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1、Unit 5,Canada “The True North”,How much do you know about Canada?,Warming-up,B.,1. Which is the national flag of Canada?,A.,C.,D.,2. What language(s) do Canadians speak? A. English. B. English and German. C. English and French. D. English and Spanish.,3.How many provinces are there in Canada? A. 13

2、B. 10 C. 14 D. 23,4. What is the capital of Canada? A. B. Vancouver (温哥华) Toronto (多伦多) C. D. Calgary (卡尔加里) Ottawa (渥太华),5. What is the national animal of Canada? B. Beaver (海狸) Grizzly bear (灰熊) C. D. Polar bear (北极熊) Penguin(企鹅),6. What is the leader of the country called? President (总统) Prime Mi

3、nister (总理;首相) Queen (女王) D. Chairman (主席),加拿大总理-斯蒂芬哈珀 (Stephen Harper),7. How many Great Lakes are there in Canada? A. 4. B. 3. C. 5. D. 6.,How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada?,the five great lakes,密歇根湖,8. Canada is the _ largest country in the world. A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. 5th,A TRIP ON “

4、THE TRUE NORTH”,Pre-reading,Task 1 Skimming,Read the text and find:,the names of places they covered:,While-reading,Vancouver,Calgary,Thunder Bay,L. Superior,Toronto,Rocky Mts.,the route of the two girls.,Task 2 Scanning,Para.1,:Danny Lins introduction about their trip,What can they see during the j

5、ourney?,mountains lakes forests wide rivers large cities,Para.2,1.Canadas _ part. 2.Canadas_city, surrounded by_ 3.one of Canadas _cities to live in. 4.Some of the _ in the world.,most beautiful,warmest,mountains and the Pacific Ocean.,most popular,oldest and most beautiful forests,Its population is

6、 increasing rapidly,Four “the most”,Para. 2 (Vancouver),Vancouver,Calgary,Thunder Bay,L. Superior,Toronto,Rocky Mts.,the route of the two girls.,Read para 3-5 and answer the following questions,1 What mountains did they cross earlier that day? 2 Which city did they go after crossing the mountains? 3

7、 What did the girls think about Canada after 2 days travel? 4 Where did they go after dinner? 5 Which lake did the train rush across that night, and whats their next destination?,1 Earlier that day, Rocky Mountains.,2 Calgary,3 After 2 days travel, empty,4 After dinner, Thunder Bay,5 That night acro

8、ss Lake Superior Toronto,Vancouver,Time,route,Para.3-5,Read para.3-5 again, discuss with your partners to finish the table and then do a presentation,Group work,What have we learned today? Something about Li Daiyu and Liu Qians trip across Canada. How to introduce a place, including its location, population, attractions and so on.,Summary,Homework,Find out the language points in this passage. Finish the exercise on P.36.,Good-bye!,


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