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1、Unit 10教学目标知识与能力 master all the key words and phrases of the whole unit过程与方法 review all the contents in this unit情感态度与价值观 review knowledge in time, develop good habits of learning.重点难点1. Review all the words and expressions in this unit.2. Do some exercises about the grammar and communications.课型 Pr

2、actice教学手段 media教学过程师生活动个案部分Step 1 Lead inCheck the homework: Step 2 Revision1.We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives. 我们珍视日常生活中和家人及朋友共度的时光。value在这里是动词, 意为“重视;珍视。2.Ivaluedmy friendship with my classmates. 我珍视我和同学之间的友谊。3.I have alwaysvaluedyour advice. 我向来重视你的忠告。

3、4.Which do youvalue, wealth or health? 你珍视哪一种,财富还是健康?5.Good books are of greatvalueto students. 好书对学生非常有用。6.I paid him 50 for the painting, but its truevaluemust be at least 500. 我付给他50英镑买下了这幅画, 但它的真正价值至少有500英镑。教学过程Key sentence patterns:We often just drop by our friends homes if we have time. 我们经常顺便

4、拜访朋友们的家,如果有时间的话。 drop by 顺便拜访可以直接使用,也可以在by后面加表示地点的词。Drop by often when you are free. 有空时常来拜访。I will drop by my uncles home this afternoon. 今天下午我要顺便去我叔叔家拜访。They are sure toget madto hear it. 他们听了一定会气坏了。Mother got mad with me for coming home late. 妈妈为我回家晚了这件事而大发雷霆。Father wontget mad aboutyour mistake. 父亲不会为你的错失生气的Homework: 1.Memorize the new words and expressions 2. Finish the exercise book “ Festivals and Culture”. 板书设计教学反思2


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