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1、-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -1-四年级英语上册期中测试 2姓名 班级 分数 听力部分(30 分)一、选出你所听到的内容,将其序号写在题前的括号内。10 分 ( )1.A.pen B.pencil C.ball pen( )2.A.copybook B.notebook C.storybook( )3.A.rabbit B.rubber C.ruler( )4.A.blue B.balloon C.brown( )5.A.kite B.bike C.my( )6.A.dog B.bag C.doll( )7.A.car B.cap C.cat( )8.A.panda B.pencil cas

2、e C.pear( )9.A.puppet B.puzzle C.purse( )10.A.she B.he C.her二、听录音,判断下列句子是否与你所听的内容相同,相同打“”,不同打“”。10 分 ( )1. 当你想向别人询问一件事的时候,你通常先说: Excuse me .( )2. 当我们在寻找自己的钱包时,我们会说:Wheres my purse ?( )3. 教师节时 ,我们应该很有礼貌地对老师说一声: Happy Teachers Day !( )4. 当我们去朋友家做客,进门时应该有礼貌地询问一声: May I come in ?( )5. 当我们向别人借阅物品时,我们应说:

3、Can I have a look ?( )6. 我想把一本笔记本给高山时,会说:Heres a notebook for you .( )7. 你猜测杨玲的伞在教室,会说:Perhaps your umbrella is in the classroom .( )8. 你想问迈克是否喜欢红色,会问:Do you like red ?( )9. 当你收到同学送给你的礼物时,你会对这位同学说: Thank you very much .( )10.当你想知道 “这个用英语怎么说?”时,你会问: Whats this in English ?三、听录音,完成句子。10 分 -小学资源网投稿邮箱:

4、 - -2-A: Whats this _ _ ?B: Its a _ .A: Whats _ over there ?B: Its my _ _ .A: Can _ have a look ?B: _ . Here you are .A: Oh , how nice !B: This one is _ _ .A: Thank you very much .笔试部分(70 分)一、判断下列单词的划线部分发音是否相同,相同的用“S”表示,不相同的用“D”表示。(5 分)1.door bag ( ) 2.for five ( )3.kite rabbit ( ) 4.cat cinema ( )5

5、.ruler rubber ( ) 6.look book ( )7.have cake ( ) 8.hot hamburger ( )9.tiger orange ( ) 10.nice cap ( )二、找出不是同类的单词。(5 分)( )1.A.pen B.ball pen C. pear( )2.A.dog B. rubber C. rabbit( )3.A.blue B. yellow C. balloon( )4.A.car B. bike C. lion( )5.A.copybook B. notebook C. black三、词组互译。(10 分) 1. 在课桌上_2. 一辆玩

6、具小汽车_3. 那只老虎 _ 4. 用英语_5. 杨林的书签_6.他的钥匙 _-小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -3-6. Not at all._7. I see._8. I dont like it._ 9. Wheres the balloon? _ 10. Happy Teachers Day. _ 四、单项选择。(20 分) ( )1. A: I come in? B: Come in, please. A. Do B. May C. Am ( )2. This copybook is you. A. for B. give C. to ( )3. a card for you. A.

7、This B. That C. Heres ( )4. Do you like ? A. puppet B. puppets C. a puppet ( )5. This is monkey, I think. A. His B. he C. his ( )6. Whats over there? A. this B. that C. these ( )7. A: Is this your clock? B: Yes, . A. it is B. it isnt C. I am ( )8. Whats that English? A. with B. in C. on ( )9. A: Do

8、you like kites? B: No, . A. I do B. I dont C. it isnt ( )10. A: are you? B: Im in the kitchen. A. Where B. What C. Wheres ( )11. A: This ruler is for Gao Shan. B: A. Thank you B. All right C. Thats right. ( )12. A: Where Gao Shan? B: Hes in the computer room. A. is B. am C. are ( )13. A: Id like app

9、le. A. a B. an C. two ( )14.A: Look at my toy panda. B: lovely! A: how B. What C. How ( )15. I have a toy rabbit. In box? Guess! A. what B. which C. how ( )16. Whats that_? -A storybook. A. where B. here C. over there ( )17. Is Miss Xu in the TV room? -No, she_. -小学资源网投稿邮箱: - -4-A. is. B. isnt. C a

10、re ( )18. How are you? -_. A. twenty B. Fine, thanks. C. All right. ( )19. Its _ English book. A. an B.a C. the ( )20. Do you like your story book?_. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I am. C. Yes, I can.五、连词成句并译成中文。(10 分)1. I may have book (?)2. in what is English that (?)3.a thats monkey nice (.)4. on whats de

11、sk that the (?)5. for toy heres you rabbit a (.)六、选择合适的回答,将其序号填在题前的括号内。10 分( )1. Nice to meet you . A. Bye-bye.( )2. May I come in ? B. Not at all .( )3. How are you ? C. Come in ,please .( )4. Can I have a look ? D. Its a toy bear .( )5. Whats this in English ? E. Thank you .( )6. Goodbye ,Miss Li . F. Nice to meet you .( )7. Thank you . G. Sure .Here you are .( )8. This pen is for you . H.Great .L


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