B12M3U2 The sun is shiningppt课件

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《B12M3U2 The sun is shiningppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《B12M3U2 The sun is shiningppt课件(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.,B12M3U2 The sun is shining.,By Bruce 2015.3.17,.,Lets listen ,chant. P18(4),shine发光照耀 fine find,.,Listen and chant,find is doingp17(1),.,be doing,正在做,be 是am, is ,are,I am reading. He is reading. We are reading. 正在读书。,.,现在进行时 概念:表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。 结构由主语 +be(is/am/are)+doing构成的。,.,be going to do be doi

2、ng,一般将来时 现在进行时,.,Listen and find be doing P17(2),.,In this photo, the sun_ (shine) the birds_ _ (sing),be doing,正在做,be 是am, is ,are,is shining.,are singing.,.,shine-shining.动词以不发音的e结尾, 要去e加ing take - taking make - making dance - dancing come-coming write-writing,.,Now look at this photo, It_ to rain

3、(start) and the birds _ (fly) away.,be doing,正在做,be 是am, is ,are,is starting,are flying,单数is 复数are,.,And in this photo, it_ (rain) the ducks _ our sandwiches.,be doing,正在做,be 是am, is ,are,is raining.,are eating,.,In this photo, the sun_ the birds _,is shining.,are singing.,Lets say and do.,Now look

4、at this photo, It_ to rain and the birds _ _ away.,is starting,are flying,And in this photo, it_ the ducks _ our sandwiches.,is raining.,are eating,.,What is he doing? He is playing. What are they doing? They are listening.,Lets see and say.,.,What is he doing? He is playing. What are they doing? Th

5、ey are listening.,Lets see and say.,.,ask and answer,Whats the weather like? The sun is shining. What are the birds doing? The birds are singing. What are the birds doing? The birds are flying away. What are the ducks doing? They are eating our sandwiches.,.,What have we learned today?,现在进行时 be doin

6、g,正在做,be是am,is,are. I am,you are,he,she is. doing有四种变化,.,doing的四种变化,doing,1.直接加ing,work-working 大部分单词的变化方式,2.去e加ing,shine-shinging 结尾e不发音,3.双写加ing,run-running 结尾是辅元辅结构,4.变ie为ying,die-dying 单词有lie,die,tie 具体介绍见全解P52,.,动词的现在分词的变化规则,一般情况下,直接在动词后加ing work - working sleep - sleeping study - studying do-d

7、oing play-playing,.,动词以不发音的e结尾,要去e加ing take - taking make - making dance - dancing come-coming write-writing,.,重读闭音节的动词,要双写词尾字母,再加ing cut - cutting put - putting begin - beginning swim-swimming run-running,.,以ie结尾的动词,把ie变成y再加ing lie - lying tie - tying die - dying,.,写出下列动词的现在分词形式,read play dance wri

8、te sit get have eat look carry begin put,reading,playing,dancing,writing,sitting,getting,having,eating,looking,carrying,beginning,putting,.,用下列词的正确形式填空。 I am_(swim) now. 2 He _ (be) doing homework now. 3 We are _(look) at some ducks.,swimming,is,looking,.,Lets say. How can we ask and answer?,1. weat

9、her sunny 2.the ducks swim 3.the birds fly 4.the children play 5.the boy eat 6. his father sleep 7.his mother read 8. the dog play,.,Lets write ABp13(4) 问题竖着看,1.In this picture, it is sunny. 2.The ducks are swimming on the lake. 3.The birds are flying in the sky. 4.The children are playing basketball. 5.The boy is eating an ice cream. 6.His father is sleeping. 7.His mother is reading a book. 8. The dog is playing with a ball.,.,Homework,1.同步M3 P13-P18。 2.M3过关。 3. M2-M3词句抄2.1或会默(名),



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