高一英语(人教版)精品备课:必修2 Unit 5 Music(37张)ppt课件

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1、.,必修2,考点要求,Unit 5 Music,.,写出下列必考单词 1.摇滚乐n. _ 2.民间的adj. _ 3.爵士音乐n. _ 4.过路人;行人n. _ 5.额外的;外加的;特大的adj. _ 6.工具;器械;乐器n. _ 7.然后,后来adv. _ 8.工作室,演播室n. _ 9.百万富翁,富豪n. _ 10.广播,播放v. lookers-on; sisters-in-law; (2)没有中心名词者在词尾加-s:如: grown-ups; go-betweens (3)由man和woman与别的名词构成的复合词则两个名词都需变为复数形式。如: men-doctors; women-

2、workers,.,6.The band broke up about 1970,but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.(P34) 乐队大约在1970年解散,但令人高兴的是,到80年代中期,他们再次聚首。 词语拓展 break up破裂;解散;(学校)期末放假 break.up 拆开;结束(关系);关闭(公司);(用武力)迫使放弃 break down(机器等)出故障;失败;(身体)垮了;情不自禁(哭起来),.,break.down打倒、砸破(某物);破坏;消除(某种感情);把分类/分解 break off 断开;折断;停顿;中断 break i

3、n 闯入;强行进入;打断;插嘴 break into 强行进入,打断 break out(疾病、灾害等不好的东西)突然爆发 break through 冲过,取得突破/有重大发现;从云层后露出;克服;战胜,.,即学即练 选用上述短语填空。 (1)After the storm the sun _ the clouds. (2)The fire _ at midnight. Luckily, no one was in the house. (3)The thief _ and was surprised to find that the house had already been _. (4

4、)What would happen to the children if their parents _? (5)He _ in the middle of his talk at the sight of an unexpected visitor. (6)When he found that he couldn,t do it as he planned, he _ and cried.,broke through,broke out,broke in,broken into,broke up,broke off,broke down,.,7.I,m honoured that you

5、would ask me for advice.(P40) 你征求我的意见,我深感荣幸。 词语拓展 be/feel honoured(做某事)感到荣幸 have the honour of doing sth.得到某殊荣;有幸做某事 in honour of sb./in sb.s honour为表示敬意,为了纪念某人 honour sb.with sth.(for sth.)因而给予表扬(奖励、称号等),.,即学即练 选用上述短语填空。 (1)He _ a knighthood for his work for the world peace. (2)I _ to have been inv

6、ited to the lecture. (3)There will be a ceremony _ those killed in World War II. (4)May I _ driving you home tonight?,has been honoured with,was honoured,in honour of,have the honour of,.,8.The first TV show was a big hit.(P35) 第一次上电视,他们就一炮走红。 词语辨析,hit; beat; strike 这几个词均含有“打”之意。 (1)hit常与strike换用,侧重

7、有目标地猛击,强调用力击中。另外,hit还有“成功”的意思。 (2)beat含义广泛,指连续打击。也指在游戏、竞赛或战争中打败对手。 (3)strike多指急速或突然一次猛击; 它还有 “罢工、 钟敲了下”等意思。,.,即学即练 选用上述单词填空。 (1)With the rain _ on the window, I couldn,t go to sleep. (2)The red team _ their opponents and won the championship. (3)The angry man _ the boy in the face. (4)Don,t _ me on

8、the back. It hurts. (5)The clock _ twelve and the crowds cheered for the New Year. (6)To our joy, our first concert was a big _.,beating,beat,hit,strike/hit,struck,hit,.,9.Then,make a special time for practicing and stick to it. (P40) 然后,定下专门训练的时间并坚持下去。 词语辨析,stick to;insist on (1)stick to粘在上;坚持原则、真理

9、、观点、决定、计划等。 (2)insist on 坚持,坚决要求(其后多接动名词或动名词的复合结构) 如:The flour has stuck to her fingers and apron. 面粉粘在她的手指和围裙上。 She finds it impossible to stick to that vegetarian diet. 她发现要坚持素食很难。,.,He will stick to her whatever happens. 无论发生什么事,他都会和她在一起。 Don,t stick to your opinion. 不要坚持己见。 I insist on your taki

10、ng immediate action to put this right. 我坚决要求你立刻采取行动处理好这件事情。,.,即学即练 选用上述词语填空。 (1)No matter what you say, I shall _ my opinion. (2)He _ leaving at once, and no one could stop him.,stick to,insisted on,.,写作步步高,.,如何写好并列句(1) 并列连词的意思与作用 由两个或两个以上的简单句并列连接起来的句子叫并列句。并列句的基本句型是: “简单句并列连词(或连接副词)简单句”。不同的并列连词或连接副词

11、表示不同的关系。所以,要写好并列句,首先必须了解每个并列连词的意义和功能。下表是对所有并列连词(或连接副词)的归类与功能的概括。,.,.,活学活用 请选择恰当的并列连接词填空。 1.I don,t agree with you,_ does my partner. 2.Find out where they are going this evening _ ask if we may join them. 3.He was very seriously ill;_ doctors have almost given up hope of his recovery. 4.They go to c

12、oncerts of pop music _ they really like it. 5.She can,t hope to pass the exam in December, _ she,ll have to wait till June.,nor/neither,and,therefore,for,so,.,6.He broke the rules of the school;_ he had to leave. 7.I don,t know anything against the man; _ I don,t trust him. 8.I,ll buy a new suit when I get the cheque for the work I did; _,I,m afraid this old one will have to do a bit longer. 9._ is your answer wrong _ mine is. 10.You must work harder;_ you will be put into another class.,therefore,however,nevertheless,Not only,but also,otherwise,


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