高中英语 Unit 5《Rhythm》学案5 北师大版必修2.doc

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1、高中英语 Unit 5Rhythm学案5 北师大版必修2类别1课标要点重点单词1. n效果,作用 2. adj.非凡的,特别的3 n. 奖,奖品 4. n. 基地,基础5 adv. 极端地,非常地 6. vt. (使)联合,(使)结合7 vt. 代表 8. n. 将军9 vt.& vi. 停止;辞职 10. n. 身份;特性11 vt. 转换,转化 12. adj. 平常的,普通的13 adj. 独特的,唯一的 14. adj. 贵族的,高尚的,高贵的15 adj. 有责任的,应负责任的 n. 贵族16 n. 允许,许可 17. vt. 使失望18 vt.& vi. 表演;做 19. adj.

2、 有创造力的,创造性的20 vt. 使(人)印象深刻effectaward extremelyrepresentquittransformuniqueresponsiblepermissionperformimpress extraordinary base combine generalidentityordinarynobledisappointcreative常用短语1. 习惯于 2. 换句话说3. 有时,不时 4. 在某些方面5. 往返,来回 6. 出版7. 上交 8. 刮掉9. 在特殊场合 10. 同时be used toin other wordsat times in some

3、ways back and forth come out hand in shave off on special occasions at the same time 典型句式 1.Last Thursday night, fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge,England to see Alanis Morissette in concert.上个周四晚上,数以百计的歌迷去了英国剑桥的Corn Exchange剧场去看阿兰妮丝莫里塞特在音乐会上演奏。 2 the end of the three hours,Morissette show

4、ed that she was a true performer, a wellknown song “Heartache”在三个小时的最后,莫里塞特唱了著名的歌心疼,表明她是一位真正的表演者。 3The famous classical pianist,Kong Xiangdong,surprised his fans last week a concert combining classical music with Chinese folk music.著名的古典音乐钢琴家,孔祥东,在上周举办的由古典音乐与中国民间音乐结合的音乐会上让他的歌迷们吃惊不小。4His mother could

5、nt buy him a piano he was seven.直到7岁,他母亲才给他买了一架钢琴。5They are dressed beautiful costumes,skipping back and forth the rhythm of loud drums.他们身着漂亮的服装,和着鼓点儿,扭来扭去。hundreds of performingsingingby giving untilintoAt live adj.活的;精力充沛的;实况转播的;adv.直播地;现场地live adj.活的(修饰除人以外的动物)living adj.活着的(常作前置定语或表语)alive adj.

6、活着的(作表语或后置定语)lively adj.活跃的;热烈的;鲜艳的;鲜明的 The Presidents speech was broadcast live.总统的演说是现场直播的。The cat was playing with a live mouse.这只猫在玩耍一只活老鼠。 lovely adj.可爱的;美好的live a.life过着生活save twenty lives救活了二十条生命live on靠生活live up to实现Now we are living a happy life.现在我们过着幸福生活。You must live up to your promise.你

7、必须实现自己的诺言。 1.Many people watched the_ TV broadcast of the football match.AliveBaliveCliving Dlively【解析】live可用做形容词,意为“现场的,直播的”。【答案】A disappoint vt.使失望,令(人)失望;使(人)扫兴 disappoint sb.使某人失望 The new film disappointed us.这部新电影使我们很失望。I was very disappointed at his absence.他不在我很失望。We were disappointed to hear

8、 it.听到这件事情,我们都失望了。to ones disappointment使/令某人失望的是He left the station in great disappointment.他十分失望地离开了车站。 2._at failing in the maths exam,John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents.ADisappointed BTo be disappointedCDisappointing DHaving disappointed【答案】A perform vt.& vi.表演;做;履行;执行perform ones

9、 duty/task尽责任,做工作perform ones promise履行诺言perform an operation/experiment施行手术/做实验performer n表演者,执行者performance n演出,履行;完成give/put on a performance上演,演 出He always performs his duties faithfully.他一贯忠实履行自己的职责。One should always perform what one promises.一个人总要守信用。She performed the experiment over and over,

10、working till midnight.这项实验,她做了一遍又一遍,直到深夜。 perform与conduct用法比较:这组词均含“执行,进行”的意思。(1)perform指“进行,执行”,强调过程,而不是结果,还常表示执行规定、仪式或进行演出。(2)conduct指“进行”时与perform相似,但暗示执行者在自己参与的同时又起指导作用,有时该词还指指挥乐队、军队等。The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner.已积极进行过谈判。 3.完成句子(1)The famous singer will_(演出) at the

11、theatre.(2)The general_(指挥) the campaign with success.【答案】(1)put on/give a performance(2)conducted famous adj.著名的be famous forbe known for因而著名be famous asbe known as作为而著称be known to sb.为某人所知 The area is famous as a green tea producing place.这个地区以绿茶产地而出名。He is known to everyone as a good doctor.人人都知道他是个好医生。 As is known to all,.众所周知,It is known to all that从句As is known to all,Taiwan belongs to C



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