虚拟语气 四种形式 三点注意

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《虚拟语气 四种形式 三点注意》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《虚拟语气 四种形式 三点注意(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、虚拟语气的 四种形式 及 三点注意 虚拟语气 作为日常交际应用中常常会出现的一种语言现象 一直是高考题几乎年年都要考到的一个热点 但对于中国学生来说 它又是一个难点 无怪乎许多学生学完虚拟语气后 常常会叹道 Iftherewerenosubjunctivemood English mucheasier A willbeB wouldhavebeenC couldhavebeenD wouldbe 一 掌握虚拟语气的四种主要形式 1 条件从句 主句 2 几个常用虚拟语气的句型 3 wish asif及ifonly的虚拟形式 4 Itistimethat的虚拟形式二 注意虚拟语气的三种活用现象 1

2、 含蓄条件句 2 时间错综句 3 虚实错综句 注意 If可能被省略 从句要倒装 Weresheincharge Ifshewereincharge shewoulddothingsdifferently HadIknownyouraddress IfIhadknownyouraddress Iwouldhavewrittenbefore Shouldyouchangeyourmind Ifyoushouldchangeyourmind noonewouldblameyou 1 Therice ifyouhadbeenmorecareful A wouldnotbeburningB wouldn

3、otburnC wouldnothaveburntD wouldnotburnt2 Ifmylawyer herelastSaturday he mefromgoing A hadbeen wouldhavepreventedB hadbeen wouldpreventC were wouldpreventD were wouldhaveprevented3 Ididn tseeyoursisteratthemeeting Ifshe shewouldhavemetmybrother A hascomeB didcomeC cameD hadcome4 forthefreetickets Iw

4、ouldnothavegonetothefilmssooften A IfitisnotB WereitnotC HaditnotbeenD Iftheyhavenot5 Youdidn tletmedrive Ifwe inturn you sotired A drove didn tgetB drove wouldn tgetC weredriving wouldn tgetD haddriven wouldn thavegot 6 Ifshehadworkedharder she A wouldsucceedB hadsucceededC shouldsucceedD wouldhave

5、succeed7 Ifhe he thatfood Luckilyhewassenttothehospitalimmediately A waswarned wouldnottakeB hadbeenwarned wouldnothavetakenC wouldbewarned hadnottakenD wouldhavebeenwarned hadnottaken8 Ifit tomorrow theywouldnotgotherebybike A willrainB rainsC wouldrainD shouldrain9 itraintomorrow wewouldhavetoputo

6、ffthevisittotheYangpuBridge A WereB ShouldC WouldD Will10 IfI you Iwouldnotdoit A amB wereC shallbeD being 1 动词 宾语从句一个坚持 insist 两个命令 order command 三个建议 suggest propose advise 四个要求 desire demand ask requireIproposethatwe should setadeadlineforhandingintheplans Isuggestthatwe should setoffatonce Iinsi

7、stedthatwe should decidewhattodowithhim 虚拟语气形式 should 动词原形 2 Itis was 上述动词的过去分词 that主语从句Itisdemandedthathe should leaveatonce Itisrequestedthatshe should giveaperformanceattheparty 3 Itis was important necessary better strange surprising natural possible apity nowonder that主语从句Itisbestthathe should

8、setoffatonce Itisimportantthateverybody should betoldallthefacts 虚拟语气形式 should 动词原形 4 order等 be 表语从句Myadviceisthatwe should sendforadoctor Oursuggestionisthatyou should befirsttogo Hisonlyrequestisthatyou should givehimmoretime 5 order等 同位语从句Doyouknowtheorderthatyou should keepwatch 上述结构中常用的名词有 sugg

9、estion order proposal plan idea command request等 虚拟语气形式 should 动词原形 Wesuggestthatwe should haveameeting Weinsistedthatthey should gowithus 记住 insist suggest各有两种意思 要用不同的语气insist表示将来的动作时 用虚拟形式 insist表示状态或过去的动作时 用陈述语气 suggest表示 建议 时 用虚拟形式 suggest表示 表明 暗示 时 用陈述语气 1 Iinsistthatadoctor immediately A hasbe

10、ensentforB sendsforC willbesentforD besentfor2 Itissuggestedthatthejob doneinanotherway A wasB wastobeC beD mustbe3 Hehadanideathatwe bybike A shallgoB goC wentD wouldgo4 Mysuggestionisthatthemeeting offtilltomorrow A toputB beputC shouldputD beputting 5 Theyoungmaninsistedthathe nothingwrongand fre

11、e A did setB haddone shouldbesetC do besetD does wouldbeset6 Itisnecessarythatyou presentatthediscussion A willbeB areC shouldbeD wouldbe7 Thebossgaveordersthatthework atonce A willbestartedB mustbestartedC bestartedD shouldstart8 Theguardthereinsistedthateverybody therules A obeysB obeyC willobeyD

12、wouldobey wish asif以及ifonly的虚拟形式 这几个词 词组 表虚拟时 其后所用的虚拟形式与条件从句基本相同 即此陈述语气中的时态后退一个时态 随 时 变化的几种用法 1 IwishI youyesterday A seenB didseeC hadseenD weretosee2 Whenapencilispartlyinaglassofwater itlooksasifit A breaksB hasbrokenC werebrokenD hadbeenbroken3 I dratherthatyou thereyesterdayand againnextweekend

13、 A went shouldcomeB shouldgo hadcomeC hadgone cameD go come4 Thetwostrangerstalkedasifthey friendsforyears A shouldbeB wouldbeC havebeenD hadbeen5 Iblamedheryesterday Iwouldratheryou that A didn tdoB hadn tdoneC wouldn tdoD shouldn tdo6 Heisaverybraveman Yes IwishI hiscourage A haveB hadC willhaveD

14、wouldhave Itistimethat的虚拟形式Itistimethat Itishightimethat Itisabouttimethat 谓语动词的虚拟形式为 动词过去式 be多为were should do Itistime还可以有其他句型形式 需注意辨析 Itistime forsb todosth Itistimeforsth doingsth Itisthefirsttimethat 从句用陈述语气的现在完成时 1 Itishightimeyou thebus A hadcaughtB caughtC willcatchD catch2 It sabouttimehe to

15、dothework A beginsB willbeginC beginD began3 It shightimethatwe toschool A wouldgoB wentC goD willgo4 Itistimewe upourresults A sumB summedC willsumD wouldsum 一 含蓄条件句含蓄条件句就是虚拟条件暗含在短语或上下文中 从句不表现出来 这时 必须根据句中表述的意义以及某些特定的信息词 并依据前文所列举的四种现象 来判断此时须采用的形式 1 Withoutelectricity humanlife quitedifferenttoday A

16、isB willbeC wouldhavebeenD wouldbe2 YesterdayJanewalkedawayfromthediscussion Otherwise she somethingshewouldregretlater A hadsaidB saidC mightsayD mighthavesaid Withoutelectricity Iftherewerenoelectricity 二 时间错综句从句与主句或上下文所表述的时间不一致 在这种情况下 我们切不可照搬某种形式 而应该按照句中所表述的时间关系 再选择相应的虚拟形式 例如 Ifyouhadworkedhardyesterday youwouldbetirednow 1 Iftheflowerhadbeenwatered it now A wouldn tdieB isdeadC hadbeendeadD willnotdie2 Ifhistelevisionsethadnotbeenstolenyesterday he TVnow A wouldwatchB wouldhavewatchedC would


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