2012届高考英语 语法专题复习经典讲义过去分词归纳.doc

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1、2012届高考英语语法专题复习经典讲义过去分词归纳I形式和性质:1过去分词只有一种形式,即V-ed。没有所谓的“一般体”“进行体”与“完成体”之分。过去分词也没有“主动式”与“被动式”之称谓。2过去分词一般有以下特征:21 被动性:过去分词的逻辑主语是分词动作的承受者(receiver), 而不是发出者(doer)。22 完成性: 与句中另一个动作、另一个时间或句子产生的时间相比,分词的动作往往先已发生。分析1. The injured man (=The man who had been injured)was sent to hospital without delay. 2. This

2、is the book borrowed (= which was borrowed) from the school library last week. 3. Done in a hurry(Because it had been done in a hurry), Toms homework was full of mistakes and errors.例外1. 在使役动词后作宾补的过去分词和带有将来时间状语的分词不具完成 性。如: Ill have my house enlarged. The car repaired this afternoon belongs to one of

3、 my friends. 2. 一些不及物动词的过去分词作定语时,不具被动性。 An old man was collecting the fallen leaves in the yard. The police were searching for the escaped man.II. 句法功能1. 主语 过去分词前加上定冠词可用作主语,表示一个类别的人(事物)。如: The accused have been acquitted. The wounded were left hidden in that village . 这种用法时,谓语一般用复数动词,但在上下文明确时也可能用于指一

4、类中的个别,用单数动词。如: The deceased is his father. The wounded is a policeman.2. 宾语 过去分词前加上定冠词可用作宾语,也表示一个类别的人(事物)。如: Everyone in our society should respect and help the disabled. Listen to the voice of the oppressed . 3表语 The boys were astonished. The door remained locked. They seemed worried. He is well kn

5、own to us all.4定语 4.1 前置定语由单个分词充当 The broken glass is still lying on the table. The frightened girl was trembling when the police arrived. This sort of people seems not to be able to live in the changed world. He only collects used stamps. This phrase is often used in spoken English. A grown boy is

6、a boy who has physically and mentally grown up. The risen sun is the sun that has risen high. That was a man-made satellite. He sent they his newly-invented devices.4.2 后置定语由分词短语充当 She was reading a novel written by Dickens. He works and lives in a school surrounded by green trees. The people trappe

7、d in the big fire were rescued by the firefighters with a helicopter. The radio bought in your shop doesnt work well. The Braille is a language used for the blind. 偶尔也有单个分词作后置定语的情况。如: Things seen are mightier than things heard. 有时单个分词作前置定语与作后置定语的意义不同。如: The car used was a stolen one. (The car which

8、was used at the time) The used car was still in the garage.( The old car which didnt work well )5宾补5.1 在感觉 / 知动词后:see, look at, observe, hear, listen to, think, find, imagine, feel, watch等。 We found him greatly changed. Everyone thought the battle lost except the general. He felt himself carried ont

9、o a carriage . I have never heard a single French word spoken before. The worst part was watching her wheeled away to an operating theatre while we waited and stared at the walls. (Collins GP1:Verbs, P.308)5.2 在使役动词后: make, have, get, keep, leave等。 He tried to make yourself understood in his broken

10、English. I had my bad tooth pulled out yesterday. Last month the family got a new house built. Its very important for you to keep your parents informed of your situation. He left the food untouched and went out.5.3在意愿动词后: like, need, want, order, wish等。 He wont like the problem discussed at the meet

11、ing. They were arrested by immigration officials on Monday just hours after a High Court judge had ordered them freed from detention. (Collins GP1:Verbs, P.306) She came into the shop with a package saying: I dont need it changed, only re-wrapped. The king ordered the magic cloth woven at once. I wa

12、nt the case investigated further to make every detail clear.6状语6.1 方式和伴随情况 ( of manner or accompaniment ) He walked around outside, disturbed by the news. The teacher went out, followed by some pupils. The old man sat on the chair, lost in thought. Three large men rushed out of the house, armed with

13、 guns and knives. Supported by a girl, the old lady got off the bus. 表示方式的as if 和as though 可与过去分词连用。如: He walked back as if hurt in the leg.6.2 条件 (of condition) Heated to a high temperature, water changes into vapor. Given more time, we could do it better. Criticized by someone else, she could not have got so angry. Painted white, the house will appear nicer. 表示条件的过去分词可与连词if 和unless 连用。 I will not go to Toms party unl



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