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1、2013届高考英语听力特训3(word文本):31Mozambiques President Samora Machel has been killed in a plane crash on South Africas eastern border. Machel and twenty-eight others died in the crash during a thunderstorm last night. Ten survived. They were returning home from a weekend summit of African leaders in Zambia.

2、 Machel was fifty-three. He led Mozambique to independence and had been President since 1975. General Motors announced today it is selling its assets in South Africa. G.M. Chairman Roger Smith said the recession in South Africa and a lack of progress in ending apartheid has created what he called an

3、 increasingly difficult business environment. Smith said GM South African operations had been losing money for several years. GMs Opel and Isuzu subsidiaries will be sold to a group headed by local South African management. The Reagan Administration today reacted angrily to the Soviet expulsion of f

4、ive American diplomats from the Soviet Union yesterday. NPRs Jim Angle has details. White Home spokesman Larry Speakes called it an unjustified action based on unfounded allegations. We are upset, outraged, and chagrined, he said. At the State Department, spokesman Charles Redman said the US has mad

5、e its views of the expulsions clear to Soviet officials in Moscow. We did protest that action. In doing so, we made the point that this action is totally without justification and cannot help but have a detrimental effect on our relations. Administration officials said the expulsion was clearly a re

6、taliation for the US expulsion of twenty-five diplomats at the Soviet mission to the UN. That was part of a three-year reduction in the Soviet UN staff demanded by the administration. Officials would not comment on whether the five Americans were intelligence officers, but insist that they had done

7、nothing improper, meaning they were not caught in any act of espionage. Some administration officials believe this is a test of wills between the US and the Soviet Union over what kind of intelligence presence each side will allow. In any case, said one official, the Soviet action is illegitimate an

8、d shouldnt go without a response. Im Jim Angle in Washington. The citizens of the troubled African nation of Mozambique are in shock tonight and waiting to hear who will be leading their country in the coming months. The leader of that southern African country Samora Machel died last night as his pl

9、ane apparently attempted a crash landing inside South Africa just half a mile from the Mozambican border. Twenty-eight others also died in the crash. The death of Machel and the location of the crash have raised serious questions about South Africas possible role in the crash, and about the future s

10、tability of the region. NPRs John Madison has more from Johannesburg. President Machel died within a few minutes drive from the place that he and South African President P.W. Botha made famous, Nkomati, the village that gave its name to a historic nonaggression pact between the white minority govern

11、ment and its black Marxist neighbor in 1984. twenty-eight people are believed to have died in the crash last night. Only ten survived; all but one are in serious condition. Bodies were strewn around the plateau on which the Presidents jet appears to have tried to make a forced landing. In the wrecka

12、ge, only the tail of the fuselage is identifiable as the remains of an airplane. Most of the dead were senior members of Machels government, and one was Zaires Ambassador to Mozambique. With news of the crash, suspicion was immediately cast on South Africa. The war of words between the two has escal

13、ated in recent weeks bringing relations to an all-time low since the Nkomati Accord was signed two years ago. The timing of the tragedy could hardly have been worse for regional stability. The past two weeks have seen escalating South Africa charges and threats against Mozambique. On October 6, a la

14、nd mine exploded in South Africa near the border, injuring six South African soldiers. Two days later South Africas Defense Minister warned Machel that South Africa would fight with everything at its disposal. He pointedly said Machel held the fate of Nkomati Accord in his hands. Then ten days ago,

15、South Africa announced it was barring Mozambiques sixty-three thousand workers from South Africa, thus cutting off Mozambiques main supply of foreign exchange. South Africas outlawed African National Congress today blamed South Africa for being directly of indirectly responsible for the crash. They

16、pointed out that South Africa has backed the Mozambique resistance movement of Ronomo, which was currently conducting a military offense against the Mozambique government. They said either South Africa or Renamo caused the crash. Renamo, for its part, denied this responsibility but made no bones about its pleasure at Machels demise. The death of President Machel removes the main obstacle to peace, a spokesman for Ronomo in Lisbon said. And he was


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