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1、U校园新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版unit5答案Unit 5 Urban pulseListening to the world5-2 SharingPractice 1Practice 21) cities2) mix of people3) peace and quietPractice 3DEA CFBPractice 4AABBAPractice 51) horribly2) get round3) on the go4) take time out5)missing out6) green transport7)crime8) committing crimes5-3 Liste

2、ningUse the skills 1Use the skills 21) shopping2) good nightlife3)safe4)cheap5) terrible6) restaurants7) fantastic8)fast9) green10) crowded11) friendly12) atmosphere13) clean14) safe15) see16) do17) beautiful18) perfect19) culture20) too muchThink and speak 15-4 ViewingGet a clue 1Viewit11. (I) a co

3、mbined age2. (2) forgotten(3) stuck indoors(4) felt right(5) 16 times / sixteen times(6) closure(7) meet3. (8) 40/ forty4. (9) available online(10) Two million/ 2 millionThink and speak 1Speaking for communication5-6 Role-playingNote them down 11) a hotel2) The air conditioning3) send someone up4) a

4、 restaurant5) 20 minutes / twenty minutes6) the service charge7) busy time8) a train station9)an hour10) wrong type of snowNote them down 2AAB BAB5-7 PresentingOrganize ideas 1More practice in listening5-8 More practice in listeningConversations 1AABADConversations 2AADBPassages 1BDCDPassages 21) jo

5、in up2)reaction3)makes increasing sense4)sustainable5) aims6) monitored7)access to8) experimenting with9) eye-catching10) commutingNews 1DBNews 2BCAUnit test5-10 Unit test短对话5题1) The woman probably moved in not long ago.2) Shanghai may soon rival Paris and Milan.3) She hopes Steve will get some comp

6、ensation.4) Its impossible to change the room.5) Shes not accustomed lo the large building.长对话5题6) The cat is named after a singer called Bo.7) He catches various kinds of animals.8) He could not walk steadily.9) The cat attacked the vet.10) He wanted attention and love.短文理解5题11) Bribery is offering

7、 money or favors lo influence decision-making.12) Because the money offered is for the manager s personal use.13) By offering enjoyable vacations.14) The prices of goods may get much higher.15) The society.复合式听写10题16) widespread17) property18) permeates19) robbed20) victim21) argue about22) contribute to23) population24) remains unsolved25) proposed



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