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1、永嘉县瓯北镇中心小学 全美雪,小学英语命题之我见,单项选择 阅读理解,读,(1)能看图识字; (2)能在指认物体的前提下认读所学的词语; (3)能在图片的帮助下读懂小故事。,英语课程标准一级读的目标描述是:,1能认读所学词语; 2能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词; 3能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令; 4能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息; 5能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文, 并养成按意群阅读的习惯; 6能正确朗读所学故事或短文。,英语课程标准二级中的语言技能对读的 目标描述是:,考察单词、词组的意思,1._ are my keys, mom ? They are on the table. What

2、 B. When C. Where 2. _are these apples? They are ten yuan. How much B. How many C. How long 3. What would you like for dinner? Id like some green _. A. beef B. bread C, beans,注意:不要出现模凌两可的答案;不能拨高对学生的要求, 以教学目标为准绳,尽量避免出偏题,怪题.,1知道名词有单复数形式; 2知道主要人称代词的区别; 3知道动词在不同情况下会有形式上的变化; 4了解表示时间、地点和位置的介词; 5了解英语简单句的基本

3、形式和表意功能。,英语课程标准二级中的语言技能对语法的 目标描述是:,1. She _ music. likes B. like C. dont like 2.She usually plays the piano every day. She_music likes B. like C. dont like 3.I_from China. am B. is C. are 4.-Where are you from? -I_from China. A. am B. is C. are,语法题不应该孤立的, 语法命题一定要与语境相结合。在教学中进行语法操练时,要坚持“四位一体”,即话题、语境、结

4、构、功能相结合。抓住话题,联系语境,确定语法结构,明确语法功能(交际功能)。要重视语法知识对于培养语言运用功能的基础作用.,语法,( ) 1. - Whats the date? - _. A. Its Feb. 9th B. Its 12:00 C. Its snowy and cold. ( ) 2. - Happy birthday! - _. A. Happy birthday! B. Thank you. C. Me too.,情景交际,语用能力题,( ) 1. - Please be quiet. My mother is _. - OK. A. going hiking B. d

5、oing dishes C. sleeping ( ) 2. - When do you eat breakfast? - I usually eat breakfast _. And then I go to school at 8:00. A. at 7:30 B. at 8:30 C. at 9:20 ( ) 3.What do you do on the weekends? I like music. I often _ . A. go hiking B . play the piano C. play sports,1.避免出偏题,怪题 2.语法题目必须有所涉及,但必须与语境相结合

6、3.选项中不要出现完全错误题项 - What would you like for breakfast? - Id like _. a bread B. breads C. some bread -Are the keys on the desk? - _. They are in the door. A. Yes, they are B. No, they arent C. No, it is,单项选择命题注意事项:,阅读题考查目的 新课标对阅读的目标描述 阅读材料的选择 阅读题型及注意点,命题之阅读理解,:主要是考查学生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按

7、意群阅读的习惯. 要求学生能借助图片读懂小故事,这就是要求学生能达到理解的程度,包括对故事主要内容的理解、主要人物的理解、故事情节的理解,但不包括逻辑关系的理解,不包括引申意义的理解。二级同时还要求学生养成按照意群阅读的习惯,按照意群即把课文中意义上有联系的单词作为整体来识别,这有助于学生以有意义的短句为单位来阅读,而不是一个词一个词地读。这个要求是比较高的,这要求学生能够理解意群,也就是理解语句结构。,阅读材料的选择 1. 贴近生活 2.增加趣味(熟知感兴趣的人、物/图片) 3.难易适度,循序渐进 4.构思巧妙,有机组合,Yaoming is my favourite basketball

8、player. He is 226cm tall and 141kg. He likes playing basketball very much. His good friend Yi Jianlian likes playing basketball too. Yi Jianlian is 21 years old. Yaoming is seven years older than him. Yi Jianlian is very tall too, but he is 13cm shorter than Yaoming and 34kg thinner.,1、学生所熟知并感兴趣的人、物

9、,插图的位置 插图的选择,2、适当得体的插图也可增加趣味性,阅读材料的难易程度直接影响学生的阅读心理与情感.而它往往又 和生词量有关,生词太多,学生读不懂阅读材料,达不到考查的目的, 并且还会对阅读产生畏惧心理而放弃阅读,给进一步的阅读造成障碍 挑选学生熟悉的材料,里面的词语只不过是重新组合搭配的,让学生在 熟词的环境中理解体会,达到对所学词语的熟练.,难易适度,循序渐进,.Read , tick or cross. 阅读短文,判断正误。(10分) Lily and Nini are twins(双胞胎). They usually get up at 6:00 a.m. They eat b

10、reakfast at 7:10 a.m. Then they go to school together. They have 6 classes a day. After school, they usually play sports. They look the same, but they are very different(不同). Nini likes winter best, because she can skate. But Lily likes spring best, because she can go hiking with her friends. Nini u

11、sually read books on Saturdays. Lily usually goes to the nature park. Today is Saturday. Lily and her friends are in the nature park. The grass is green. The sky is blue. The air is fresh. There are many mountains and flowers in the park. There is a big forest and a river. They fly kites and have a

12、picnic. They have a good time.,阅读题型,阅读标号 阅读辨析 阅读选择 阅读问答,请为每一位孩子的照片配上合适的介绍。 ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. She is fat. She has short hair, big eyes and a big mouth. She is cute. 2. She has long hair, small eyes and a small nose. She is very quiet. 3. She has short hair. She is thin. She has big eyes. S

13、he is very nice. 4. He is strong. He has short hair and big eyes. He likes sports. 5. He is tall and thin. He is very funny.,读句子或文章标号,Lisa正准备为家人制作生日表,请按Lisa.提供的信息,看看一年中Lisa一家谁最早过生日,谁最晚过生日,请按月份的顺序给他们的生日排排序吧。另外还有一个提示,Lisa在全家人中第三个过生日。 My name is Lisa. My birthday is June 15th. Today is my birthday. I a

14、m so happy. Grandpas birthday is in June, too. Its June 20th. Hes 70 years old this year. We will (将) have a big dinner on his birthday. Grandmas birthday is in January. So she is the first to celebrate(庆祝) her birthday in my family. She is 68 years old. She is happy and healthy. My mother is a teac

15、her. She is a lucky (幸运的) teacher. Her birthday is on Teachers Day. Mike is my brother. His birthday is March 12th. We often plant trees on his birthday. Fathers birthday is in December. Its cold. Sometimes we can play with the snow on his birthday.,读图判断,1、能直接在语句中找到答案的 2、不能直接在语句中找到答案的 A.转换(人称的转换、句式的

16、转换) B.归纳概括(部分整合、整体概括),读文判断,Look at the picture! There is a woman in the car. She is my aunt. She is my fathers sister. Her husband(丈夫) is an English teacher. He is tall and strong. My aunt and uncle have two sons and a daughter. Jim and Tom are twins(双胞胎). They are 12. They like science. How old is Ann? She is 9. She likes music. They are happy together. ( ) 1. There are four


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