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1、译林英语六年级下册Project2教案单元内容 Project 2 A travel book课时1 Part A集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1.The students can gain proficiency in the knowledge of Unit 68 in certain contexts.2.The students can find information about their favourite cities .3.The students can introduce their favourite cities to their classmates.教学重

2、、难点1.The students can gain proficiency in the knowledge of Unit 68 in certain contexts.2.The students can introduce their favourite cities to their classmates.教学准备PPT教学设计Step1 Free talk1 Greeting.Main questions:Whats the weather like today?.Step 2 Presentation1.T:Last time I ask you to review Unit 5

3、-Unit8,now lets show your review. (words about places/ interesting spots/weather/ animals/ sports/.) Teacher asks students to review and catalog knowledge according to above kinds.S: Show the review work by groups.2.T:Discuss in groups and give a report on the subjects above.S:.Step 3 Practice1.Toda

4、y we learn Project 2: A travel book. Whats in a travel book? You can discuss in groups.S: Maybe there is a country / .T: Yes, there are many countries/ cities/ interesting spots in the book.2.(show the map of the world) Look at the map of the world. Do you know any countries/ cities/ interesting spo

5、ts in the map?S:.T: How about the weather/interesting places/ food?S:.3.T:Now please come and introduce your favourite city.S:.Step 4 Consolidation1.I designT: Please work in two and design some exercise.A. 设计一道问题。Read and answer_?B. 设计一道判断题。Read and judge( )_.C. 设计一道选择题。Read and choose( ) _.a._ b._

6、 c._2.Share the design and finish the exercise by groups.Step 5 Homework1.作文一篇 My favourite city。2.小组交流作文,请配上图片,制作成旅行日志,并在下节课展示。板书设计 Project 2 A travel book I review : I report : I design : I share:教学后记课时2 Part B&C集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1.The students can gain proficiency in the knowledge of Unit 68 in c

7、ertain contexts.2.The students can introduce their favourite cities to their classmates.3.The students can make a class travel book of the cities and do show-and-tell.教学重、难点1.The students can gain proficiency in the knowledge of Unit 68 in certain contexts.2.The students can introduce their favourit

8、e cities to their classmates.Predicted area of difficulty3.The students can make a class travel book of the cities and do show-and-tell.教学准备 PPT教学设计Step 1 Free talk1 Greeting.Main questions:Whats the weather like today?Whats your plans for the coming summer holiday?Students talk with their classmate

9、s in their own groups for several minutes.2. T: I heard someone is going to travel someplace in the coming summer holiday. Can you tell us where you are going?S: Im going to .T: Is it your favourite city?S: Yes, it is./No it isnt. My favourite city is.Step 2 Presentation1.The students show the infor

10、mation they have found.Lets introduce our favourite city in this class.S: My favourite city is .T: Why do you like it best?S:.(鼓励学生用自己的语言回答)2.The teacher show her favourite city.T: Just now, you showed your favourite city. Do you want to know my favourite city? Listen to me.This is my favourite city

11、. Its colorful. In spring, its light green. Its verywarm and sunny. You can enjoy spring with your family outside. Its very hot in summer. Sometimes, theres heavy rain. You should pay attention to the weather report everyday. Autumn is the most beautiful season of a year. I love walking on the yello

12、w leaves on the ground. Its cool. But its too short. Winter is coming very soon. It is not so cold in winter. Sometimes we can see white snow.There are many interesting places there. Like the Confucian Temple, the Zhongshan Cemetery, Purple Mountain and so on. Every year, there are many visitors tra

13、vel there. People can enjoy very delicious food there. The most famous food is boiled salted duck.Now, do you know what my favourite city is?S: Its Nanjing.T:Yes, its Nanjing. Its my hometown and I love it best.Do you remember how I introduced Nanjing? Can you get the main aspects? Weather Interesti

14、ng places Know about a city Food Mode of transportation(交通方式) Things you should prepare(出行准备)Do you have any more suggestions?引导学生总结归纳从哪几个方面介绍自己喜爱的城市,多多益善。T: If we want to ask about ones favourite city, how we can ask according to these aspects?S: How is the weather in.?What interesting places will we see in the city?What food will we eat in the city?How can you get there from Nanjing?.Lets talk about our favourite city. You can ask and answer together. The students t



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