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1、题型组合练(四).完形填空(2017湖北八校联考一)Two years ago,Dubuque,Iowa,started its first annual “Back to School Bash” program.It offered needy families an opportunity to learn about free 1 in the community.Holmes decided to 2 by providing help to kids.He was 3 two jobs at the time,one of which was working as a barber

2、.Saturday was his 4 day,but he chose to 5 his time and gave free haircuts to lower class kids on condition that the kids should 6 their free haircut by having to read a book to him.The idea was so 7 that he continued it for the next two years.Many kids would 8 a favorite book,settle into the barber

3、chair,and read aloud 9 Holmes was doing their hair.After the haircut,theyd review the book,from the 10 and vocabulary to the themesjust like in school,only more fun.Holmes,who is married 11 two sons,recognizes that not every parent has the time to 12 with their kids.So he hopes to offer some 13 in t

4、his way.And he admits he, 14 ,benefits from doing that.There was a sevenyearold kid who 15 stuttered(结巴) over words while reading.He had the boy take the book home and 16 .When the child came back a few days later,he read it with no problems.That 17 Holmes to do more.Holmes and his family have recen

5、tly moved to a Chicago suburb.When they get 18 ,he plans to restart his 19 as the Storybook Barber.“Todays world is full of guns and violence,” he says.“The barbershop is a 20 place for the kids to come and read books.”语篇解读理发店店主霍姆斯免费为孩子们理发,条件是他们要在理发时为他读书。此举既能帮助贫穷家庭的孩子读书,也让他自己受益颇多。1A.materials Bresou

6、rcesCmethods Dconnections答案B解析根据本段中的“providing help to kids”及倒数第二段中的“He had the boy take the book home.”可知,Dubuque发起“Back to School Bash”项目是给贫困家庭提供免费的学习资源(resources)。material材料;method方法;connection联系。2A.participate BperformCdevelop Dwithdraw答案A解析根据空后的“by providing help to kids”可知,霍姆斯参加了这项活动。participa

7、te参加;perform表演,执行;develop发展;withdraw撤出,退出。根据语境可知选A项。3A.faced with Bcaught inCpresented with Dengaged in答案D解析根据“one of which was working as a barber”可知,他从事了两份工作。be engaged in忙于,从事,符合语境。故选D项。be faced with面对,面临;be caught in受困于;be presented with被授予。4A.happiest BworstCbusiest Dbest答案C解析周六是他最忙的(busiest)日子

8、,但他仍选择奉献出自己的时间为贫困孩子免费理发。故选C项。5A.spend BwasteCsave Ddonate答案D解析根据空后的“gave free haircuts to lower class kids”可知,霍姆斯为贫困孩子免费理发,因此,此处指他选择奉献出自己的时间来做此事。spend花费;waste浪费;save拯救,节省;donate捐赠,捐献。根据语境可知选D项。6A.receive BearnCdemand Drequest答案B解析根据句中的“on condition that”及“by having to read a book to him”可知,孩子需要通过为他读

9、一本书来获得免费理发的机会。receive收到;earn赢得,获得,挣得;demand要求,需求;request请求,要求。根据语境可知选B项。7A.popular BordinaryCcomplex Drigid答案A解析根据“he continued it for the next two years”可知,此项活动很受欢迎,所以持续了好几年。故选A项。ordinary普通的;complex复杂的;rigid僵硬的。8A.put away Btake overCpick up Dgive out答案C解析根据上文可知,孩子们要想得到免费理发的机会,就要给霍姆斯读一本书。因此许多孩子会拿起一

10、本自己最爱的书,在理发椅上坐下来。pick up拿起,符合语境。put away把收起来;take over接管;give out分发,散发(光、热、气味等)。9A.before BafterCwhile Duntil答案C解析孩子们通过给霍姆斯读书换取免费理发的机会,此处指孩子们给他读书与他给孩子们理发的动作同时进行。故选C项,while引导时间状语从句。10A.kids BheroinesCbarbers Dcharacters答案D解析理完发,他们会回顾那本读过的书,从人物(characters)、词汇到主题。根据语境可知选D项。kid小孩;heroine女主角;barber理发师。11

11、A.with BtoCfor Dabout答案A解析霍姆斯已结婚,并有了两个儿子。with表示“有,具有”,符合语境。12A.stay BreadCtalk Dlearn答案B解析根据文中出现的关键信息read a book及read等可知,此处指霍姆斯意识到并不是所有的父母都有时间陪孩子一起读书(read)。故选B项。13A.guidance BjudgmentCassistance Dinsurance答案C解析作为有两个儿子的父亲,霍姆斯非常清楚,并非每个父母亲都有时间陪自己的孩子读书,所以他希望能够提供一些帮助。assistance帮助,符合语境。故选C项。guidance指导,指南;

12、judgment评价,判决;insurance保险。14A.again BstillCthen Dtoo答案D解析根据“benefits from doing that”可知,他的做法不仅对孩子们有益,他自己也(too)受益颇多。故选D项。15A.usually BhardlyCmerely Dnecessarily答案A解析根据下文的“he read it with no problems”可知,这个七岁的男孩在读书时通常会结巴。usually经常,通常,符合语境。故选A项。hardly几乎不;merely仅仅;necessarily必要地。16A.write BpracticeCremar

13、k Dreflect答案B解析因为男孩阅读时结巴,所以霍姆斯让他把书带回家去练习(practice)阅读。write写作;remark评论,谈到;reflect反思。故选B项。17A.surprised BexcitedCinspired Dimpressed答案C解析当这个孩子几天后毫无障碍地读那本书时,霍姆斯知道他所做的是值得的,因此这件事激励了他。inspire激励,鼓励,符合语境,故选C项。surprise使惊奇,使惊讶;excite使兴奋;impress给留下印象。18A.settled BrelaxedCpleased Drefreshed答案A解析从上一句可知,霍姆斯和家人搬到芝

14、加哥郊区,所以此处应是安顿(settled)下来。故选A项。relax放松;please使高兴,使满意;refresh使恢复精力。19A.ownership BhobbyCpromise Drole答案D解析根据空后的“as the Storybook Barber”可知,当霍姆斯安顿下来后,他就计划重新开始他作为“故事书理发师”的角色(role)。ownership所有权;hobby业余爱好;promise承诺。20A.secret BsafeCrough Dcrowded答案B解析设空处与上文的“full of guns and violence”相对,因此,此处指理发店是安全的(safe)场所。故选B项。secret秘密的;rough粗糙的;crowded拥挤的。.语法填空(2017山西临汾适应性训练)Once upon a time,there was a flock of doves that flew in search of food 21. (lead) by their king.One day,they had flown a long distance and were very tired.The dove king22. (courage) them to fly a little further.The 23. (small) of them pick


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