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1、分类号:密级:公开单位代码:10140学 号:4031640359专业学位论文中文题目:绿地集团借壳上市案例分析英文题 目:Greenland Group Backdoor Listing Case Study论文作者:杨茗茹指导教师: 慕丽杰 副教授专 业:金融完成时间:二O八年五月辽宁大学硕士专业学位论文绿地集团借壳上市案例分析Greenland Group Backdoor Listing Case Study作 者: 指导教师: 专 业: 专业方向: 答辩日期:慕丽杰副教授杨茗茹金融金融2018年5月二O八年四月中国沈阳辽宁大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导

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3、学位论文。同时授权中国学术期刊(光盘版) 电子杂志社将本学位论文收录到中国博士学位论文全文数据库和中 国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库并通过网络向社会公众提供信息服务。 学校须按照授权对学位论文进行管理,不得超越授权对学位论文进行任 意处理。保密(),在年后解密适用本授权书。(保密:请在括号内划“ V”)授权人签名:指导教师签名:日期:年 月 日 日期:年 月 日房地产行业是把土地和建筑物作为主要经营对象,集多种运营活动为一体的综 合性产业。它带动了能源业、建筑业、建材业、自来水供应业、金融和服务业等, 现在它已经变成了国民经济增长的主要动力支撑,为我国经济不断发展作出了一定 的贡献。然而,近年来

4、,我国的经济增长已经逐渐步入到了新常态时期,经济增长 速度开始有所放缓,房地产行业作为同国民经济发展紧密相连的行业,也开始由最 巅峰时期走向下滑,全民争抢着买房的热情有所消退,房地产商的处境也不如以前 乐观,这就意味着房地产商要想谋求更大发展空间就需要在各个方面做出改革创新 和努力,比如市场规划、资金来源、产品特色等。本文会着重在资金来源方面探究 房地产筹集资金渠道的相关问题。在我国地产行业中,公司筹集资金渠道普遍比较 单一,资金大部分是从银行贷款来获得,公司平均资产负债率很高,其他筹集资金 渠道发展缓慢。面对这种情况,多数的房地产企业选择利用上市的方式来改善企业 的运营效率,但是由于证券市场

5、准入门槛较高,审核也十分严格,只有很少公司才 能达到IPO发行标准,这样一来,借壳重组就成为了房地产公司上市的最佳选择。本文先后介绍了我国房地产的市场现状及其经济现状,房地产借壳上市的宏观 情况,并以绿地集团借壳金丰投资上市作为案例进行探讨分析。本次事件的成功为 准备挂牌的企业走出筹集资金困境,达到长足发展提供借鉴经验,同时也增加了借 壳上市研究素材。也给其他国企价值增加及混合所有制改革方面提供借鉴经验。关键词:房地产 绿地集团 借壳上市 融资ABSTRACTThe real estate industry is a comprehensive industry in which land a

6、nd buildings are the object of operations and various business activities are integrated. It has driven the energy industry, construction industry, building materials industry, water supply industry, transportation industry, finance and service industry, etc. It has become a new growth point for the

7、 national economy and made a certain contribution to Chinas economic growth. However, in recent years, Chinas economic development has entered a stage of the new normal, the economic growth rate has slowed down, and the real estate industry as an industry closely linked to the development of the nat

8、ional economy has also moved from the Golden Age to the Silver Age, and the frenzied home purchase boom has subsided. The situation of real estate developers is not as optimistic as before This means that if real estate developers want to seek more space for development, they need to make innovation

9、s and efforts in all aspects, such as market planning, sources of funding, and product characteristics This article will focus on analyzing issues related to real estate financing channels from the perspective of funding sources. In Chinas real estate industry, the financing channels of real estate

10、companies are generally relatively single, and the funds are mainly derived from bank loans The average asset-liability ratio of enterprises is high, and other financing channels are developing slowly. Faced with this situation, most real estate companies choose to use listed methods to improve the

11、operational efficiency of the company. However,due to the high barriers to entry in the securities market and strict auditing, only a few companies can meet the IPO standards. Backdoor listing becomes the best choice for listing real estate companies.This article has introduced Chinas real estate ma

12、rket status and economic status, the real estate backdoor listing of the macro situation, and the Greenland Group backdoor Jin Feng investment listing as a case study. The success of this case provides companies that want backdoor listings to step out of financing difficulties and provide references

13、 for rapid development. It also enriches the material for backdoor listing research. It also provides lessons for other state-owned enterprises in value addition and mixed ownership reform.Key Words: Real estate Green land group Backdoor listing Financingii摘要IABSTRACTII绪论10.1选题背景及意义10.1.1研究背景10.1.2研

14、究意义20.2 主要内容及研究方法20.2.1 主要内容20.2.2研究方法30.3 创新点与不足40.3.1 仓U新点40.3.2不足之处41绿地集团借壳上市案例介绍51.1案例背景介绍51.2 案例双方介绍51.2.1 绿地集团概况51.2.2上海金丰投资股份公司概况71.3绿地集团借壳上市过程及方案81.3.1绿地集团借壳上市过程81.3.2 绿地集团借壳上市方案92绿地集团借壳上市案例分析132.1 双方交易动因分析132.1.1绿地集团借壳动因132.1.2金丰投资股份公司卖壳的原因142.2绿地集团借壳上市方案分析15in2.2.1 引入PE巧避上市红线152.2.2 巧解现金支付

15、难题162.2.3有效规避壳资源风险172.3绿地集团借壳上市经营绩效分析172.3.1 短期市场效应分析172.3.2 长期财务绩效分析182.3.3绿地集团与行业的财务绩效比较分析242.4绿地集团借壳上市对公司治理的影响282.4.1 对公司股权结构的影响282.4.2对公司治理结构的影响292.4.3 对公司治理效率的影响302.4.4对公司再融资能力的影响312.5绿地集团借壳上市的问题分析312.5.1集团财务杠杆过髙312.5.2 上市估值过髙322.5.3并购财务整合有风险333绿地集团借壳上市案例的启示353.1做好借壳上市的前期准备 .353.1.1选择符合公司发展战略的借壳对象 353.1.2判断适宜的时机,制定合理的方案353.2跟进并购上市过程363.2.1选择恰当方法对目标企业进行合理


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