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1、2020合肥一模答案及试题汇总英语对答案,微博关注:高三考试号词义猜测题专练(一)词汇猜测类A2019湖北八校3月联考 The pumpkin (南瓜) theme is everywhere at Butlers Orchard in Germantown, Maryland. It has thousands of pumpkins, including a pumpkin patch where people can pick their own pumpkin. There are also other things to do, like riding a pony, rushing

2、 down a slide or walking around a corn maze with its confusing winding pathways. Some children discover the big orange fruits way more than they think. Visitors can pick their own in season fruits, vegetables and flowers. Butlers Orchard opened more than sixty years ago, as one of the first pick you

3、r own farms in the area. Ken Merriam brought his children. He says Butlers Orchard brings back good memories of growing up on a farm in Honduras. “Its a little bit of what I used to have as a kid, so thats why I think its nice to bring them over here. Get them out of the city.” Shirley Butlers grand

4、children who are in their 30s are now the third generation to run the farm. General manager Tyler Butler says children who usually only see pumpkins in grocery stores can learn how pumpkins are grown.“I didnt know pumpkins came from a vine. There are flowers on this vine. There are roots.” These lit

5、tle girls are learning about pumpkins during their first trip to a pumpkin patch to feel the nature and the fruits. For Tristan Piazzas mother, the Fall Festival is an annual event. “My parents have always brought me. I bring my kid now. I hope he stays in the area and he can bring his kids.” Since

6、family funds are hard to keep_afloat these days, Tyler Butler appreciates the tens of thousands of visitors who come to the Fall Festival each year.体裁:记叙文题材:日常活动主题:自助果园巩固了家庭的关系【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了Butler自助果园的一些活动项目和它对于他人的家庭所起到的独一无二的作用。【难句分析】It has thousands of pumpkins, including a pumpkin patch where

7、people can pick their own pumpkin.分析:本句主句是It has thousands of pumpkins, 后面的介词短语作状语,状语中含有where引导的定语从句,其先行词为a pumpkin patch, where 在从句中作地点状语。译文:这个果园有数以千计的南瓜,包括一片南瓜地,在那里人们可以采摘他们自己的南瓜。1At Butlers Orchard, visitors can experience _.Apicking vegetables in personBgrowing vegetables by themselvesCtasting fr

8、uits off seasonDselling pumpkins online答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第一段倒数第二句“Visitors can pick their own in season fruits, vegetables, and flowers”可知,游客可以在Butler果园里亲自采摘时令的水果、蔬菜和鲜花,故选A项。2Why did Ken Merriam take his children to the farm?AThey want to run it.BThey want to grow vegetables.CIt reminds him of his chi

9、ldhood.DIt provides them with fun activities.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第二段第二句“He says Butlers Orchard brings back good memories of growing up on a farm in Honduras”可知,他带孩子来这里是因为这里让他想起了他的童年,故选C项。3Which of the following best explains “keep afloat” underlined in the last paragraph?AGuarantee. BEarn.CExpand. DSpe

10、nd.答案与解析:A考查词义猜测。根据对画线短语所在句的理解可知,本句是说果园的经营者对来果园参加节日活动的游客表示感激,因为这些日子果园的资金有些周转不开。由此可推知,画线短语和guarantee“保证”含义相近,故选A项。4Whats the main idea of the passage?AThe Fall Festival is an annual event.BPumpkins at Butlers Orchard are organic.CPick your own farms are increasingly popular.DButlers Orchard strengthe

11、ns the bond of the family.答案与解析:D考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了Butler果园的一些活动项目和它在巩固他人家庭关系上发挥的作用,故D项最能概括文意。B2019山西太原五中阶段检测The Arctic Circle the habitat of polar bears and decreasing sea ice at the top of the world hit 32 degrees Celsius last week.This was the temperature in Banak, Norway on July 30, though so

12、me Norwegian areas even reached a couple degrees warmer, according to the European Severe Weather Database. Banak sits atop northern Europe, over 350 miles above the bottom edge of the Arctic Circle. The Northern Hemisphere and Europe itself have been repeatedly scorched by both record and nearrecor

13、d temperatures this summer as a consequence of overall rising global temperatures.In the past 40 years, Earths climate has experienced an accelerated warming trend, which adds an extra level of background warming to hot spells making heatwaves more extreme, climate scientists have said.A photo of wh

14、at appears to be Scandinavian folks taking a dip in a river while reindeer the coldadapted herbivores (食草动物) cooled off in the water beside them is perhaps the best example of just how hot it is in parts of the Arctic Circle right now.The “warm season” in Banak is short, lasting around three months,

15、 but the very warmest day of the year, around July 23, is usually around 62 degrees Fahrenheit (华氏度) about 30 degrees cooler than temperatures there now. Overall, temperatures in northern Europe are between 14 to 21 degrees Fahrenheit, 10 to 6 degrees Celsius above average.Alltime temperature record

16、s were set in both Norway and Finland on July 30, including 86 degrees Fahrenheit, 30 degrees Celsius, in Cape Verde, near Banak, though extreme or nearrecord temperatures blanketed the region. Persistent heat and dryness this summer have transformed normally green European countries into brown and yellow


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