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1、第8课时八年级(上)Units 56一、完形填空。The story was a true one and still moved me deeply.Thirty years ago,I got to know a _1_ lady named Rose.She had no kids and lived alone._2_ I went to visit her,I always took Rose some coffee and food.One day she said she wanted to_3_ me to have lunch.We walked from my work p

2、lace to a little restaurant on David Street._4_ the way,I began to worry:I knew that she had no money,but if I offered to _5_ the lunch,I was afraid I would hurt her.There were many people in the _6_ and all of them were happy.Rose told me to sit and drink coffee by the window.Then she went to _7_ i

3、n the kitchen.After about 20 minutes,she came out and sat with me.She just paid for one meal and we started to _8_ the delicious food together.She told me that the restaurant let people work for a meal if they had no _9_,or would give them a free meal if they were not able to work.To my _10_,she als

4、o explained that the workers who were working there were all volunteers.I _11_ remember the beautiful afternoon I shared with Rose._12_ we had a meal together only once,it was paid by Roses work.The weather was _13_ and bright,and everyones smile was warm and bright as well.Im still thinking that li

5、fe cannot be easy to us,but we can still do _14_ for our friends and neighbors.The world will be _15_ if everybody would like to share happiness with others.It will never be dark if there is a light in everyones heart. ( B )1.A.rich BpoorCstrangeDcrazy( A )2.A.When BAfter CUntil DUnless( B )3.A.leav

6、e Binvite Cknock Dinvent( C )4.A.By BIn COn DWith( A )5.A.pay for Bask forClook for Dcare for( B )6.A.park BrestaurantChotel Dbar( D )7.A.sit Brest Cstay Dwork( C )8.A.buy Bcook Cenjoy Ddrink( B )9.A.parents BmoneyCfood Dchildren( B )10.A.joy Bsurprise Cmeal Dfriend( B )11.A.never Bstill Chardly Dal

7、ready( C )12.A.So BButCThough DBecause( D )13.A.rainy Bcold Ccool Dwarm( A )14.A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything( B )15.A.colder Bnicer Charder Dworse二、词汇运用。A)从方框选词,并用其正确形式填空。article,educate,begin,mean,them1I think computer games are boring and _meaningless_2The poor boy only got primary _ed

8、ucation_3You can read some good _articles_ in the magazine.4The children often cook dinner _themselves_5Jane decided to work hard at the _beginning_ of the new year.B)根据汉语提示写词,完成短文。If you want to learn a foreign language well,you should follow some ways.Here are some 6._suggestions_(建议) for you.7_Fi

9、rst/Firstly_(第一),you must pay attention to the importance of listening and speaking.The children in Englishspeaking countries first listen to others.Then they try to imitate(模仿) and speak.You can listen to English programs on radio.You may only understand a few words at the beginning.It doesnt matte

10、r.Just be relaxed,try to catch every word and pay attention to the key words in the sentences.Somebody may be a good 8._listener_(倾听者),but he dares not speak.Hes afraid of 9._making_(犯错) mistakes.You sometimes make mistakes even when speaking Chinese.Dont be afraid.You must be 10._brave_(勇敢)There ar

11、e no secrets to learn English.Try to have conversations 11._with_(和) your friends or foreigners in English.If you really want to learn English well,you must try to speak with everyone as long as he knows English.Whether you know him or not is not important.When theres nobody to talk with,you can tal

12、k to yourself in English.Its interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English.Remember,the more you speak,the 12._fewer_(更少的) mistakes youll make.Reading and writing are more important for senior school students.First,you must choose the books youre interested in.A lot of reading will

13、 13._improve_(提升) your language sense.This is the most important.Then,keep writing English diaries.You can also write English articles 14._frequently_(频繁地)You may even post them to English magazines.Dont be 15._afraid_(害怕的) of failure.Failure is the mother of success.三、语法填空。Waste can be seen everywh

14、ere in the school.Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn 1._off_ the lights when they leave the classroom.They say they can afford these things.But I 2._disagree_(agree) with them. Waste can bring a lot of 3._problems_(problem)Although China is rich in some

15、 resources(资源),we are short of others,for example,fresh water.It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use 4._in_ 100 years.So if we continue 5._wasting_(waste) our resources,what can we use in the future and where can we move?Please give 6._a_ second thought about it.I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day.Everybody should stop wasting as soon as 7._possible_ In our everyday life,we can do


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