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1、SJY系列炉内加药装置SJY Series Boiler Chemical Dosing Equipment操作维护手册Maintenance Manual版 号: 01Edition :01文件编号:ZG/WH001-2006Document No. ZG/WH001-2006中美合资苏州赛华仪控有限公司SINO-US SUZHOU SAIHUA INSTRUMENT CONTROL CO.,LTD二六年一月SJY系列炉内加药装置 SJY BOILER CHEMICAL DOSING EQUIPMENTSJY系列炉内加药装置主要包括给水加氨,加联胺,炉水加磷酸盐,凝结水加氨等系统。SJY s

2、eries boiler chemical dosing equipment include the system of adding ammonia, adding hydrazine, adding phosphate of boiler and condensing water adding ammonia and so on. 结构布置 ConstructSJY系列炉内加药装置采用单元组合的布置形式。主要视机组容量的大小,锅炉配置的方式(多炉共用一套或单炉单套等),自动化程度水平的高低(自动或手动),灵活组合成不同的形式单元,安装在一个基架上。The SJY series chemic

3、al equipment adopts the type of unit construct. It installs on the frame which considers on the sets capacity, type of boiler collocate (one boiler for one unit and more than one boiler for one unit), and level of automatization (automatic and manual) could become different units. 计量泵平行布置,周围留有足够检修空间

4、,便于维护。Metering pump parallel arrangement, and it could leave enough room for maintenance. 电气控制柜布置于装置基架上,正面操作。 The electric control cubicle on the basic frame and front operated.各部件材质 material of each part各部件的材质主要分为不锈钢、碳钢、碳钢衬胶等,视用户需要和药品种类而定。The material of each part is stainless, carbon steel and its

5、 gum which consider on customer needed and kinds of chemical. 液位检测、自动停泵The pump of liquid level testing and stopping automatically溶液箱设置磁性翻板液位计,实现就地液位显示、液位远传、高低限报警,低低液位自动停泵,防止计量泵空转。There is a magnetic drop-leaf liquid level meter in the solution tank for displaying liquid level, transmitting liquid l

6、evel, alarming and stop automatic when the liquid level lower than normal and prevent from racing. 前置过滤 front filter装置在溶液箱出口设置过滤器,防止堵塞及设备出现故障。There is a filter on the outlet of the solution tank which prevent from jam and equipment broken. 配药 Dosing 氨液的配置除手工配置外也可进行自动控制,当溶液箱液位低至设定值时,自动开启凝结水进口电磁阀至高液位时

7、关闭,在溶液箱出口管道上安装的导电度表的测量值,控制进氨阀门开启,当浓度达到2%(相当于450s/cm的电导值)时,自动关闭进氨阀,完成配药。It could add the ammonia liquor automatically or manually. When the liquid level lower to set value, it will open the condense inlet solenoid valve to high liquid level automatically and then close it. 联胺溶液的配置采用手摇泵或电动抽液泵将联胺溶液加入溶液

8、箱内和凝结水混合,搅拌后得到的。It used automatic or manual method to add ammonia liquor and mixed with condensation water. 磷酸盐溶液的配置除将磷酸盐直接加入溶液箱搅拌配置外,也可单设溶解箱,经输液泵先循环搅拌后,再进入溶液箱的配置方法。There are two ways of phosphate liquid adding. One is adding directly into tank and the other indirectly.加药量的控制 quantity control加氨量的控制除

9、手动控制外,也可进行自动控制:根据加药点的流量、PH值信号,按照PID串级控制算法结合智能控制的数学模型计算出控制量,通过变频器调节加药泵的运行频率,从而控制加药量的大小达到自动加药的目的。It takes manual method of adding ammonia while it could take automatic method. According to flow of dosing point and signal of PH value, it would use PID cascade stage control algorithm with mathematical m

10、odel of intelligent control to work out the controlling quantity. Running frequency of dosing pump is adjusted by transducer for the dosing quantity control automatically. 加联胺量的控制除手动控制外,也可进行自动控制:根据加药点的N2H4(或PH)、流量信号,按照PID串级控制算法结合智能控制的数学模型计算出控制量,通过变频器调节加药泵的运行频率,从而控制加药量的大小达到自动加药的目的。It takes manual met

11、hod of adding diamine while it could take automatic method. According to N2H4 (or PH) of dosing point and flow signal, it would use PID cascade stage control algorithm with mathematical model of intelligent control to work out the controlling quantity. Running frequency of dosing pump is adjusted by

12、 transducer for the dosing quantity control automatically.加磷酸盐量的控制除手动控制外,也可进行自动控制:根据加药点的PO4(或PH)、流量信号,按照PID串级控制算法结合智能控制的数学模型计算出控制量,通过变频器调节加药泵的运行频率,从而控制加药量的大小达到自动加药的目的。It takes manual method of adding phosphate while it could take automatic method. According to PO4 (or PH) of dosing point and flow si

13、gnal, it would use PID cascade stage control algorithm with mathematical model of intelligent control to work out the controlling quantity. Running frequency of dosing pump is adjusted by transducer for the dosing quantity control automatically.远程监控 remote 通过计算机终端实时控制加药量、计量泵的启停以及对计量泵运行状态、溶液箱液位进行监测。I

14、t would monitor the dose, the startup, stoppage and running stage of meter pump and the liquid level of solution tank by computer terminal real-time control. 技术参数表 parameter 型号加氨SJYA-125SJYA-200SJYA-300SJYA-600加联胺SJYLA-125SJYLA-200SJYLA-300SJYLA-600加磷酸盐SJYL-125SJYL-200SJYL-300SJYL-600适用机组125MW以下机组12

15、5-200MW机组亚临界机组超临界机组溶液箱容积0.5-1.5立方米加药方式自动或手动泵出口压力加氨1.0MPa1.6MPa1.6MPa1.6MPa加联胺1.0MPa1.6MPa1.6MPa1.6MPa加磷酸盐12MPa18MPa25MPa30MPa泵出口流量加氨40L/H40L/H40-60L/H40-60L/H加联胺40L/H40L/H40-60L/H40-60L/H加磷酸盐30L/H30-40L/H30-40L/H40-46L/H组合形式一箱两泵、两箱两泵、两箱三泵、两箱四泵等typeadding ammoniSJYA-125SJYA-200SJYA-300SJYA-600adding diamineSJYLA-125SJYLA-200SJYLA-300SJYLA-600adding phosphateSJYL-125SJYL-200SJYL-300SJYL-600Equipment appliedLower than 125MW units125-200MW unitsSubcritical unitssupercritical un



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