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1、辽宁省鞍山市九年级英语全册Unit6Whenwasitinvented教案3(新版)人教新目标版 Unit 6教学目标知识与能力 New words and expressions过程与方法 learn to use Passive Voice in past tense 情感态度与价值观 Love magic nature. Love great inventions.重点难点Try to use passive voice ( past tense ) to describe the invention.Rewrite the sentences using the passive voi

2、ce.课型 New lesson教学手段 media Step 1 . Warming- up and revision 1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class. 2. Review some main phrases we learned in the last class. Check the homework. 3. Let some Ss tell something about how tea was invented by accident. Tell something about how te

3、a was invented by accident. Step 2 Grammar Focus. 1. Ask students to read the sentences in the Grammar Focus.2. Then ask then to make more sentences according to the focus.Step 3. Grammar一般过去时态的被动语态的构成 英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态则表示主语是动作的教学过程承受者。如:一般过去时被动语态的结构为“主语+ was /were +及物动词的过去分词 (

4、+by+动作的执行者).”。如: Trees were planted last spring.去年春天种了树。We cleaned the classroom yesterday. The classroom was cleaned yesterday.Step 4 Exercise 1. He chose six story books the other day. Six story books _ _ by him the other day.2. A mouse ate half of a cake last night .Half of the cake _ _ by a mouse last night.Step 5. PracticeWork on 4a. 4b.Students do these practices by themselves,the teacher check the answer in class.Step 6. Finish 4c. Decide whether active or passive forms Should be used in these sentences.Step 7. Homework. Do more exercise about the grammar. 板书设计教学反思3 / 3


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