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1、1 第十单元测试题 . 单项选择。 ( 每小题 1 分,共 15 分) ( ) 1. How do you usually go to school? By _ subway.But yesterday I took _ taxi to go to school. A/ ;/ B a;the C / ; a D the ;a ( ) 2. Can you give me some advice _ how to improve my English? No problem. Awith B in C at D on ( ) 3. Look!Half of the students _ stud

2、ying in the classroom right now. Ais Bare C was D were ( ) 4. The little boy is too young to look after _. Ahimself Bhe C his Dshe ( ) 5. Do you have _ to say about the plan? Yes.I think it is less important than that one. Asomething else Belse something Canything else Delse anything ( ) 6. What abo

3、ut having a surprise party for Miss Smith? Good idea.Lets discuss when to _ the party. Aorganize Bdelete Caccept Dsolve ( ) 7. Lin Fang studies very hard.I think she will _ do well in the exam. Aclearly Bcertainly Ccarefully Dcomfortably ( ) 8. Wow ,you are cool! Thank you,I _ wear my school uniform

4、 ,but my mother washed it yesterday and it is still wet now. Ashould Bmight C can D may ( ) 9. Andy was so _ that he lost his schoolbag yesterday afternoon. Aglad B careless Csurprised Dcreative ( ) 10. Hi,Robert.You look so tired. Well ,I kept _ for an hour because I missed the last bus. Awalk B to

5、 walk Cwalked D walking ( ) 11. Most of us thought Maria wasnt able to do the job because she had little _. Aexperience Bsuccess Cdifference Ddiscussion ( ) 12. My best friend advised me _ a white skirt. Ato buy Bbought C buying Dbuy ( ) 13. I am busy with my schoolwork these days. Thats great!You w

6、ont get good grades _ you study hard. Aif Buntil Cunless Dalthough ( ) 14. What will the kids do next Saturday? I think they _ the museum if it _. 2 Awill visit;wont rain Bvisit;wont rain Cwill visit;doesnt rain Dvisit;doesnt rain ( ) 15. _? The teacher will be very angry with me and ask why. AWho i

7、s your history teacher BHow are you going to the party CAre you going to play soccer with them after school DWhat will happen if you dont finish your homework . 完形填空。 ( 每小题 1 分,共 10 分) “Today is my birthday, ” said Sarah. “I hope there will be a big_16_with all my friends! ” Sarah looked around the

8、house, _17_ nobody was there even her parents.Sarah was_18_because all the people forgot her birthday. She decided to have a party on her own! “I will_19_my dolls(洋娃娃 ) and my favorite toy bear( 玩具熊 ) to my party , ” Sarah said.Then she_20_all her dolls on the table of the living room.And she also m

9、ade a_21_on her own.“ Now I need a gift for my party! ” Sarah said.She put her favorite toy bear into a box.“This is my birthday gift! ” Sarah said happily and she put her gift on the table ,too.But she started feel upset again_22_her friends were not at her party.Then Sarah decided to give a dance

10、show.So she went into her room and put on a beautiful dress.But when Sarah got back,_23_ was there! “Where are my dolls?Where is my cake ?Where is my gift?” Sarah ran around the house and_24_her party things. “Surprise , Sarah! Here is your party.We dont_25_it! ” Suddenly(突然 ) her parents and friend

11、s came out. ( ) 16. A.class Bshow C meeting D party ( ) 17. A.but Bor C so D and ( ) 18. A.relaxed Bhappy C upset Dbored ( ) 19. A.send B invite Cuse D travel ( ) 20. A.put Bcaught C built Dfell ( ) 21. A.candle Bcard C cake D picture ( ) 22. A.until Bbecause C if Dbefore ( ) 23. A.everything Banyth

12、ing Csomething D nothing ( ) 24. A.looked at B looked after Clooked for Dlooked like ( ) 25. A.forget Bremember C start Dcelebrate . 阅读理解。 ( 每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A My name is Helen.I come from New York,the USA.Three weeks after my twenty four birthday,I started to work at a childrens hospital in Californ

13、ia. When I went to work on the first day,I was happy but a little nervous(紧张 的) I said to myself , “Will the children like me?Can I do the job well ?” I didnt know what I should say when I saw the children for the first time.I walked into one of the patients(病人的 ) rooms.There were three little boys

14、in the room.They smiled( 微笑 ) at me and said hello to me.Then I felt a little relaxed and said hello to them ,too. 3 During the next two hours ,I talked to them and played games with them happily.I found it was not so hard to get on with the children.That day,I talked with a boy called Bruce for a l

15、ong time.He got a serious illnessI asked him, “Are you happy here ?” He answered , “Yes,but I wished I wasnt ill.” He told me that he liked his school and wished to go to school again.I said I would try my best to help him.Luckily,Bruce got well half a year later.Now Bruce is healthy and he goes back to his school. Now Im happy to stay with the children and see their happy faces.I really love my


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