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1、天津市武清区大良中学2011-2012学年高一英语下学期期中考试试题(扫描版)武清区2011-2012学年度第二学期期中考试高一英语试题参考答案听力15 CACCB 610 ACBAB 1115 AACBB单选1620 ADCDB 2125 CBDCD 2530 CDCDA完型3135 CCADD 3640 BCABA 4145 CBDDC阅读理解4650 DBCBC 5155 BBACD 5660 ACDCB单词拼写1. appreciate 2. rely 3. weight 4. strength 5. gather 6. ahead 7. harmful 8. biology 9. c

2、hatting 10. within 阅读表达1. About Volcanoes.2. Suddenly throws out lava. / break out.3. A volcano is simply the opening in the earth from which the magma escapes.4. The earth is made up of many layers.5. No. Because volcanoes are not simply mountains.书面表达Dear Henry, Im glad to receive your letterIts a

3、 pleasure to tell you my plan for this coming summer vacation. First of all, Ill spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and doing some housework, which will make them very happyAfter all, theyve done so much for meBesides, Ill do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as wellIf

4、 possible, Ill take part in some social activities so that I can know more about society and improve my abilitiesTravelling, which will broaden our horizons, is also a good choice, isnt it? Best wishes! Your sincerely, Li Hua听力录音稿Text 1W: Lets order take-out. Its too cold to go out for lunch.M: Good

5、. Ill do that after I finish the newspaper.Text 2M: Do you know what John does after dinner every day?W: Yes, he spends three quarters of an hour jogging and half an hour jumping rope.Text 3W: Peter, lets go. I want to buy some candy at the store before it closes.M: I cant go with you today. I have

6、to finish my homework here. My parents are working overtime, and I didnt take my house keys.Text 4W: Have some more steak, Charles!M: Thank you, Lydia, but if I eat one more bite, I think Ill explode!Text 5W: You always read at home on weekends. We havent been to a movie in nearly half a year.M: But

7、 there arent any good movies out now. Nothing can compare to reading books.W: You should be a writer since you like books so much.Text 6W: A large amount of waste is thrown away every day, including home appliances, plastic, paper, and construction materials. Throwing these thins away is bad for the

8、 environment. They should be recycled.M: Youre right. I read in the newspaper that more and more recycling centers are being built in our city. Waste is gathered, sorted, and transported out of the city to be recycled.W: Where is the waste sent?M: Well, If you are interested, I have a lot of books a

9、bout waste treatment. You could come over to my house to read them with me, and then you could go to some recycling centers to do a survey.W: That sounds good. What a great topic for my midterm paper! Ill write about waste treatment!M: Im sure youll do a great job.Text 7W: Oh no! I hate these long d

10、elays!M: I know. I cant wait to get home. Ive been travelling on business for the last month. I really miss my family.W: A month is a long time to be away. Do you have any children?M: I have three, two boys and a girl. Would you like to see a picture of them?W: Sure Oh, how nice! Now, whos this?M: T

11、his is Judy, my oldest. Shes twenty-four.W: Is she married?M: Yes, she is. And these are my two sons, Jamie and Julian.W: How old are they?M: Jamie is twenty-one. Hes in college now. Julian is seventeen. Thats my wife, Beth, next to my daughter.W: Well, you certainly have a lovely family.M: Thank yo

12、u. So, tell me about your family.W: My husband and I have a son, Tim.Text 8The western part of the city was hit by several storms last night, causing serious damage and cutting water and power to at least two hundred homes. Scores of families were left homeless because the roofs of their houses were

13、 blown away. The destruction can be seen everywhere. On Main Street, the parking lot was completely flooded, and some cars were moved across the parking area and into the streets by the floods. Its a terrible scene. Wind speeds reached eighty kilometers per hour. On White Street, trees became uproot

14、ed and smashed into parked cars. Worse still, on Green Street, a tree fell on a bus that was taking some students to their basketball game. Luckily, no one on the bus was hurt. It looks like the insurance companies will have to pay large sums of money to their customers. As for tomorrow, weather con

15、ditions are supposed to improve. Clear skies can be expected.武清区2011-2012学年度第二学期期中考试高二英语试题参考答案听力15 BCBAB 610 ABCCB 1115 CCBAC单选1620 ABCCB 2125 ADCDB 2630 CADBD完型3135 DBABA 3640ABDAC 4145CBCAD阅读理解4650 CCDBA 5155 BDACA 5660 BDCAC单词拼写1. quit 2. goal 3. Evolution 4. destruction/damage 5. careless 6. performances 7. reflect 8. fasten 9. distributing 10. novelist阅读表达1. The passage mainly tells u


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