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1、Hiring & Firing -雇用和解雇,NO. 16,2,Hiring:雇用 Process by which a company assesses qualified individuals to fill openings in the company. Medical test:体检 Standard test to determine whether a potential employee is fit for duty. Drug test: 药检 Standard test to ensure that a potential employee is not taking

2、illegal drugs or abusing prescribed drugs.,3,Contract / forms:合同/表格 Papers that must be signed by a new employee before employment begins. Orientation:熟悉环境 Process to walk-through and acquaint new employees with policies, procedures, peers subordinates, and other office staff.,4,ER / HR meeting:与雇员关

3、系部/人事部会面 Meeting with a representative of the Employee Relations / Human Relations department for contract/form signing, orientation, discussion of general issues regarding employment.,6,Downsizing:缩减规模 Process whereby a company reduces its staff and/or operations through various actions such as ear

4、ly retirement, compensation packages, lay-offs, attrition, and firing.,7,Firing:解雇 Process by which an employee is dismissed for various reasons, such as below-standard work quality, not following the company rules and regulations, theft, etc.,8,Quitting:辞职 Process by which an employee terminates em

5、ployment voluntarily. Putting in notice:请辞 Action by which an employee voluntarily notifies the appropriate company representative that he/she is leaving/quitting.,9,Usage,Following are some sentences that show how the terms related to job commencement and termination might be used: (以下是一些如何使用有关开始和终

6、止工作术语的例句:),10,Commencement:开始雇佣关系,Im impressed with your background. Youre hired. You can begin employment next Monday. Were very happy to have you. Welcome aboard! You have the job. Welcome to ABC Incorporated. When can you start/begin?,11,Your medical test is scheduled for next Wednesday at 10:00

7、at the clinic on the 2nd floor. You can breathe a sign of relief. Your drug test came back negative. You will undergo an orientation process on your first day.,12,Termination:终止雇佣关系,You have shown no improvement over last year. I have no choice but to fire you. Did you hear about Kenny? He was canne

8、d for insubordination. I feel so sorry for her. She just got her pink slip.,13,These are difficult economic times. The company has to lay off some staff. His wife is being transferred overseas, so he had to quit his job. Mikes work was constantly below standard, so he finally got the axe/got the sac

9、k.,14,Summary,Seeking out, attracting, and hiring new employees is an essential company activity. Companies strive to find employees who provide the best fit with the companys expectations and requirements. The better they do this job, the higher the chances of success as a company. However, when the fit is less than desirable and things dont work out, the company must terminate employment.,15,物色、吸引和录用新的员工是公司的一项基本活动。公司总是努力寻找最能满足公司期望和需要的人选。这项工作做得越出色,公司就越有希望赢得成功。但是。当物色来的人选并不合意,而且问题无法解决时,公司必须将其解雇。,


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