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1、Canada - The True North,Unit 5,Vocabulary Explanation,quiz指时间较短,随时进行的口头或书面的非正式测验。 test多指有具体目的的临时性考试或小考。 exam系examination的缩略形式,口语用词,通俗。 examination通常指为检查学生知识或能力而举行的正式考试,有时也指临时考试。,Vocabulary Explanation,3. rather than 与其;不愿;而不是 该结构引导的两部分必须是平行结构 I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee. The shi

2、p sank quickly rather than slowly. We should help him rather than he should help us.,Vocabulary Explanation,prefer to do.rather than do.宁愿做.而不做. would do.rather than do.宁可做.不愿做 would rather do.than do.宁愿做.而不做 他宁死也不屈服 He prefers to die rather than give in . He would die rather than give in . He would

3、 rather die than give in .,Vocabulary Explanation,4. chat: v/n chat to/with sb 同某人聊天 chat about sth. 聊某事 have a chat with sb. 与某人聊天 5. scenery: 风景的总称 scene: 一眼可以看到的风景,情景中多包含人的 因素(场面/场景) view: 从某处看到的景色,scenery一部分。 sight: 风景,景象,强调眼睛看到的,Vocabulary Explanation,6. surround:围绕,环绕;使包围,围住 be surrounded by/w

4、ith周围都是/被围住 eg:The lake is surrounded by trees. surround oneself with和.在一起,与.为伍 eg:The teacher loves to surround himself with his students. 拓展:surroundings: n 环境,Vocabulary Explanation,7.measure: v/n 1) 估计;估量;测量;判定 Its hard to measure his ability when we havent seen his works. 2)(尺寸,长度,数量等) sth. mea

5、sures num. 某物长(宽、高)为 The room measures 5 meters across.,Vocabulary Explanation,3) n.措施;计量制 take measures to do 采取措施 We should take measures to improve our teaching. The measure is given in centimeters.,Vocabulary Explanation,8. aboard: adv 初见 fall in love at first sight(一见钟情) at the sight of 在看到.时 i

6、n/within sight在视线之内 lose sight of 看不见,忽略,忘记 out of sight看不见 get/catch a glimpse of 瞥见,Vocabulary Explanation,12.have a gift for (doing) sth.对有天赋 She has a gift for music. gifted: adj.有天赋的 Be gifted in /at My sister is gifted at drawing.,Vocabulary Explanation,13. within:在之内(时间、距离),在.里面;不超出 within 5

7、days within its power,Vocabulary Explanation,14. border: n/v 边界;与接壤 The soldiers are guarding the border. Our garden is bordered by a stream The United States borders Canada on the earth. borderer: n 边境居民,Vocabulary Explanation,15. mix: v 混合;调配 mixture: n mix A with/and B 把A和B混合 I dont want to mix b

8、usiness with pleasure. (我不想把工作和娱乐混在一起。),Vocabulary Explanation,16. confirm: 证实,确认,使确信,认可 confirm + n What you said confirms my opinion. confirm + that从句 Im calling to confirm that you received my resume. 我打电话过来想确认一下你是否收到了我的简历。 It has been confirmed that已确定 confirm sb. in sth.使某人确信某事 confirmation: n

9、证实;批准,Vocabulary Explanation,17. distance: 除表距离之外,还可以指时间的久远 in the distance在远处(只表示空间) eg: We heard gunfire in the distance. at a distance 有相当距离(时间/空间) eg:she had loved him at a distance for years. keep sb. at a distance对某人疏远,冷淡对待 distant: adj 远的,Vocabulary Explanation,19. nearby: adv.在附近 The girl yo

10、u want to see lives nearby. adj. 附近的;邻近的 Fortunately there was a hospital nearby. She dropped into a nearby chair. 反义词:faraway: adj. 遥远的,Vocabulary Explanation,20. impress: v. 使印象深刻;使铭记 The 2010 Shanghai World Expo has impressed the people deeply. impress sb. with sth. 给某人留下深刻映象 eg: he impressed me with his honesty. impress sth. on/upon sb. 使某人意识到;使铭记 eg:Her words impressed themselves on my memory. impression: n 印象 leave/make an impression on sb. impressive: adj 给人深刻印象的,感人的,



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