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1、,译林小学英语四年级下册,Story time,Unit7 Whats the matter?,大声读出看到的内容,看到笑脸 说“Happy!”哦!,some juice,some milk,go to bed,happy,some juice,some milk,Liu Tao 很累,你能问出你对他的关心吗?,Z Z Z.,Whats the matter?,tired,hungry,Whats the matter?,Whats the matter?,Whats the matter?,当你的家人感觉不舒服时,你是怎样关心他们的?,你能和同桌演一演 这些句子能帮助你哦! Whats th

2、e matter? Im,Whats the matter with Taotao?,Whats the matter with Taotao?,Can you help Taotao?(你能帮助涛涛解决他的问题吗?),A、Can I have a pie?,C、Can I have some water?,B、Can I have a hamburger?,Liu Tao is thirsty , so he says to his mum (对他的妈妈说)_.,C,我可以吃(喝)吗?,If (如果)Liu Tao is hungry,you can help him (帮助他) and s

3、ay(说) ,A、Come and have a pie.,B、Come and have some water.,C、Come and have a cup of coffee.,A,来吃(喝),Liu Tao is tired ,too. So he says (说) ,A、I want to have some fruit.,B、I want to sit on the sofa.,C、I want to go to bed.,C,我想要,Listen to the tape and try to read after it. 注意模仿其语音语调,Listen and read,爸爸妈妈

4、很关心刘涛,他们是怎么说的?请边听录 音边用铅笔划出相关句子。,Good night. 晚安。(晚上道别时用语,回答也是Good night.),现在你们知道如何去关心别人了吗?用的实际行动告诉大家吧,Tip: 语音准确、注意指读、声音响亮!,(分小组,用以下句型进行表演!),A: Whats the matter? B: Im hungry. A: Come and have a pie.,(分小组,用以下句型进行表演!),A: Whats the matter? B: Im thirsty. Can I have some water? A: Sure, here you are.,(分小

5、组,用以下句型进行表演!),A: Whats the matter? B: Im tired. I want to go to bed.,1.当你看到别人不太舒服,想关心他时,你可以问:,2.当你要表述自己的感觉饿了时,你可以说:,3.当我们请别人过来做吃馅饼时,你可以说:,4.你很渴,你可以说:,Whats the matter?,Im hungry.,Come and have a pie.,Can I have some water?,5.你想睡觉,你可以说:,I want to go to bed.,Please love your family and friends , and try to care about others. 关爱你的家人和朋友,关心你周围的人。,你的爸爸和妈妈关心你吗?,你关心他们吗?,当他们感觉不舒服时,你是怎样关心他们的呢?,


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