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1、Lesson 31,Wheres Sally?,Warmer: Make a sentence with the following words.,Is Where my coat? orange Where is my orange coat? this? Whose jacket pink is Whose pink jacket is this?/ Whose is this pink jacket? My are. shorts blue My shorts are blue. are my socks? green Where Where are my green socks?,is

2、 of a table middle room. There in the the There is a table in the middle of the room. your What dress? colour is What colours your dress? mechanic. Look He dirty. at that is Look at that mechanic. He is dirty. is What job? your What is your job?,1、New words and expressions,1 garden g:dn n.花园 2 under

3、 nd prep.在之下 3 tree tri: n.树 4 climb klaim v.爬,攀登 5 who hu: pron.谁,6 run rn v.跑 7 grass gr:s n.草,草地 8 after :ft prep.在之后 9 across krs prep.横过, 穿过 10 cat kt n.猫,Words Usages.,1. under prep. 在之下 eg: 在树下 under the tree 2. after prep.在之后 run after追赶,追逐 eg: 追猫 run after the cat,Words Usages.,3. across pr

4、ep. 横过,穿过 run across 跑着横穿过 swim across 横渡 across与through区别: across表面横穿 through内部穿过,2、Grammar,现在进行时 (present progressive tense) 用途(usage): 指说话时正在进行的动作或事件 构成(formation): be+ V.ing (动词ing),What are they doing?,My father is _ ing the newspaper. My mother is _ ing the floor. My sister is _ ing in the pho

5、ne. I am _ ing TV. clean talk watch read,watch,clean,talk,read,What is she doing?,eat She is _ ing.,What is he doing?,cry He is_ ing.,What is she doing?,jump She is _ ing.,What is she doing?,drink She is _ ing.,What is he doing?,read He is _ ing.,What is she doing?,open She is _ ing the door.,What i

6、s he doing?,climb He is _ ing the tree.,What is she doing?,dust She is _ ing the light.,What is he doing?,clean He is _ ing the floor.,What are they doing?,cook They are _ ing in the kitchen.,Contents,Be + V.ing,Present Progressive Form,Example: He is reading.,I am singing.,They are working.,What is

7、 he doing?,shave He is _ ing.,shav,What is she doing?,close She is _ ing the door.,clos,What is she doing?,give She is _ ing a gift to her father.,giv,Contents,1. V直接+ing (reading),2. V(以不发音的e结尾) 去e+ing (giving),Rules,What is he doing?,run He is _ ing.,runn,What is he doing?,put He is _ ing on his s

8、uit.,putt,What is he doing?,shut He is _ ing the door.,shutt,What is he doing?,sit He is _ ing under the tree.,sitt,Contents,1. V直接+ing (reading),2. V(以不发音的e结尾) 去e+ing (giving),Rules,3. V(重读闭音节结尾)结尾字母双写+ing(putting),Writing practice,read cook look run sit wait jump watch catch talk work sweep shave

9、give take sharpen shut close open climb dust,Sally,Tim,Jack,Jean,Wheres Sally? Shes in the garden.,Shes sitting under the tree.,Is Tim in the garden, too? Yes, he is. Hes climbing the tree.,What about the dog? Its running after a cat.,Lesson 31,Jean,Jack,Jean,Jean,Jean,Jean,Jack,Jack,Jack,Jack,Homework,1、抄写单词4遍,下周回校听写 2、背诵31课课文 3、掌握现在进行时的用法,Thanks!,From:,



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