外研版七年级英语下册七年级下册Module 6复习方位的表达法(26张)ppt课件

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1、七年级下册,6,Around town,Module,Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,方位的表达法,详见课本P96,1:over, above和on的用法 1)over指在的正上方,表示垂直在上。 如:There is a lamp over the desk. 2) above指在上方,属于斜上方。 如:Raise your arms above your head. 3) on指在上面,表示两物体接触。 如:There is a cup on the table. 2:under / below的用法

2、: under在下面/正下方. 如: Whats under your desk? 2) below 在斜下方. 如: Her skirt came below her knees.,方位介词 用法总结,3:in 和on表示“在上” 1.门一类镶嵌在墙里的,用in, 字画一类挂在墙面上的,用on. 2.鸟一类落在树上的,用in; 苹果一类长在树上的,用on. 4:in /on/ to表示方位 in表示在某范围之内; to表示在某范围之外; on表示“邻”、“接壤”。ShanghailiesintheeastofChina.上海位于中国东部。JapanliestotheeastofChina.日

3、本在中国东部。Mongolia(蒙古国)liesonthenorthofChina. 蒙古人民共和国位于中国北部。,5:at, in表示“在” 1)at表示较小的地点。 如: at the bus stop, at home 2)in表示较大的地点。 如: in China, in the world 6:in front of 和in the front of 1) in front of表示“在之前”(范围外)。 如:There are some trees in front of the classroom. 2) in the front of 表示“在的前部”(范围内) 如:Ther

4、e is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. 7:through / across通过,穿过 across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,与on有关,为二维 through穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关,为三维。,go through the forest/park,through,Center Street,across,go across the street,across: 表示从一定范围的一边到另一边, 动作在物体 表面进行。 through: 从中间穿过, 动作在内部进行。,表示方位的介词,Task 2,on the box,und

5、er the box,in the box,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,near,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,next to,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,in front of,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,behind,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box

6、.,across from,opposite,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _.,between the big box and the small box,问路和指路,go straight,turn right,turn left,on the left,on the right,“交通标志知多少”,Dont turn right.,Walking forbidden.,.,Asking for directions.,1.请问, 去车站怎么走? 2. 请问, 去警察局怎么走? 3. 请问, 去动物园我该走哪条路?,Excuse me. Could/ Ca

7、n you tell me the way to the station?,Excuse me. Which is the way to the police station?,Excuse me. Which way shall I take to the zoo?,.,4.劳驾,最近的邮局在哪儿? 5.请问,你能帮我找到那家水果店吗? 6.劳驾,往第十四中学怎么走?,Excuse me. Could/Can you help me find the fruit shop?,Excuse me. How can I get to No.14 Middle School?,Excuse me.

8、 Where is the nearest post office?,.,7.劳驾,附近有医院吗? 8.劳驾,去书店怎么走?,Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here?,Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how to get to the bookshop? = Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how I can get to the bookshop?,选择题 1. _, how can I go to the bank ? You can take the No.17 bus. A.

9、Excuse me B. You are welcome C. Thanks a lot D. Never mind 2. Could you tell me how to _ the National Stadium? A. go B. get C. be D. get to,3. Go _the street, you will see a shop. A. to B. cross C. on D. across 4. Mary is sitting next_me. We are good friends. A. on B. of C. to D. in 5. Its down the

10、street _ the left? A. on B. in C. to D. from 6. The post office is across _ the park. A.to B. from C. on D. near,2.根据中文提示完成句子,1.我怎么到达故宫?一直往前走,天安门的对面就是. 2.毛主席纪念堂在哪里?在人民大会堂和博物馆之间. 3.你能告诉我到公园的路吗? 4.我在哪里可以购物?,_the Forbidden City? _Its _ Tiananmen Square.,How do I get to,Go straight ahead.,opposite,_is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall? Its _ the Great Hall of the people_the Museums.,Where,between,and,_to a park?,Can you tell me the way,_can I _?,Where,do some shopping,Good bye!,


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