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1、安徽省巢湖市烔炀中学2012届高三第二学期第二次月考英语试卷本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。第卷 (选择题 共115分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。然后将你的答案转填到客观题答题卡上。21. How can I help_ if people just dont follow my advice?A. it B. that C. them D. this 22. As soo

2、n as little Tom had _ a little from his shock, his first thought was to get away .A. returned B. benefited C. survived D. recovered 23. John once worked in a remote mountain village school, which is_ only on foot.A. available B. acceptable C. approachable D. adaptable 24. This job is great_ salary.

3、However, it has several disadvantages such as long working hours and inconvenient working place.A. thanks to B. in addition to C. in need of D. in terms of 25. After the great earthquake happened on March 11, 2011, the whole society in Japan _rescuing the people in ruins.A. insisted on B. concentrat

4、ed on C. depended on D. based on26. It is said that many kids are worried about the year 2012, _they think the earth will be destroyed by disasters. A. where B. as C. when D. which27. How did your brother make such a stupid mistake _ he had a such a good knowledge of the steps and cautions over oper

5、ating the machine? A. when B. because C. while D. that 28. He had prepared carefully for the University Entrance Examination so that he could be sure of passing it at his first .A. intention B. attempt C. desire. D. purpose29. Will you be able to see Jennifers parents when the first class is over?Im

6、 afraid not. I_ a lecture on British literature in the hall then.A. will attend B. am attending C. will be attending D. am going to attend30. Written in a hurry,_. How can it be satisfactory?A. they found many mistakes in the report B. Sam made lots of mistakes in the reportC. there are plenty of mi

7、stakes in the report D. the report is full of mistakes31. So hard in the last few months that he has made great progress in Chinese . I can see that , only a few mistakes in his exam .A. has Jack worked ; did he make B. Jack has worked ; he made C. Jack has worked ; has he made D. has Jack worked ;

8、he made 32. If no passers-by a blind eye to the injured little Yueyue in Foshan Guangdong, she alive now. A. turned; would be B. had turned; would be C. turned; would have been D. had turned; would have been33. He who _to succeed without hard work_ to be disappointed A. hope; are bound B. hopes; is

9、bound C. hope; are due D. hopes; is due34. You could have watched the movie Transformers 3 last night. Why _ you? A. didnt B. havent C. hadnt D. shouldnt35. He is a very hard-working student._.As far as I know, he often burns the midnight oil.A. You can say that again B. Absolutely notC. Heaven know

10、s D. No way第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。然后将你的答案转填到客观题答题卡上。I was walking home from work on a busy city street in a winter. I wasnt looking forward to going home because my 36 were expecting me to hang out with them.Just then I noticed a 37 person, who w

11、as moving back and forth to 38 warm, and very gently asking for money. He spoke so 39 that I could hardly hear him.Something made me 40 , turn around, and walk up to him. All the time 41 thoughts flashed in my head, for example, “What do you think youre doing?” “Youre 42 . Its dark out and youre a w

12、oman.” 43 I knew what I was saying, I asked him if he had had dinner 44 and if he would like to join me at a nearby restaurant. He said he hadnt 45 and he would like to. So, he walked with me a few yards to a 46 and held the door open for me as we 47 .He asked for the smallest thing on the 48 but I

13、ordered a larger meal and explained that the price difference wasnt worth worrying about.We had a good dinner and a 49 conversation about everyday things like where we grew up and what kind of music we 50 . The whole time I just said the right thing and gave him the 51 everyone should have. I didnt

14、want to act as if I was better than 52 else.I was so 53 for this experience. I didnt stay with my friends that evening, but I met an unexpected friend and the 54 changed my life. It will make me think twice in future before I 55 something I think I lack.36Aparents Bfriends Crelatives Dcolleagues 37Ahomeless Bclever Cb



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