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1、2011年3月高级口译听力完整答案及听力原文及解析听力答案SECTION ONE: LISTENING TESTPart A Spot Dictation:1. freedom and connection2. top five benefits3. to think differently4. old boring way of doing things5. oppose the common wisdom6. fixed and boring7. invite your inner child out 8. shifts the new world of discovery9. every

2、 human spent time10. brought a smile to your face11. and a feeling of inner peace12. watch your joy factor13. to reduce stress14. basic to human existence15. adaptive abilities16. healthy answers to challenging situations17. add a feeling of relaxation18. stimulate the imagination19. more meaningful

3、 understanding20. various possible situationsPart B Listening Comprehension:1-5 BDBBC 6-10 BDACB11-15 BCDAC 16-20 ABCBCSECTION TWO: READING TEST1-5 C D D A A 6-10 C D B C C11-15 A D B D B 16-20 B D B B CSECTION FOUR: LISTENING TESTPart A Note-taking and Gap-filling:critical/ vital/ important/ essent

4、ialsaving/ cure/categoricallydeprofessionalizeddistancinghistoryListening75%10%laboratorytechnologyrelationshipinefficienttechnologiesdrugshospitalizationrewardbeyondcaringpatientPart B: Listening and Translation:sentence translation1、首先让我们来定义这两个术语。第一个术语是“服务业经济”。“服务业经济”是指在这种经济形式下,大多数的工作者为别人提供服务比如为汽车

5、加油而不是从事制造。2、从我的角度来说,家庭作业无论对老师还是学生都是沉重的负担。减少家庭作业将会给老师、学生和家长创造更多直接交流的机会。3、美国的失业形势在2000年到2005年间有了稳步改善。在2000年,失业率几乎达到8%,但是到了2005年降到4%以上。4、 专家表示,我们可以预测在21世纪交通技术将有很多革新。我们现在使用的各种交通工具今后将会更普遍,但它们的设计、材质和技术会有变化。5、 仅去年一年,家庭盗窃案的损失与前一年相比上升27%,其金额达到1亿3千8百20万英镑。一些保险公司拒绝对我们所谓的“高危地区”提供保险。passage translation1、 现在,由于许多


7、送往急症室的女性中,百分之22到35也是因为遭受家庭暴力的缘故。在哥伦比亚等一些南美国家,向警方报案的70%案件都与女性被丈夫殴打有关。听力原文SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blank with the word or words you have hear

8、d on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Renowned US economist John Rutledge who helped frame the fiscal policies of two formal US presidents warned that an abrupt rise in Chinas currency could lead to another As

9、ian financial crisis. The founder of Rutledge Capital told the media that if the Yuan rises too fast and too high, it would discourage foreign direct investment in China, while encouraging currency manipulation by markets speculators. Currency change is more difficult for investors, and more excitin

10、g for speculators. The Chinese currency has appreciated by more than 5% since July 2005, when the country allow the Yuan to float against the US dollar, with a daily band of 0.3%. The analysts are expecting the currency to rise another 4% by the end of this year. But if the Yuan rose 20% to 30%, as

11、some US politicians are demanding, it would jeopardize the Chinese economy, causing a recession and deflation. Similar advise to allow an abrupt appreciation of a currency led to the Asian financial crises in 1997, and came very close to destroying the Japanese economy. The US economist says that in

12、vestors want foremost to avoid risks associated with large fluctuations in currency and inflation. They calculate returns on their investment after evaluating risks to benefits such as lower labour cost. A rising Yuan would drive up labour costs for forming investors and would not result in higher w

13、ages for workers. Earlier reports said the currency speculators had pumped 200 billion US dollars into China, by the end of last year, with another 17 billion US dollars flowing into the economy in the first 3 months of this year. There is no way to accurately track the flow of this types of investm

14、ent, and many economists disagree that the amount of speculative cash is so high, instead of further appreciating its currency. China should make the Yuan convertible to the US dollar. If the Yuan were more easily converted into foreign currencies, it would allow Chinese companies to expand overseas

15、, facilitate the purchase of foreign technology and provide management experience, and capital that China needs. It would also shrink for extra reserves and reduce speculative money coming into the country.解析:经济类文章,探讨了最近人民币升值以及背后的一些隐患问题;除了涉及到一些经济类的专用词汇,整体难度不大;currency n. 货币,通货;manipulation n. 操作,控制;speculator n. 投机商;speculative cash 投机热钱;appreciate v. 增值;depreciate v. 贬值;float v. 指(汇率)浮动;analyst n. 分析家;fluctuation n. 波动,起伏;inflation n. 通货膨胀;deflation n. 通货紧缩;convert v. 兑换;converti


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