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1、(六西格玛管理)六西格玛 设计与 TRIZ 集成和应用研究 DMADV 与 TRIZ 集成的应用研究 ii 六西格玛设计与 TRIZ 集成和应用研究 摘 要 DMADV 是以 6 质量水平为目标的设计方法。DMADV 主要在产品、流程需要重新 设计,或需要对产品、流程进行重大的突破性改进时使用,它按照合理的流程、运用科 学的方法准确理解顾客需求,开发出创新性强的产品,实现 6 甚至更高的质量水平。众 多国内外大型企业通过实施 DMADV 项目,提高了企业的竞争力,为企业带来了巨大的 经济效益。 在实施 DMADV 过程中,设计人员常常采用传统方式获取和分析顾客需求,这种方 式偏重于改善已有需求

2、,而很难提出潜在的新需求。在确定产品设计概念时,设计人员 往往因为缺少一种用来生成、评价、选择产品的设计概念的系统化、结构化的方法或流 程而导致产品概念缺乏创新性、竞争力。 本论文在分析和研究 DMADV 的基础上,针对在实施 DMADV 过程中的测量顾客需 求阶段及分析产品设计概念阶段存在的一些不足,将 TRIZ 中的需求进化定律、技术进化 定律及其路线、冲突解决原理、物质场分析及 76 个标准解、9 窗口法等设计方法及工 具集成到 DMADV 中。应用需求进化定律获取、分析已有需求和提出新需求,应用技术 进化定律确定创新性高的产品设计概念,并通过冲突解决原理改善产品设计概念,进而 建立基于

3、 TRIZ 的需求进化定律和技术进化定律与 DMADV 集成模型。 本论文首先介绍了 DMADV 以及 TRIZ 的需求进化定律、技术进化定律、冲突解决 原理、物质场分析、76 个标准解等设计方法及工具,然后将 TRIZ 的相关工具、方法 与 DMADV 集成,建立基于 TRIZ 的需求进化定律和技术进化定律与 DMADV 集成模型, 最后通过对新型指甲刀概念设计和塑料导爆管自动切割机的改进设计对 DMADV 与 TRIZ 的集成流程模型进行验证。 关键词:六西格玛设计,DMADV,TRIZ,需求进化定律,技术进化定律,冲突解决原 理 DMADV 与 TRIZ 集成的应用研究 iv RESEA

4、RCH ON INTEGRATED AND APPLICATION OF DESIGN FOR SIX SIGMA AND TRIZ ABSTRACT DMADV is a design method based on 6 quality level. DMADV is mainly used in product need to redesign or breakthrough improvement. Its according to reasonable flows, using scientific methods to accurately understand needs, dev

5、eloping innovative products, to achieve 6 even a higher quality level. Many large enterprises at home and abroad through the DMADV projects, improve the competitiveness, and bring the enormous benefits to enterprises. In the process of DMADV implementation, designers often adopt the traditional way

6、to obtain and analyse needs. This way focus on improving the existing needs, but it is difficult to put forward new needs. In determining the concepts, designers often as lacking a systematic, structural method or flow used to generate, evaluation, selection concepts, cause concepts lack of innovati

7、on, competitiveness. Based on the analysis and study DMADV, aiming at some shortages in the Measure and Analyse, integrate the Laws of needs evolution, Laws of technological evolution, principle of contradiction,Su-Field Analyse,76 Standard Solutions,Multi-screen approach into DMADV. Application Law

8、s of needs evolution to obtain and analyse existing needs and put forward new needs, application Laws of technological evolution to determine design concepts, through principle of contradiction to improve concepts, then set up DMADV and TRIZ integrated model based on coordination of Laws of needs ev

9、olution and Laws of technological evolution. This paper firstly introduces DMADV and the related tools of TRIZ, and then integrate DMADV and TRIZ, set up DMADV and TRIZ integrated model. Finally, through the novel nail-clipper concept design and the automatic shearing machine for the nonel tube to v

10、erify the integration model of DMADV and TRIZ. KEY WORDS:Design for Six Sigma, DMADV, TRIZ, Laws of needs evolution, Laws of technological evolution, principle of contradiction 目录 第一章 绪论 .1 1-1 课题研究背景.1 DMADV 与 TRIZ 集成的应用研究 vi 1-2 DFSS 研究现状.1 1-2-1 国外 DFSS 研究现状.2 1-2-2 国内 DFSS 研究现状.2 1-2-3 目前 DFSS 存在的不足 .3 1-3 课题研究的意义.5 1-4 课题研究的主要内容 .6 1-4-1 课题研究的主要内容 .6 1-4-2 论文的组织结构.6 1-5 本章小结.7 第二章 六西格玛设计概述 .8 2-1 引言.8 2-2 DFSS 的产生与发展.8 2-3 DFSS 的定义.



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