生物专业文献汇报ppt (2)

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1、Report:XXX Date: December 15, 2019,INTRODUCTION,Asymmetric cell divisions play key roles in development, After fertilization, plant zygote defines apical and basal cell lineages, generating the embryo proper and suspensor, respectively. It was shown that establishment of asymmetry depends on gradien

2、ts,in animal model systems or lower plants,but less know in maize. The small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) plays a major role in embryo development in animals, where it affects different cellular processes.,Arabidopsis has eight SUMO family members. Mutations in the SAE2 and the SCE1 lead to early

3、embryo arrest, indicating an essential role of SUMOylation after fertilization. Maize contains only three bona fide SUMO genes (SUMO1a and SUMO1b )as well as the novel cereal-specific DiSUMO-LIKE (DSUL). Its function as a putative protein modifier and its relation to bona fide SUMO remained unclear.

4、 Here, we report functional analysis of DSUL during asymmetric zygote division in maize, providing important insights on the molecular mechanism regulating zygote and early embryo development in plants through a novel dimeric SUMO family modifier.,RESULTS,1、Expression and Localization of DSUL during

5、 Asymmetric Zygote Division,EGFP,DSUL抗体,2、DSUL Is Required for Cytokinesis and Cell Plate Formation,3、Asymmetric DSUL Localization during Ovular Cell Divisions,4、DSUL and SUMO1 Display Distinct Localization Patterns during Cell Division,DSUL and SUMO1 are each shown in green, the tubulin network in red, and nucleus as well as chromosomes in blue.,5、DSUL and SUMO1 Are Conjugated by the Same Enzymatic Machinery,6、DSUL and SUMO1 Are Conjugated to Different Targets,


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