九年级英语下册 (试用本)教学与中考复习题 上海牛津版.doc

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1、(2011.01-060)上海版牛津英语9B(试用本)教学与中考复习题上海版牛津英语 9B 第一章 学习辅导材料(11.02)学习新词语consumer n. 消费者;消耗者 例如: The product must meet the demand of consumers. 产品必须满足消费者的要求。同根词:consumption n. 消费 consume v. 消费 consumable adj. 可消费的 consumptive adj. 消费的;消耗的(n. 肺病患者) 例如:The consumption of beer went down when tax on it was r

2、aised. 当啤酒税提高时,啤酒的消耗量就降低了。atmosphere n. 大气层 例如:The aeroplane can only fly in the atmosphere. 飞机只能在大气层飞行。 同根词:atmospheric adj. 大气层的;气压的;气氛的 atmospherecal adj.大气所引起的 atmospherically adv. 就大气的作用而言;气压上 例如: atmopheric conditions 大气的情况global adj. 全球的;全世界的 例如:The commission is calling for a global ban(禁令)o

3、n whaling. 委员会要求全球禁止捕鲸。同根词:globe n. 地球;世界;地球仪 例如:The students study geography with the help of the globe.学生们利用地球仪帮助他们学习地理。 词组:global warming 全球变暖flood n. 洪水; v. (使)灌满水;淹没 例如:The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.(n.c) 大雨时全国许多地方泛滥成灾。If the pipe bursts, it could flood the whole

4、 house.(v.) 要是水管爆裂,整座房子就会灌满水。同根词:flooding n. 洪水泛滥 例如: There will be heavy rain with flooding in some areas. 有些地方将有大雨,会致洪灾。an essential protective layer 一层必要的保护层CFCs (chlorofluorocarbon) 氟氯化碳spray n. 喷雾器;雾汽;水沫 例如: The spray of the waterfall splashed to her face. 瀑布的水沫溅到她的脸上。erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀 同根词:erode

5、 v. 腐蚀;侵蚀 erosive adj. 腐蚀性的;侵蚀的fuel n.c 燃料 例如:The fuels of the car has run out. 汽车的燃料耗尽了。layer n. 层 例如:This cake has a layer of chocolate in the middle. 这蛋糕中间有一层巧克力。lifeless adj. 无生命的 例如: We think the Mars is a lifeless planet. 我们认为火星是一个没有生命的星球。massive adj. 巨大的 同根词:mass n. 块;大多数,大量;群众 例如:They held a

6、 mass meeting. 他们开了个群众大会。occur v. 存在,发生 (occurred, occurred, occurring) 例如:The accident occurred at five oclock. 事故发生在五点钟。The earthquake occurring in Sichuan Province on May 12th 2008 made many people lose their lives. 2008年5月12日发生在四川省的地震造成了许多人死亡。词义辨析 happen, occur, take place 这三个词(组)都含有“发生”的意思。 hap

7、pen 为常用词语,指“一切客观事物或情况的偶然或未能预见的发生”。例如:The accident happened yesterday. 事故发生在昨天。 occur 是较正式的用语,指“按计划使某事或效果发生”,通常所指的时间和事件都比较确定,在以具体事物、事件作主语时,可与happen 互换。例如:These events occurred in 1909. 这些事件发生于1909年。 take place 指“发生事先计划或预想到的事物”。例如:The meeting took place at 9:00 as planned. 按计划会议在九点举行。pollute v. 污染 例如:

8、Your smoking is polluting the air in this room. 你抽烟污染了房间里的空气。 同根词: pollution n.U 污染,污染物 : You can see the pollution on this beach. 你可以看到沙滩上的污染物。Pollution in the air reduced the visibility near the airport. 空气中的污染降低了机场附近的能见度。The men were clearing all the pollution off the shore. 人们在清除海滩上的污染物。threat n

9、.C 威胁 例如:Corruption and crime are serious threats to any society. 腐败和犯罪对于任何一个社会都是严重的威胁。The threat of war has depressed business activities. 战争的威胁使商业变得不景气。He took no notice of his fathers threat. 他不理会他父亲的警告。 常用搭配: (1) the threats to 对于的威胁 例如:The coming typhoon has started its threats to the cities on

10、 coast. 即将到来的台风已经开始对沿海城市的威胁。 (2) a / the threat of 的(坏)兆头, 的迹象 例如: It seems that there is a threat of typhoon. 好像有要刮台风的迹象。 同根词:threaten v. 恐吓,威胁 例如:His father threatened to beat the boy if he stole again. 男孩的父亲威胁说如果他再偷东西的话,就要揍他。【词组】be in danger 处于危险之中 例如:This book says that our world is in danger. 这

11、本书说我们的世界正处于危险之中。词义辨析:be in danger, dangerous dangerous是形容词,意思是“危险的”指句子中的主语对别人别的事物有危害;而in danger是介词短语,意思是“处于危险状况,在危险中”,指句子的主语处于危险状况中。例如:He told me that the girl was in danger, so we went to help her. 他告诉我这女孩处境危险,因此我们去帮她。He was in danger of losing life. 他有丧命的危险。Its dangerous to play with fire. 玩火很危险。T

12、he man was dangerous. We must be careful with him. 这人很危险,我们必须提防他。 词语拓展:out of danger 脱离危险 例如:We are now out of danger. 我们已经脱离危险。first of all 首先 与first 意思相同,语气更重,更强调其重要性和首要地位。例如:First of all, lets invite Mr. Wilson to give us a speech.首先我们请威尔逊先生给我们讲话。 the Greenhouse Effect 温室效应 effect(n.)指“影响;变动;结果”通

13、常与介词on 连用,表示对人或事物所起的作用。例如: His words had a strong effect on me. 他的话对我影响很大。 Her shouting had little or no effect on him. 她只管叫,他就是不理不睬。keep sth.(sb.)doing 阻止做某事,from 后接动词-ing 形式,与preventfrom doing sth.意思相近。例如: The atmosphere is acting like the glass letting sunlight in which keeping much of the warmth

14、 from getting out. 大气层像个玻璃罩,吸入阳光而阻止热量散失。 What keep you from joining us last night? 昨天晚上什么事使你不能来参加我们的晚会? 同意词组;stop from doing sth.; preventfrom doing sth. 这两个短语中的from可以省略,而keep sth. from doing sth.中的from 不能省略,否则变成keep sb. doing sth. 意思 是“使某人一直做某事”。 在被动语态中三个短语中的from 都不能省略,就是在be stopped / prevented / k

15、ept from doing sth.中,from 都不能省略。例如: She was prevented / stopped / kept from taking the exam by illness. 她因病未能参加考试。burn up 烧掉;焚毁 例如: The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earths atmosphere. 宇宙飞船进入地球大气层时烧毁了。take in 吸收(相当于absorb) 例如: People take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. 人们吸入氧气,呼出二氧化碳。



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