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1、存档日期: 存档编号: 徐 州 师 范 大 学本科生毕业论文(设计)论 文 题 目:Analyze Franks Oedipus Complex in The Thorn Birds姓 名: 院 系: 科文学院语言文学系 专业、年级、班组: 09商贸英语Z 指 导 教 师: 徐州师范大学教务处印制16AbstractBased on Freuds psychoanalysis, this article argues that Frank, a character of The Thorn Birds, his Oedipus complex, and discusses the relati

2、onship between his homicide and Oedipus complex.Key words: Freud; Oedipus complex; Frank;sexual desire摘要荆棘鸟是澳大利亚女作家考琳麦卡洛创作的一部长篇小说,作品于1977 年在美国出版后,立即引起了轰动,发行八百多万册。荆棘鸟是一部传奇式的家世小说,涉及半个多世纪中一家人的沧桑变化,反映出了澳大利亚社会的发展。小说情节曲折生动,结构严密精巧,文笔清新婉丽。在描写荒蛮广漠的澳大利亚风光时,颇有苍凉悲壮之美,而作为一位女作家,考琳麦卡洛对女人爱情心态的探索又十分细腻,该小说有澳大利亚的飘之誉。本

3、文从弗洛伊德的精神分析法的角度出发,对小说荆棘鸟中的人物弗兰克的“恋母情结”进行了阐述和说明,并进一步阐释了“恋母情结”与其杀人行为之间的关系。关键词:考琳麦卡洛;恋母情结;弗兰克 ContentsAbstract 2摘要 3 Chapter One Introduction5Chapter Two Literature Review62.1 Previous study6 2.2 Oedipus complex in some famous works7Chapter Three Franks Oedipus Complex8 3.1 Franks image in The Thorn Bi

4、rds8 3.2 Franks Oedipus Complex and some analysis on his psychological stage8 3.2.1 Franks abnormal complex9 3.2.2 Analysis on his psychological stage10Chapter Four The relationship between his homicide and Oedipus complex11 4.1 The reasons that Frank commits homicide11 4.2 Freuds research on Oedipu

5、s complex and its relationship with Franks homicide13Chapter Five Conclusion15References16Analyze Franks Oedipus Complex in The Thorn BirdsChapter One IntroductionColleen McCullough is one of the most famous and the most influential writers among contemporary Australia. Her masterpiece, The Thorn Bi

6、rds is a family history of Australia. Heroine Meggie and Father Ralphs love disputes are the main line of The Thorn Birds. This novel describes a story of three generations of family Cleary, spanning over half a Century. Colleen McCullough is a neuropsychologist. Frank, the character of this novel,

7、shows strange feelings to his mother Fiona, which fully in line with the symptoms of Oedipus complex in Freudian psychology.Besides introduction and conclusion, there are three chapters in the thesis.Chapter two is mainly a literature review, focusing on the previous studies about Oedipus complex of

8、 Freudian psychology and some famous novel involved in this complex.Chapter three is based on Franks Oedipus complex and some analysis on his psychological stage.Chapter four mainly discusses the relationship between his homicide and Oedipus complex. And the last part is conclusion.Chapter Two Liter

9、ature Review2.1 Previous studySigmund Freud (1856 - 1939), the 18th century to 19th century Austrian psychiatrist, is the founder of psychoanalysis theory. Despite his controversial theory, its impact is widely extended to philosophy, sociology, psychology, medicine, literature, art and many other f

10、ields. His psychoanalysis has brought a profound impact on people life and this effect is more than any other kind of psychology. His theory gives a strong lash on peoples awareness of western present society and social life almost on every side. Attachment to the mother is also known as the Oedipus

11、 complex, it is Jargon of psychoanalysis. This term comes from a Greek myth, the story described a boy kill his father and marry his mother, and the child called Oedipus. Freud argued that children begin to look outside for their sex target during sexual choosing period of their sexual development.

12、For children, the first target is their parents, and generally, boys select their mothers whereas girls often select their fathers. The reasons why children make such choice are as follows: firstly, they behave out of the instinct of themselves. And secondly, parents stimulant strengthen this trend

13、that: mothers show the preference for sons and the fathers for daughters. In this case, boys have already developed special feelings to their mothers: they consider mothers as their own belongings while treat their fathers as enemy who would rob of this treasure and want to replace their father posi

14、tion in the parental relationship. The same thing, girls also have this complex. Girls also thought that the mother interfered with their tenderness to father and occupied the position of her share. Freud believes that Oedipus unconsciously killed his father and married his mother, is the achievement of the aspirations of childhood. This complex possesses by almost every small boy


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