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1、汤阴职教中心2016-2017学年第二学期期中考试英 语 (命题人:李妍超)一词汇判断1-10(每小题1分,共10分)1秘密Alook B secret Csee Dfeel2居住Aon Bin Clive Dover3一月AJanuary BFebruary CMarch DApril 4惊人的Agood Bwonderful Chere Dthere5度过Alike Blove Cspend Dhate6烹饪,煮,烧Agood Bclock Clook Dcook7工具Adesk Btable Cchair D tool8交通Ahave Btraffic Clight Dsay9层,楼层A

2、second Bflower Cfloor Dmonth10全部的,全体的;完整的Awhole Ball Cboth Deither二选择填空11-20(每小题2分,共20分)11There _ a new building on the campus.Aam Bis Care Dbe12Hes the same height _ his brother.Afor Bto Cat Das13We _ playing basketball.Aam good at Bis good at Care good at Dare good14 _ large it is!AWhat BWhere CHo

3、w DWhen15Let me help you _ the house.Aclean Bcleaning Ccleaned Ddo16You dont need _a bus.Atake Bto take Ctaking Dtook17A month ago, I _ to Beijing to learn Chinese cooking.Acome Bcame Ccoming Dto come18He goes to work at six _.Aat weekday Bon weekdayCat weekdays Don weekdays19With best _!Awish Bwish

4、s Cwishes Dwishing20Some programs even teach children _ to cook or_ to use tools.Awhat; what Bwhy; why C how; how Dwhere; where三补充对话21-30(每小题2分,共20分)21- How are you?- _. AHow do you do? BHow are you? CFine, thank you. DThats right.22- How do you do?- _.AQuite better BHow do you do?CVery well DFine,

5、thank you.23- Glad to meet you.- _.AGlad to meet you, too. BThank you.CYou are nice. DHello.24- See you later!- _.AThanks BHow are you? CHi. DSee you!25- Thank you for your help- .AYes, please. BDont thank me.CNo thanks. DYou are welcome.26 Where are you from? _ . AIm Chinese. BIm a student.CIm here

6、. DIm from Beijing.27- Good morning, Nancy.- .AGood. BHello.CGood morning. DGood afternoon.28 Hell , Mary, _there any books on the desk? Yes, There _.Aam; am Bis; isCare; areDis ; are 29 _? Its Sunday. AWhats the date BWhat day is it CWhat time is itDDo you have time30. - Welcome to China!- .AThanks

7、 BHow do you doCOh, good DNot at all四 阅读理解31-40(每小题2分,共20分)AGood afternoon, boys and girls. Im Li Hong. Im an English boy. Li Hong is my Chinese name. Look, this is a picture of my family. The tall man is my father. His name is Ken Martin. This is my mother, Sandy Jordan. Whos that little girl? She

8、is my sister, Lucy. Can you find me in the picture? Im the boy in blue. ( )31This is _ family. Aa Chinese Ban English Ca Japanese ( )32There are _ people in the picture. Atwo Bthree Cfour( )33_ is my father. ASandy BKen CMrs. Martin( )34_ is my mother. ASandy BKen CMrs. Martin ( )35What color am I i

9、n? I am in _. Abrown Bblack CblueBJohn lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isnt a river near his new house. He is not happy (开心).One day he asks his mother,“ Is there a river near here?” “No, there isnt.” His mother says. “But here, our new house has a garden.” “But its very

10、 small, I dont like it.” John says.One morning , his mother says, “There is a beautiful park near here , and there is a pool(水池) in it . Well go there in the afternoon.” John is very happy.After lunch, John and his mother go to the park, and he plays in the pool. And his mother is watching him under

11、 a tree.( ) 36. John lives in the new house _. A. in the park B. near a river C. with a garden ( ) 37. He likes playing _. A. in his new house B. in a river C. in the garden ( ) 38. There isnt _ near his new house. A. a river B. a park C. a garden ( ) 39. John and his mother go to the park _. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C.


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