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1、,Unit1 Can you play the guitar?,2,guitar,3,play the guitar,Can you play the guitar ?,Yes , I can .,/ No , I cant,4,Sing,Can he sing ?,Yes , he can .,/ No ,he cant,5,Dance,Can she dance ?,Yes , she can .,/ No , she cant .,6,swim,7,paint,8,Speak,English,Can you speak English ?,Yes , we can .,/ No , we

2、 cant .,9,Play,Chess,Can they play chess ?,Yes , they can .,10,1.dance _ 2.swim _ 3.sing _ 4.play chess _ 5.paint _ 6.speak English _ 7 .play the guitar_,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,11,A: Can you swim? B: No, I cant. A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you paint? A: Yes, I can . A: I want to join the music clu

3、b. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can.,PAIRWORK,12,Chess Club,Art Club,English Club,Swimming Club,Football Club,What club do you want to join?,I want to join the ,Music Club,/We want to join the ,13,LISTENING,14,English club Art club Music club Chess club Swimming club.,15,Mario: What club_ you want

4、 _ join? Lisa: We _to join the chess _. Mario: Can you _chess? Lisa: No, I _. Juan: I can.,do,to,want,club,play,cant,16,Welcome to our clubs!,We have many clubs: basketball club, chess club, music club, English club, art club, football club, swimming club,GROUPWORK,17,Grammar Focus,1 . Can you? Yes, I / we can. No,I / we cant. Can he / she ? Yes, he /she can. No,he / she cant. Can they? Yes, they can. No, they cant.,2 . What club do you want to join? I /We want to join,18,H o m e w o r k,Write something about what you can do, and what club do you want to join.,19,See you!,



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