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2、课堂始终。一切教学活动都围绕这一主线展开。在设计每一环节的活动时,都采用了适时适度的评价方式,激发了学生的学习兴趣。教学内容 本节课是外研版教材初中英语八年级下册Module 4 中的Unit 1 New technology。 在教学过程中,围绕这一课题,我设计了以下六个部分的学习内容:首先让学生们掌握本单元的重要和基本词汇以及重要及基本短语;让学生们对if引导的条件状语从句有个基本了解,然后再在基本了解的基础上加深认识;让学生根据课本里的例句和多媒体课件上的例句对if引导的状语从句有个全面深入的认识,以及用这个基本句型来描述一个新科技,新技术;扩展训练,让他们用所学知识(新词汇以及新句型来

3、模拟现实生活中的对话,来课上锻炼),通过问答对话和造句,完成本单元的学习目标和任务,并进行相关的写作训练;结合生活实际,巩固if引导的条件状语从句的用法;根据以上内容来达到能力目标。在处理这六部分的教学内容时,我把重点放在了让学生理解和掌握if引导的状语从句上,让学生通过看、听、说、练,写等练习,巩固句型及其用法。在对话教学中,注重对学生听音能力的培养,并对学法进行了指导,加深了学生对对话的理解和运用以及在生活中的对话练习。此外,在评价方法的选择上,我采用了小组评价和个人评价相结合的评价方法,极大的调动了学生的学习热情。教学对象教学项目New words and new phrases,cho

4、ose, copy,connect,instruction,key,memory,symbol,basic,boring,especially,only,simple,take your video,save your video, playback, lend, record, press, connect to, send sb sthbasic sentences: if引导的条件状语从句If you want to turn on the radio, press the blue button.If the red light doesnt come on, wait thirty

5、minutes.教学方法任务型教学法、多媒体教学教学手段利用图片、多媒体课件,以及教材辅助教学,充分调动全体学生参与课堂活动,从而提高课堂教学效率,使学生们能更加轻松容易的掌握该单元知识。教学目标语 言 知 识复习巩固所学新单词新短语,能熟练拼写和准确记忆其对应词汇意思;学习新句型(if引导的条件状语从句),if + 条件状语从句+ 祈使句。能 力能够准确的练习中在日常生活中运用if引导的条件状语从句,即if + 条件状语从句+ 祈使句。(可将其用于和别人的交谈和会话中)通过学习本单元知识,提高学生的听力水平,口语水平和灵活运用新句型新知识的水平。教学重点 new words and new

6、phrases; 2.the basic sentence pattern: if conditional clause(if 引导的条件状语从句) 3.understand the instructions of using a piece of technology.教学难点通过学习,掌握if -conditional clause + imperative sentence(if 引导的条件状语从句+ 祈使句 )give instructions of using a piece of technology by using the new vocabulary and structur

7、es the students have learned.教具准备图片、卡片、录音机、多媒体课件二、学习者分析本节课的教学对象是内蒙古鄂尔多斯市鄂托克前旗鄂托克前旗中学八年级第二学期的学生,该班学生在英语学习上普遍有着浓厚的兴趣,能够积极按照老师要求进行学习,作为初中二年级,第二年就要参加中考的学生,他们在英语的听、说、读、写方面已经奠定了比较坚实,稳固的基础。面对八年级,即将步入九年级学生,我把对他们学习的重点放在了知识的继续积累和巩固复习上,为了使学生牢固掌握以往所学知识,在教学的过程中,教师们起到了指引,启发,解惑的作用,帮助学生认识接受知识,归纳整理知识,从而提高复习效果。本课是外语研

8、究出版社八年级下册module4 中的unit1,其中重点是需要学生掌握本单元的new words and new phrases; 其次还要求他们掌握本单元的 basic sentence pattern: if conditional clause(if 引导的条件状语从句) 3.understand the instructions of using a piece of technology.刚上课的时候我设置了一些问题来引导他们进入本单元要学习的范围里,又用了多媒体课件,有声音,有图像,这极大地调动了学生的积极性,使之都非常愿意参与进来,就为他们更好地掌握本单元的知识奠定了基础。为了

9、调动学生参与课堂,我设计了多种评价方式,有个人评价,也有小组评价,并针对学生在课堂上的表现,及时进行表扬,虽然时间有限,但是,我让学生参与评价,不但节约了时间,而且使评价更具有公正性。反思如何使学生掌握学习的技巧?如何运用小组讨论和对话练习来锻炼,以至是学生们达到熟练掌握和运用知识的程度?如何在有限时间里对全体学生进行评价?四、Teaching processTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPurpose of DesignStep 1:asking questions First,ask students some questions about the

10、topic of this unit .for example, what kind of new technology do you know? How many new technology can you say? Then, the teacher take some as examples to students. Such as, the induction cooker, electronic rice cooker, soybean milk machine, juicing machine, the maglev, rocket, fridge, air conditione

11、r.,And so on.Step 2: Going on the lesson by following the pptFollow the ppt, going on the lesson by prepare the lesson well. One step by another step.,First, go over the words with the pictures on the ppt, Then, read the dialogue on the book and find out the sentences that have the if conditional cl

12、ause. Read them and translate them by one group, and find out the key knowledge points.Second, summarize the main phrases of this unit, and students will write them down, and give them some minutes to do that. Third, the examples on the ppt about the if conditional clause can make students master th

13、e sentence more easily and quickly.Step 3: trying to practice After give them the examples of if conditional clause on the ppt, then give students some questions that not too hard to practice. For example, give you a phone can you give ma a simple introduction about it, remember to use the if condit

14、ional clause.Step 4: homework Homework is also very easy, it is write a introduction about a new technology that they know. First, Think about the questions and answer them. Then, look at the multifunction machine(ppt)And match the words to the pictures of all kinds of new technology, and try to rem

15、ember them. In fact, they just need to familiar with them. First, Look at the ppt and match the pictures with the words, and read them together. Then look at the book, find out the sentences that have the if conditional clause. Read them and translate them by one group, and find out the key knowledge points. Then translate them by themselves. Look at the ppt, read the if conditional clause, and translate them one sentence by one sentence, and find out the main knowledge point.



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