高中英语 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World单元综合技能测试 外研版必修4.doc

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1、Module 6综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1Different from_films which have brought him world fame, Zhang Yimou is so fascinated with the new film that he will put on similar show in_Lijiang City of Southwest Yunnan Province.Athe; theBthe; 不填C不填; 不填 D不填; the答案:D考查冠词。难度比较大的

2、是第一空,考生易受后面定语从句的影响,而在films前加the,此处并非指具体的哪些电影,所以是泛指。另外,第二空中心词是city,且是指具体的那座城市,所以是特指。2Learning to speak Chinese is a challenge, for it is often difficult for one foreigner to make himself easy_.Aunderstand Bto understandCunderstood Dunderstanding答案:B考查非谓语动词,本题易受make oneself done结构的影响而误选C,解题关键抓住题中的easy

3、,即该词是形容词,如果用C,则需改成easily。3The Red Army men_25,000 li in the Long March.Awent BranCwalked Dcovered答案:DA、B、C三个选项不符合语境。cover后面跟距离,意思是“走过”。另外,cover还作“覆盖;占地(多少)”讲。4We must_our daily expense_what we can afford. Or well not be able to make ends meet.Aspend; on Blimit; toCtake; to Duse; for答案:Blimit.to意思是“把

4、限制到”。该句的意思是:“我们必须把每天的费用限制到我们能承担的限度”。5It is raining so hard. I think Tom is_to come to our party.Aimpossible BpossibleCunlikely Duncertain答案:Cimpossible和possible都不能用“人”作主语,只能用it作形式主语,但likely则不同。既可说sb. be likely to do sth.,也可说It be likely that.。6Happy birthday, Alice! So you have_twentyone already.Abe

5、come BturnedCgrown Dpassed答案:Bturn表达到达并超过,后接年龄时,意为“过了岁”。题意:“生日快乐,爱丽丝!你已经二十一岁了。”7We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite_as planned.Amake out Bturn outCgo on Dcome up答案:Bmake out“辨认出”;turn out“结果是”;go on“继续”;come up“提出;上升”。题意:我们想天黑以前到家,但是结果并不像我们计划的那样。8The research on rescuing as many co

6、al miners as possible is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job?_my colleagues have a try?AShall BMustCWill DMay答案:A考查情态动词。shall用在疑问句中,与第一、三人称连用,表示客气的请求和询问。9Mice_disease which is deadly and_quickly.Aspreads; spreadsBis spreaded; spreadedCspread; spreadsDare spread; spreads答案:C主语m

7、ice是复数形式,所以谓语不能加“s”。第一空spread作不及物动词,第二个空spread为不及物动词。spread的过去式、过去分词和原形一样。10Most children with healthy appetite are ready to eat almost anything that is offered to them and they rarely dislike food_it is badly cooked.Aif BuntilCthat Dunless答案:D考查状语从句。句中表示否定意义的词rarely,与之相对应的选项只有until和unless。句意:多数具有健康

8、胃口的孩子几乎乐意吃人们提供的所有食物,除非饭做得很糟糕,否则他们很少厌恶。unless除非,如果不。11Will 200_the cost of the damage?Im afraid not. I need at least 1,000 more.Ado BcoverCinclude Dafford答案:B考查动词词义辨析。此处cover意为“支付得起;够用”。12Mr. Green is said_an experiment to prove their new method of solving the problem when young.Ato do Bto have doneC

9、to be doing Dto have been doing答案:B考查不定式的时态。从后面情景when young可知前面不定式动作已经完成,所以用完成时,但不可以选D,因为它表示动作仍在进行。13It is_Chinese to contribute so much money and food to areas struck by the seaquake(海啸)Akind for Bgenerous ofCgenerous for Dimpressive of答案:B在It isadj.of/for sb. to do sth. 句型中,当形容词修饰sb.时,用of,当形容词修饰不定

10、式to do sth.时,用for。D项中的形容词意思不合适。14Why didnt you buy it?_, and the color didnt agree with me.AEither was the price satisfactoryBBecause the price was highCNot only didnt it fit meDFor I disliked its material答案:B回答why开头提出的问题要用becasue,其余选项与问题不搭配。15Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to_

11、since the flood hit the area last Friday.Ahave been missingBhave got lostCbe missingDget lost答案:A根据句意,到目前为止一直处于失踪状态,用现在完成进行时,所以选A。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Ten, nine, eight, seven.zerolift off. These words_16_like music to an astronomers ears. As the countdown progresse

12、s, the rockets engines_17_and give it the required push to tear through the atmosphere and_18_the earths gravitation.These rockets take astronauts and manmade satellites into_19_. The satellites are used for communication, weather monitoring and research. But how do satellites_20_up without falling

13、down, you_21_ask?Take a strong rope. Tie a small stone to one_22_to make a sling. Rotate the sling using one hand, you will_23_that the rope straightens out and becomes_24_as the sling rotates. As soon as you stop rotating, the rope slackens again. _25_does the rope tighten on being rotated?The answ

14、er to this question will_26_the answer to our query(疑问)how satellites remain in space without_27_down. When the sling is rotated, there are two_28_acting on the stone. The force of rotation, which tries to take the stone away from you and the force applied by your hand, which tries to_29_the stone towards you._30_you are rotating the sling, the two forces balance each other out and_31_the stone keeps going round and round. If you_32_the sling midway, the sling will fly off.A satellite works in the same way. One of the two_33_forces acting on the satellite is the fo



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