成时。 Well start at 5 0clock if it has stopped raining by then I shall go to see you when I have finished my homeworkV. Note:行为不能持续的瞬间动词(Instantaneous Verb),eg. arrive, begin, come, go,start, leave, die,join,etc. 通常不能用于这一语法意义,

8、即该类动词在现完成时中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。 He has joined the army for five years(F) He has been in the army for five years。(T)W. 2) 过去完成时:X. 构成:had+过去分词Y. 语法意义及要点:表示某一动作或情况发生在过去某一时刻之前并持续到该时刻。Z. eg. David and Jenny had known each other for a long time before their marriage.AA. They had got everything ready before th

9、e party began The burglary _before I arrived at the office; all I could do was to call the police. (03/6, 56)BB. A) has occurred B) had occurred C) was occurring D) would occurCC. Note: 与现在完成时不同的是过去完成时可以与表示具体过去的时间状语连用。 He said that he had seen her the day before yesterday.DD. 3) 将来完成时:EE. 构成:shallwi

10、ll +have+过去分词FF. 语法意义及要点:表示某一动作在将来某一时刻或将来某一动作之前已经完成或发生。GG. eg. He will have graduated from high school before his next birthday,HH. The shop will have closed already before you get thereII. By the end of next year they _together for twenty years. (01/1,48)JJ. A) will have worked B) had worked C) wou

11、ld work D) have worked KK. -May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five oclock tonight? (00/6,41, CET-4)-Im sorry. Mr. Williams _ to a conference long before then. A) will have gone B) had gone C) would have gone D) has goneLL. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we_ here for two days. (01/6,31,

12、 CET-4)A) have been staying B) have stayed C) shall stay D) will have stayedMM. By the time you get to New York, I _for London. (02/1,41, CET-4)A) would be leaving B) am leaving C) have already left D) shall have left NN. 4) 将来时间表示法:OO. be going to +V. 表示不太明确的意图、打算。 Were going to to build a new high

13、way to the east. PP. be + to + V. 表示正式的安排、指示、命令、禁止等。例如:QQ. Youre to do your homework before you watch TV. Youre not to tell him anything about our plans. RR. be about to / be on the point of 表示不久的将来,后者表示更近的将来,强调将来要发生的事情已临近。例如: I feel that something terrible is about to happen. I cant see you now. Im

14、 on the point of leaving. SS. be due to 表示将来的用法与时刻表、实施计划有关。例如: The train to Hangzhou is due to arrive at 13:15. II、 语态TT. 英语动词有两种语态,一种叫主动语态(Active Voice), 一种叫被动语态(Passive Voice), 分别表示主语和谓语动词的主动关系和被动关系。.主动语态用于主动句,表示主语是动作的执行者;被动语态用于被动句,表示主语是动作的承受者。UU. 基本公式是:“是”动词 过去分词 (被动语态有13种)VV. 1. am/ is / are +P.P 2. am/ is / are +being +P.PWW. 3. was/ were +P.P 4. was/ were +being +P.P XX. 5. has been + P.P 6. had + been + P.P YY. 7. shall / will be + P.P 8



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