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1、第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Functional genre theory and its implications in teaching advanced reading comprehension功能语类观与阅读理解,李战子 南京国际关系学院,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,内容提要,通过讨论外语读写教学中对语类的各种理解,指出其中存在的矛盾和不确定性; 通过介绍语类作为功能话语分析的核心概念,简述功能语类观的主要内容; 并围绕阅读理解教学中的几个实例展示功能语类观的实际应用。,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,语类与话

2、语种类Genre and discourse types,Register 语域 Discourse types 话语种类 Genre 语类 Varieties of discourse 各类话语 Discourse modes 话语模式,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Bex, S. 2011, Discourse and Genre, Palgrave Macmillan Macmillan,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,语类与语料库语言学,The impetus for categoriz

3、ing texts and discourses came from the practical needs of corpus linguistics. fiction, non-fiction (BROWN and LOB corpora of written English); intuitive classifications (the Helsinki corpus);,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,基于情景的直觉分类法,Intuitive classifications are made on the basis of the purpose for whi

4、ch a text is produced, rather than on purely linguistic criteria - they correspond to our intuitive feelings about whether texts/discourses are of the same type are not.,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,A type of text understood intuitively as being a certain kind can then be analyzed in terms of what its

5、 prototypical linguistic characteristics are.,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Difference between genres,Crystal performance of the relationship; the degree of emotional charge.,Tenor,the channel of communication, including : monologic/dialogic, spoken/written, +/- visual-contact, etc,Mode,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周

6、-2011年11月南京,Genre study 1:Linguistic analysis of syntactic properties,Linguistic analyses of frequency of syntactic properties in different genres are interesting and useful in the sense that they provide necessary empirical evidence to confirm or disprove some of the intuitive and impressionistic s

7、tatements that we all tend to make about the high or low incidence of certain lexico-grammarical features of various genres.,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,However, this level of linguistic analysis tells us very little about what aspects of these genres are textualized and to what purpose.,第12届功能语言学研讨会

8、功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre study 1:Linguistic analysis of syntactic properties,.statistical significance of a particular linguistic feature in a specific genre becomes more significant if it is possible to say what aspect of the genre it textualizes.,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,This kind of insight into te

9、xt-patterning in various genres tends to provide exciting answers to the question “Why do members of what sociologists call secondary culture write the way they do? “. Thus taking linguistic description a step further in the direction of explanation.,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre study 1:Linguist

10、ic analysis of syntactic properties,However, just as it is possible for a particular syntactic feature to perform several functions specific to a particular genre, similarly, it is also possible for a particular feature of language to perform different functions in different genres. E.G. the use of

11、NPs and nominalizations in advertising, legislation and scientific research articles.,Nominalization is a very ancient and trusted linguistic device used by the legal expert to achieve condensation and all-inclusiveness in his writing.,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre study 1,Genre, after all, is a

12、socio-culturally dependent communicative event and is judged effective to the extent that it can ensure pragmatic success in the business or other professional context in which it is used.,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre Study 2:ESP(专门用途英语) genre analysis,The second main strand of genre studies in

13、applied linguistics draws from the work of Swales (1981,1990), working in the area called English for Specific Purposes (ESP).,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre Study 2: English in academic and professional setting,Introductions to research articles; the results section of research articles; the intr

14、oduction and discussion sections of dissertations; popularized medical texts; abstracts; job application; sales promotion letters; legislative documents; academic lectures;,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre Study 2: English in academic and professional setting,Coupled with this notion of the changing

15、 rather than static genre, is the inclusion in ESP genre studies of the notion of prototypicality, that is, the way in which properties such as communicative purpose, form, structure, and audience expectations, operate to identify the extent to which an exemplar is prototypical of a particular genre

16、. (Swales, 1990:52),第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre Study 3:The heterogeneity of discourse,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre Study 3:The heterogeneity of discourse,The matching of language to context is characterized by Indeterminacy, heterogeneity and struggle. It means any text is constructed out of discourse conventions which have diverse origins.,第12届功能语言学研讨会功能周-2011年11月南京,Genre Study 3: language variety,This critical genre theory of variety (The matchi



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